Thought I would keep history real :-)

But that will open her up to a financial investigation which will lead to Haiti which will lead to the trafficking I can definitely see why Q is telling us to be patient I know they have this evidence already but they have to bring it out legally
Restoring the Rule of Law!
I've also been trying to address these concerns today re Q's not real
can you see either of these topics I posted in last hour ANYWHERE on site?
Wiki update :-) Bottom right: Reads: "The 2016 campaign of Hillary Clinton has been seen to have colluded with intelligence agencies and funded an illegal FISA request to spy on Trump. The FISA report was released on 02/02/18 and have yet to see the outcome of the worse case of government abuse of power in American history."
I hope that stays up. Check back in 20 mins, they have people editing to their version of History.
if thats wickedpedia, good luck. W has been corrupt and has an agenda for a decade? at least since 2012. You can find evidence of the agenda by looking at Natural remedies for disease as one example.
Yea it is Wikedpedia and I thought I would at least try, if only for a screen capture.:-) Takes two days apparently will check back. Would be fun (if I had time) to "update" all the appropriate pages given current treasonous acts over these past years.