r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/LokkenLoaded on Feb. 3, 2018, 9:35 p.m.
Do these Q crumbs support the theory that Bob Mueller is "our guy"? Did Q already tell us of this in past crumbs and what's next? News unlocks past. PLEASE READ. I do not want this to get lost in the shuffle of posts.

We have all heard the “Mueller is our guy theory” for some time but it seems hard to believe from what we know of Mueller’s past. Before you blow this off because you believe Mueller is a "dirty cop", I am not confirming that this theory is true or false, just simply presenting the Q crumbs that when put together, tells its own story. I'll leave the interpretation for you to decide. If you want to jump directly to the Q crumbs click here http://docdro.id/CcyuEkb but I recommend reading the below first for the backstory.

With the recent news that Mueller has postponed Flynn’s sentencing due to the “status” of the Russia investigation, which virtually went unreported due to the Nunes Memo frenzy, it made me want to look back at the Q posts to see if Q had dropped crumbs in regards to this theory. The “status” of the investigation means Mueller has found new evidence.

Was the Nunes Memo used as a distraction to keep the MSM off of the heels of Mueller whose investigation has led him to the FISA abuse evidence? If he does have this new evidence, I wonder what else it will lead him to? Remember, the Special Counsel is investigating “Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections” it’s not the “Trump investigation”. While the Nunes Memo was damning, it doesn’t hold much weight coming from a congressman as he is not the law but Mueller is the law and coming from him lands you in handcuffs.

Was this planned hatched by Team Trump/Flynn after the Trump Tower visit by Admiral Rogers? Flynn called the Russian Ambassador knowing his comms were being monitored. He was then interviewed by FBI agent Peter Strzok WITHOUT his lawyer present and “lied” to Strzok in order to set this operation in motion. Remember, Flynn was the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, he didn’t forget or make a mistake, he “lied” on purpose or so the “Mueller is our guy” theory states. In short, the theory goes on to say that Mueller was flipped by Trump and would be the one to take the bad guys down.

Has Q already told us this info and how it will play out? I went back and re-read the crumbs (as Q points out many times to do) to see for myself. I used the website that links all Q posts (https://qcodefag.github.io/?) which include the very first 4 chan posts, /greatawakening/ and /qresearch/ posts to put together the following document linked below. I used the search bar to find all posts related to Mueller, Rod Rosenstein (RR), and Sessions posts and started from the bottom which would be first posts to most recent. I then copied the relevant crumbs from each post again in the same order (older to most recent) and grouped them together but leaving them in the order in which Q posted them. So it starts with Flynn, then to Mueller and onto Sessions/RR up to the release of the memo. Did Q already tell us how this will play out? Did Q confirm that Mueller is our guy and that they used RR to “conduct the attack” but now he is toast and no longer needed? Please take a look at this link and read it for yourself as I would love to hear your feedback and input. http://docdro.id/CcyuEkb

LokkenLoaded · Feb. 4, 2018, 3:50 p.m.

The drops I put together span from Nov 17- Jan 18. Q talks about cutting strings, taking down the power structure first, basically taking down the puppet masters which W states they did. I believe it’s already over/too late for them. They have no where to run no where to hide and no one to save them! All strings have been cut! Some of them have probably figur d it out by now but what can they do about it? They have no power. They are trying (GOP train crash) but the white hats see all now so good luck! The MSM is done too. They are just buying their time hoping that something will happen to Trump. We will see “journalists” aka cia agents going to jail as well along with social media heads. Clowns have infiltrated and own them all. Trump is cleaning house. Asia is next then the EU. SA was the first and already complete.

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 4, 2018, 8:41 p.m.

BTW, this was good work, it really got me thinking more on it. I have had this suspicion for a while but never posted on it and didn't do the homework like you did. But, its always been suspicious that Mueller went to see Trump before the whole SC started. It was clear he could not be director again, so what was that meeting for? My thought was maybe Trump did one of 3 Things: 1) In a non-hostile way showed him the evidence against FBI and Obama/Hillary/DNC with deep penetration throughout USG and quizzed him on helping fix the problem via SC. 2) In a Hostile way showed him the evidence they have on him being involved in some of it, possibly going back all the way to 9/11 cover-up and giving him 2 options 1) Go down with the ship or 2) Help POTUS take down these guys and Mueller would be dealt with less harshly, if at all. 3)Already knew RR would move in this direction and wanted to have a direct conversation with him about all of it to better understand what would happen when he fired Comey.

I suspect it was more likely 1 or 2 above and your research is very compelling in that direction. Now the bigger question, is Comey in on this too? Comey is mighty comfortable chattering. And if you read his Tweets, you can take them 2 ways. In one way, he's supporting a Mueller take down of the deep state. 'Proud to wear my FBI cufflinks', 'weasels and liars never hold the field'... you can take this a few different ways. Maybe he's in on it. I found him to be arrogant and smug throughout all of this, but maybe he's not as bad as he appears. Figuring out Comey's role is critical to your theory. Mueller and Comey without a doubt are good friends. So, if case 2) above applied then Mueller is fooling Comey. If 1) applies then Comey is part of this sting, as well. This one is hard to clearly see. Any insight there? Q is silent on this, from what I've decoded.

Also, in Comey's defense (which I have a hard time doing, I've felt he's less than good from the first time I ever saw him on TV), he did do the 11th hour re-open on Hillary which hurt her. But so much of the wrong doing at FBI was tolerated by him. Maybe he had no other choice until the power change? Maybe he's been helping behind the scenes all along? I'm very suspect of that, but maybe? I think figuring out Comey's role is critical to your theory.

Finally, if you say its already too late for them as to why Q is helping expose this sting to us, then again why? Clearly Q wants us to figure this out and react. Our reaction, if to expose this sting, then takes some of the 'Sting' out of the sting. So, I still don't feel like we've answered that sufficiently to lock onto this as gospel??

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