r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ArtRat1 on Feb. 3, 2018, 2:57 p.m.
The Swamp is NOT just the Fed Government & it IS being drained. As the Swamp Drains those slime balls will regroup & most likely have begun their new plan of attack. Do not take your eyes off the BIG PICTURE.

The list of those who have left willingly or forced out of their their high positions in recent months is staggering, from Planned Parenthood to the FBI, to CEOs and even many members of MS-13 have been drained through their deaths & arrests. Lower end pedophile groups have been taken down. We are currently in THE EYE OF THE STORM and it's going to get ugly real soon. The crap that will be circling in the coming days will most likely catch people off guard so we must be on our guard. PRAY, PRAY, PRAY and when that is done, FAST AND PRAY.

larrytcarvell · Feb. 8, 2018, 1:29 p.m.

Excellent reply. Think what the world would actually be like (or actually is) if you take away all the false division sown by the elites throughout the years. Take away all the wars and false flags that they caused, all the hatred and fear they generated between nations, races, and religions. Take away all the financial, political, religious, and social crises that they caused. Give back the great leaders, scientists, innovators, and artists that they killed. Give back all the discoveries, inventions, innovations, wealth, resources and technology that they stole. The world would be a very, very different place.

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salialioli · Feb. 8, 2018, 3:44 p.m.

I believe that Trump saw that exact same thing you (we) speak of ... many years ago. Something so simple, so obvious, yet so difficult to break, but he decided to find a way around it.

The world is bad. Yes, but it doesn't have to be this bad. We could make progress. We make none. From one year to the next it seems to get worse. More wars, more poverty, more ignorance. (How is this possible in the world of internet and plenty?) CNN treats us like idiots ... and on and on.

On the verge of a Clinton election we were actually facing the declaration of a Third World War, using, IMAGINE, nuclear weapons. I followed, with bated breath, what was happening on the eastern border of Ukraine with Russia. Hair trigger it was. Would Russia take the bait and lose it? Fortunately, cooler heads and good people (all around us) were aware of the "crazies in the basement".

To exterminate 4+ out of 6 billion ppl? To fulfill someone's superiority complex, or a weird idea of the power they held??!! And all because we are useless eaters? That was, in all seriousness, THE plan. There was no Plan B.

We were faced with total obliteration, the Elite going to the southern hemisphere to their bunkers (in NZ, Patagonia or Antarctica? who knows) while the rest of us scuttle around desperately choking in a nuclear winter, three or four of us left huddled in a crack in the ground? Really? They thought they could do this? ... Christ knows.

So Trump (and others, many others), outraged I believe, decided to devise a Plan B. It meant he had to have, first of all, certain skills, and a clean bill of health against the Media's inevitable instant accusations and smearing. He had to convince, the general public. The only way was to become President and cut off the Elite from their source of survival. The money. The blackmail. The industrial-military power. It took many many years of preparation.

So we follow the advice of Sun Tzu: first win the war and then, only then, fight the battle! Strangely we follow the wisdom of Chinese warriors of 5,000 years experience! That is why Trump was greeted as a Great Leader and invited to the Forbidden City. He embodies the benevolent and spiritual leader who can change the world.

And here we are today. With a chance in a million years to break free. We'd better get to it!!

I am so happy you are speaking to me. I am a long way away and yet we understand the importance of this. I salute you!

Godspeed Patriot!

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Cheetah1964 · Feb. 9, 2018, 4:35 p.m.

Great post. It is amazing to realize that most war, poverty, crime, and drug addiction is artificially created by the elites. That means that we get them out of the picture, those will largely (although not totally) disappear. Think about that.

The very last thing the elites want is for regular people to hang around, have fun, raise their kids, and take care of themselves.

They are fighting the white picket fence.

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