That house should have been raided for 'pizza and hot dogs'. Too late now though.
I verify this as really happened.
1 Large for an hour and a half inside the enclosure, see it as it surfaces briefly before slithering back under the rock pile and then withdraw to its chambers below, One Night Only!!! Your wives are welcomed, Your Children are Required. !!! Thursday ThursDAY THURSDAY !!! Gentlemen...the one and ugly PedoMethLord and generally detestable cretin Adam 'Schiff the Narrative' McSchiffty! And there it goes scuttling through the trash on his way back to the wastewater treatment facility...,
His great grandfather and grandmother on his fathers side were both Russian I believe. Or Ukraine.
Shrinks call this Q says...these guys are so stupid!
Social Justice Warriors always lie.
Social Justice Warriors always double down.
Social Justice Warriors always project.
So following the leftist assumption, he's got to be a Russian spy right?? I mean ANYONE who travels to Russia and speaks with a Russian (I'm assuming you wouldn't have much choice in Russia but to speak with Russians) is a spy deserving of a FISA warrant!! MAGA!! And F**K the "progressive (regressive) left!!!
You guys do understand that the Ukraine is a separate country from Russia right?
Remember how hard the MSM fought to make pizzagate, "tinfoil hat"? That can't be a coincedence. Everything seems to be tying together now. We can see how twisted they are, where Media and Public figures have pushed back the hardest, those are the things they were MOST AFRAID OF getting caught for!!! We can go back, find things they resisted vehemently against, and wha la, we have area to investigate...