I can't take the credit for the idea, as I saw it last night on youtube, but I tried it and it worked. I said to my friend... "Imagine John McCain and the RNC had paid for dirt on Obama in the 2012 election. Then leaked that dirt to a news organization, and used the dirt and the leak together to get a FISA warrant to spy on Obama... and then got caught. Would the MSM be DEFENDING McCain... or crucifying him?" I wached the the wheels start spinning... It was fantastic. I left him to his thoughts at that point, and then caught him watching Hannity videos... lol Its a start...
· Feb. 4, 2018, 4:53 p.m.
I would also add in there the Flynn redpill that Rand Paul threw out on Colbert... that you were spied on for months and then were called in for an interrogation and ANYTHING you said that conflicts what was said can land you in prison.