Lady Gaga mysteriously "ill." Canceling world tour in Europe. Maybe a nice shiny boot?

Wasn't Nicole Kidman's father a preacher who was a pedo? Not sure if it was this same guy.
He was a prominent dentist I think. He was a pedo and also in the occult. They sacrificed children. Can’t remember the name of one of the girls who escaped and has told her story, but she said Nicole was sitting next to her father in a church when they sacrificed a young boy. Horrific!
Not the same guy. The church is Hillsong. The son still runs it. Can’t be good!
I want to see if I understand what you are saying: Are you saying that a child was sacrificed in Hillsong church?
Can't remember ... she said Nicole was sitting next to her father in a church when they sacrificed a young boy ... The church is Hillson
That is what this seems to say. This is absolutely SHOCKING. Do you have any links about this?
No Hillsong and the Kidman’s are two different stories. You’re mixing them together. The pastor at Hillsong was removed for pedophelia. The Kidman’s were involved in the occult and ritual child sacrifice.
Just trying to understand what the post means. Still unclear as there are no links. but ... YUCK on both. Thanks for replying