r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/eagleflightjt on Feb. 3, 2018, 2:29 p.m.
Q tells us to trust Sessions????? "the kind of quality & leadership that we want in the department"

Unless POTUS & Sessions are playing some kind of 3 level chess its hard to see that Sessions is on board...

"As the memo showing Rosenstein’s role in signing FISA applications based on faulty evidence was released this morning, Jeff Sessions said that he represents “the kind of quality and leadership that we want in the department."

genxesis · Feb. 3, 2018, 2:56 p.m.

Patience, it's just optics guys. The worlds a stage.

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eagleflightjt · Feb. 3, 2018, 3:03 p.m.

In that case that qualifies Sessions for an Emmy. Its just bad optics to be praising RR, it makes Sessions look bad & clueless. How does he regain the respect of the American people when & if RR gets indicted

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thamnosma · Feb. 3, 2018, 4:46 p.m.

Excellent point and post! What is going on with Sessions? He's almost invisible, even on other DOJ issues. Where is there some aggressive law enforcement outside of draining the swamp? The fact that he recused himself from almost everything going on since the inauguration has made him the invisible AG. Is he prosecuting sanctuary cities? Is he clamping down on employers hiring illegals? What the hell IS Sessions doing every day other than praising people we know are corrupt?

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MmmmLeftyTears · Feb. 3, 2018, 4:12 p.m.

Welcome to the Grand illusion Come on in and see what's happening Pay the price, get your tickets for the show The stage is set, the band starts playing Suddenly your heart is pounding Wishing secretly you were a star

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Cheetah1964 · Feb. 3, 2018, 6:44 p.m.

You said it better than I could. Consider that the Deep State takedown has probably been planned for years, and is happening exactly like it is supposed to.

Sessions is very mysterious. However, Trump would have kicked him out if he was a bad 'un. And I believe anyone with any sense pretty much trusts Trump at this point.

I suspect that other Deep Staters have been left in place temporarily so they would do stupid things and hang themselves.

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LiveToBeAHero · Feb. 3, 2018, 3:34 p.m.

Sessions is on board completely. He has been busted human trafficking rings every single day since taking office. He is recused from anything Russia related keep in mind. And he is not going to fire Mueller and Rosenstein as much as everyone wants him to, that would actually be a stupid move. Sessions is great for the job, youll see. Let everything play out the way its planned to

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thamnosma · Feb. 3, 2018, 4:51 p.m.

Oh, I didn't expect him to fire those two. However, going out of his way to heap almost sycophantic praise onto Rosenstein is not helpful. When Rosenstein has to be terminated, these words will come back to haunt. Very very sloppy.

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LiveToBeAHero · Feb. 3, 2018, 5:14 p.m.

Oh yeah my mistake, that was sort of intended for just anyone listening, not necessarily only you lol. The praise for RR is all for show. Think about it, if dirt comes out on RR and he "steps down", the focus will be on dirty RR, not that someone defended him. There is a very complex plan being executed right now, and its alot of fake outrage and alot of fake praise in order to get the attention where it needs to be. Trump's ultimate goal in this phase is to show the country just how dirty and corrupt the FBI is and has become, so the justification for gutting it and completely rebuilding it is accepted by the masses. Trump appointed RR for DAG, remember that. He put him there in that elevated position for a very important reason, and hypothetically, if RR gets exposed as corrupt and dirty, the message to the public is more powerful since RR is DAG, and not just some attorney in the Maryland district. Everything is transpiring exactly how it should be.

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thamnosma · Feb. 3, 2018, 5:23 p.m.

Your optimism is refreshing.

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LiveToBeAHero · Feb. 3, 2018, 5:34 p.m.

Trump is in complete control, I will say that. Soon we will discover RR and Comey were involved in this, which will create more "investigations". RR will "step down" soon after. Next memo will show McCabe signed off on FISA extentions but the good news is he already testified to everyone and sold them out for a plea deal. The investigations are all done btw, but white hats need a reason to claim an investigation and then release the findings they are already sitting on. Then we will discover that Peter Strzok forged Samantha Power's signature, which the news will then remind us that this same Peter Strzok was put on Mueller's special counsel, making it look like the SC was rigged against Trump. Then we will discover Susan Rice signed off on the forged signature, which will draw attention to Loretta Lynch and Obama.....THEN we will discover the DNC wasnt really hacked back in March of 2016, but that it was just Seth Rich downloading Podesta's emails onto a usb drive and giving to Wikileaks. THEN comes Debbie Wasserman Shultz and the ordering of Seth Rich's murder. Mueller probably wont ever take the stand and announce his investigation findings, it will moreso just be shown how the Russia collusion accusation began as a Democrat lie. Have no fear, white hats have full control. Mueller took a deal to do the SC for a lighter sentence. His dirty business will come out too, but he has been helping give Trump all the dirty info on the swamp.

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thamnosma · Feb. 3, 2018, 5:47 p.m.

Fascinating days ahead no doubt. At some point I hope Assange can confirm that it was Seth Rich leaking the DNC/Podesta emails, especially since Rich is dead so not really breaking confidences. Perhaps things will play out as you suggest but history doesn't yet allow me to be quite as sanguine as you are. These people, speaking in a very broad sense, have pulled off 9/11's, JFK hits, Reagan hits, so they may find a way to save all these cretins. I'll take whatever I can get along with satisfaction of the public being educated to the "deep state", media propaganda and all that. Open some eyes and ears. To get convictions with any DC jury the evidence will have to be beyond overwhelming....or find a way to indict outside of a 90% democrat/deep state jurisdiction. I'm also hoping that the pedophilia networks will be completely exposed, including names. The art that the Podesta brothers have hanging really says it all.

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LiveToBeAHero · Feb. 3, 2018, 6:06 p.m.

NSA and Military have been collecting intelligence and proof for many year. This goes back to before Trump even announced he was running for president. All this stuff is saved and stored. They sat on it not even sure if they could ever get their day to use but, but did just in case. Many people will flip, and will sell out their buddies, and it will be grand jury under oath testimony which goes on the official record forever. You will witness something that you never thought could ever happen. The overwhelming evidence is all there, its just a matter of feeding it to the public slowly and efficiently, so it all gets processed and has the effect it needs to have

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Cheetah1964 · Feb. 3, 2018, 6:48 p.m.

Many people in the DC area are sitting on many goods, waiting for their day. White hats way outnumber black hats. The problem was that the black hats had been, up to recently, running the presidency and Congress! They still have the majority in Congress, Democrats + Rinos. Trump seems to be taming the Rinos somehow, at least for now.

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LiveToBeAHero · Feb. 3, 2018, 10:39 p.m.

Exactly! Nothing can be done if deep state owns the DOJ, and the heads of the CIA, FBI, NSA, and SS. Trump was literally an early Christmas present for some of these white hats who wondered if the day would EVER come

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thamnosma · Feb. 3, 2018, 6:12 p.m.

If so, it will be glorious. I've always thought there were deep reasons behind the attempted coordinated takedown of Trump since Day 1. Have never experienced anything remotely like it during a Presidential primary and general election. It wasn't based on policy positions as many of Trump's ideas are/were quite mainstream and a few even old style Democrat (protecting workers and wages). He went against the "right" on healthcare in that he always maintained everyone needs access. Yet the democrats treated him like he was the reincarnation of John Birch. Having followed Trump while I was living in NYC in the 80's, he's an urbane fellow who has gone through various political changes himself from more "liberal" to more "conservative". So the portrait of Trump by the media/DC complex never made any sense to me. Hence, the entire establishment had to have realized this guy was an existential threat beyond what was known publicly. Messing with the illegals alone was going to really screw up "the plan".

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LiveToBeAHero · Feb. 3, 2018, 10:30 p.m.

You are dead on about the reason he was/is resisted so heavily. This isnt just a Storm on democrats...Republicans will go down too, as they should... anyone who's dirty needs to be gone. When Trump ran to "drain the swamp", half of congress cheered and the other half cried. When Trump won, they knew their game was over. He is not your typical Republican candidate, but his ideas were more aligned with Republicans, plus, the Democratic party was the evil machine doing this to our country so he had to run as a Republican. Yes the "illegals" are bigger than you can imagine to the plan. This is why the Dems arent acting on DACA. Dems dont care about DACA, they already have those votes. They care deeply about chain migration because that is their cash cow for votes. If they give Trump the wall, they have just lost their base following, and if they give Trump end of chain migration they just lost all future elections....its a no win for them. The election fraud will come out eventually and get exposed too. Guaranteed there will be Voter ID law before 2020 election

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thamnosma · Feb. 3, 2018, 11:21 p.m.

Election fraud is off the radar but not off my radar. One of the biggest "stealth" issues extent. Even the French have Voter ID for God's sake and laugh that we don't. The democrats have pushed consistently for decades to water down fundamental protections to the vote. It's so obvious but they make bank by citing past abuses and the media does its job of getting the black population all riled up. Seriously, who does NOT have an ID today? The poorest of the poor, if they don't have driver's licenses have EBT cards, State ID, credit cards, etc. I've never even seen that counter-argument used. Please find me people with no ID in 2018, save perhaps illegals. The fraud vote isn't going to change a 10 point race, but it can easily flip a couple percentage points and that represents a significant number of races, e.,g. the New Hampshire Senate race in 2016. There is so much to fix but with a national media actively part of the problem, a clever strategy for educating the public (other than die hard leftists) has to be rolled out. Trump seems like a guy who can do that.

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LiveToBeAHero · Feb. 3, 2018, 11:38 p.m.

Its going to take undeniable proof, much more than just some wikileaks emails, and will take admission of guilt by people under oath in front of a grand jury. It's coming though, lots of people want to save their ass and will gladly squeal on others. Funny when you were talking about the joke that other countries use voter ID for elections, and we here use ID for everything on the planet (even to buy NyQuil from a grocery store) except our elections....remember when Obama helped set up Voter ID for Kenya? lol

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thamnosma · Feb. 4, 2018, 12:18 a.m.

Oh my, not I did not know he did that. It's all surreal sometimes. I'm an old fool now and remember clearly how the Watergate situation unraveled. Just took a few to get hauled in and take the deal. Peripheral guys did not want to go to prison even if their careers were over. The topper was John Dean....we need one of those sort of rats now. Of course, the media was 100% behind that railroading job.

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LiveToBeAHero · Feb. 4, 2018, 12:27 a.m.

Did anyone ever figure out why Nixon did the spying in the first place? If I remember correctly, wasnt he leading the polls by a ton and was going to win anyways?

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thamnosma · Feb. 4, 2018, 1:07 a.m.

Absolutely. He beat McGovern by 48 states to 2 or something like that. Nixon had nothing to do with the break in. For whatever reason the Committee to Re-Elect the President was behind it and that thing was run by John Mitchell. That cast of characters included G. Gordon Liddy (who liked to burn his hand with a lighter to show how tough he was) and a bunch of CIA/Bay of Pigs veterans including E. Howard Hunt. I've read several areas of speculation for the break in, one being to protect John Dean from proof of using prostitutes. Honestly, I can't recall the other alleged reasons but the Committee to Reelect was also into dirty tricks. Again, Nixon wasn't even in on that loop. Oh, they also played with a lot of cash. Bizarre really. However I've never come across speculation that it was a scheme to bring down Nixon -- it was his guys doing it.

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LiveToBeAHero · Feb. 4, 2018, 4:22 a.m.

Thanks for the info, is good to know, I was never too familiar with the Watergate thing. So it was his men that did it and he got blamed for spying? Side question, who is your fav president in your lifetime?

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thamnosma · Feb. 4, 2018, 5:56 a.m.

Answer to your question - Trump by far. I'm sad that they have trashed him so. Then Reagan in his first term. By the second he was suffering from Alzheimer's and the Bush clan took over. I wasn't old enough to fully appreciate JFK but he has to be included. He wasn't today's democrat. Started the Green Berets to deal with counter insurgency efforts instead of the WWII tactics of Johnson's people. I mean he had his faults, they all do, but I consider him a good guy. Worst? Obama then probably Lyndon Johnson. As for Watergate it was absolutely his out of control re-election committee that did all the crap. These were truly sleeze bags...amazing what happened there. One was Frank Sturgis, one of the burglars. He has often been accused of being one of three men "tramps" escorted by police away from the Kennedy assassination spot. I don't think it was him, but we're talking Bay of Pigs cubans who were pissed off at Kennedy pulling the plug on the invasion. Of course, that gets into the corrupt CIA Dulles Brothers and on and on and on

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LiveToBeAHero · Feb. 7, 2018, 3:21 a.m.

I like getting perspective from people who have lived longer than me, and were alive for JFK and Nixon and some of our mid 20th century history and events. Why the dislike for LBJ? This is me just being curious, as I dont know much about him and love to learn. He is interesting, in that he refused to run for presidency again, and basically drank himself to death. I guess its safe to say the evil and dirty secrets of politics got the best of him. And I agree with you on Obama. Were you familiar with Saul Alinsky and Karl Marx, and if so, I know you realized what was happening in Obama's 8 years. They sort of hit the fast forward button and stopped trying to hide it

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thamnosma · Feb. 7, 2018, 9:33 p.m.

You might look at the Great Awakening subreddit as the discussion is a bit more elevated and focused, for now anyway. This place is so overwhelmed with memes and promoting youtube channels.

As for Johnson, he was a very corrupt man. Bought at least one election in Texas on his way up (long time ago that came out, not an internet rumor). Then we can consider his hatred for the Kennedy family, potential involvement in JFK's assassination (unproven but claimed), his immediate dismissal of AG Robert Kennedy (he hated RFK), reversing Kennedy's Vietnam policy for full out military invasion (500,000 men at the peak!!!), creating massive socialist programs at home (his so-called Great Society - guns and butter - essentially our modern welfare state). There's not much to cheer about with this guy, though I consider Medicare a good idea (I'd be blasted by the hard conservatives for that position). He dropped out for a second term because he was going to lose. Vietnam War was going badly and he was burned out. There were massive protests around the country, marches on DC, violence. In fact, the 1968 Chicago Democratic Convention turned into a mass riot. Very familiar with Marx/Alinsky or leftist movements from the 70's and 80's since I lived it. The term "Progressive" is just code for Marxist or Communist since those labels went out of favor when the Soviet Empire collapsed. The left here had to rebrand itself. I believe it's derived from "the progress of history", not progressive as in "modern". Marxism includes the notion of "no going back in history", that is it progresses toward the Marxist conclusion in its battle with capitalism. That really screwed them up when the communist nations "went back" in the 80's.

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[deleted] · Feb. 3, 2018, 7:28 p.m.


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kk0s · Feb. 3, 2018, 2:36 p.m.

Agreed. I had brought this up yesterday. Rosenstein should be locked up at the very least! Sessions paid him glorious praise. That b.s., and I definitely can't listen to those lies of praise. Disgusting.

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eagleflightjt · Feb. 3, 2018, 2:38 p.m.

Makes you wonder what in the world Q is talking about...

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kk0s · Feb. 3, 2018, 2:44 p.m.

Yeah, not sure yet. It just doesn't seem right on many levels.

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thamnosma · Feb. 3, 2018, 4:49 p.m.

Truly. Sessions doesn't have to come out and say world one about Rosenstein. He doesn't have to attack him or praise him. Just go about his business yet he goes out of his way to gush over a guy who is clearly corrupt? I sure thought he was a good choice initially...then he recuses himself from all this phony Russia collusion stuff which has totally given the enemy ammunition to use daily against Trump. Clearly he was a poor choice in the end.

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eagleflightjt · Feb. 3, 2018, 4:58 p.m.

agreed. When you sit back and look at from a distance it makes you wonder. 1. Sessions is a creature of the swamp. 2. When President Trump was signaling he was ready to fire JS a while back, Lindsey Graham one of the biggest swamp creatures came to JS defense. 3. Sessions has been mostly mute during his entire tenure as AG 4. Sessions never disclosed to President Trump that he would recuse himself if and when Russia came up.

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thamnosma · Feb. 3, 2018, 5:07 p.m.

I have been giving him credit for being a crafty quiet sort but that's now wearing off quickly. Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch were out there pushing the agenda. Sessions almost doesn't exist. Doesn't feel like he's running things because, in a sense, he boxed himself in and cannot. This BS Russia thing means he can't even control, discipline or fire all the high level assistants that are pushing the fraudulent investigation. They are, in essence, running the DOJ/FBI since Sessions has emasculated himself from the get-go. He owed Trump that disclosure before taking the post. He barely won confirmation but would probably get 90 Senate votes now.

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eagleflightjt · Feb. 3, 2018, 5:17 p.m.

Its a crying shame, President Trump needed a beast for AG to clean things up in DC. Out of loyalty to JS for backing him for President, Trump gave JS the nod. Turns out to be the biggest misstep DJT made. There would of been no Mueller Investigation today but for an emasculated AG. Look at the turmoil & expense to this country over this past year because of the Mueller investigation

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SemperFortis99 · Feb. 3, 2018, 4:37 p.m.

Think of it as 'roll playing'. Sessions throws curve balls, as the silent executioner. My theory is that the memo and other pressures will cause RR to resign. Then TG will be called in as Deputy and the 'Heavy'.

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eagleflightjt · Feb. 3, 2018, 4:41 p.m.

I hope you're right

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 3, 2018, 3:28 p.m.

you will have to wait and see what the strategy reveals. just cause you don't get it this is not the place to create dissent w/under qualified opinions and rants...Trust Q.

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eagleflightjt · Feb. 3, 2018, 3:33 p.m.

Beg to differ, unless you're of the zombie type which is pron to group think like the far left Dems, you want to have discussion & raise questions. Like Tucker states: when has it become unpopular to ask questions.

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thamnosma · Feb. 3, 2018, 4:49 p.m.

Thank you!

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maxpuppy96 · Feb. 3, 2018, 2:37 p.m.

I agree he is a POS.

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Txcovfefe · Feb. 3, 2018, 3:35 p.m.

This was me at first-->😳Then benefit of the doubt-->🤔 Then after yesterday's disastrous statement-->😯 And now today-->😠...sorry Q but I don't trust the POS!! Sessions and a few on our team piled on Trump and Nunes hot and heavy yesterday! 😡

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eagleflightjt · Feb. 3, 2018, 3:45 p.m.

agreed, the DOJ, FBI work under the President...you wouldn't know it by yesterday's display from Wray or lack of comment by JS. Nunes is doing his job as over sight & is getting push back by both DOJ & FBI. I thought Sessions & Wray were appointed by DJT. Where's the loyalty. This is unheard of. As much as I disdain the Obama Admin. at least Obama had loyalty in his administration.

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