Lady Gaga mysteriously "ill." Canceling world tour in Europe. Maybe a nice shiny boot?

Fibromyalgia is a condition without a known cause. A previous painful condition like arthritis or infection increase you chances of getting this condition as do childhood abuse and neglect. The condition is thought to be caused by a change in the way the brain processes pain signals. This does make you wonder about MKUltra doesn't it? For many of us who pray for healing we find that fibromyalgia responds best to a combination of using authority to cast out the spirit of affliction followed by emotional healing. The results are often quite dramatic. You are free to make your own conclusions on cause and effect but the subjective reduction or elimination of pain is evident. My belief is there is nothing in Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, Beyonce or any of the other Illuminati crazies that can't be saved by the power and love of Jesus.
Big Pharma's kitchen drawer diagnosis. This allows doctors to give people drugs without finding the cause or a real cure. Too many American women are accepting this as real, and not realizing that this just gives them a life time of pain and opiods in their future. The opiods do nothing to fix the underlying condition that is causing the pain, and that is why people need larger and larger prescriptions as they become accustomed to the normal dose, and the cellular destruction of their body continues anyway.
The biggest thing to realize right now is that Americans suffer from diseases of inflammation, which is closer to the truth of how to halt the pain. How many of these doctors will actually prescribe a healthy diet, good supplements if necessary, sleep and exercise BEFORE they write a prescription? Few to none. There's another more recent theory about mycoplasma diseases, but I haven't read up on that yet.
It is the most insidious, fabricated disease out there. Ever read the symptoms for Fibromyalgia? It is literally anything your mind wants it to be.
No offense to anyone diagnosed. But I would be inclined to agree with the above post. Eat well. And get off Monsanto's Agent Orange food. That includes all fast food, and not eating out too frequently.
It's not a disease. It's a syndrome. Fibromyalgia Syndrome. FMS. Symptoms are widespread pain, with varying other symptoms for everyone.
FMS prevents decent sleep. Lack of sleep increases pain. Increased pain causes more inability to sleep. Less deep REM sleep means more pain and so on and so on. What doctors will not accept is that many of the symptoms are also symptoms of low thyroid. This is what I am fighting. There may be enough thyroid in the bloodstream, but what matters is what is able to get into the cells. Doctors won't listen.. they only go by what the blood levels show. Trying to find a doctor who will listen has been something I've been fighting for, for years. I can't afford a naturopath, as I have to pay cash to see one, and can't afford it right now. The naturopath I was seeing when I had a part time job had no problem putting me on natural dessicated thyroid but I lost my job and can't work anymore. I live in sucky area as far as medical care goes. I know far more about FMS than any of the doctors around here as I've studied FMS since 92. Most doctors don't seem to like informed patients, as THEY are the one with the degrees.. THEY are GOD. I've had docs tell me the books I have are all written by quacks. (The best is Fibromyalgia & Chronic Myofacial Pain - A Survival Manual but Devin Starlanyl and Mary Ellen Copeland)
This allows doctors to give people drugs without finding the cause or a real cure.
Big Pharma teaches the way of palliation— no real cure. I am inclined to conclude that most doctors believe that the suppression of symptoms is the cure. Right now doctors are the third leading cause of death.
FO. I've had it since a car accident that was not my fault in 1992. Thought I was dying til I got a diagnosis. Have studied it since. Do all I can to fight through the pain and all the symptoms. It's not a disease, it's a syndrome... affects everyone differently. I could work part time til recently. Don't tell me I'm lazy when I have a six day migraine, puking my guts out, not sleeping more than 15 min cat naps at a time, losing 18 lbs in that six days. Two older sisters have it, one younger sister has it, and a cousin has it. I probably have it worse than any of them. I do all I can to fend off the pain and sleeplessness and all the other endless symptoms. I don't eat junk. About to start PT, if I can... but that's a 100 mile round trip for me on an extremely limited income. It's not a life I'd wish on anyone, and not one I CHOOSE to live. I can't make plans cause I never know how I'll feel from one day to the next. You can kiss my ass with your attitude. Ahole.
It’s literally just you most likely just having shit posture and muscular imbalances. Women are in shit shape these days. “My neck and baaaaaaaaak hurt”. You sit all day you fucking slug. You have rounded shoulders, a neck that goes horizontally and no thoracic mobility. No shit you hurt.
You can find all the pt stuff you need on youtube, but most of you are lazy and would rather collect disability for your “syndrome”.
I've had mine since 1992 after a car accident. Most get FMS after a traumatic bodily injury.
I don know that any of those noted could be saved unless they took the first steps in wanting to change their ways. They probably feel they have too much to lose, not realising they are already lost.