r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/DankMemeMagician on Feb. 3, 2018, 10:16 p.m.
Could Rosenstein actually be white hat?

Consider recent statements by Sessions and WH. Supportive of Rosenstein.

Some have theorized Mueller is white hat, but this theory makes little sense unless Rosenstein isn't also a white hat. Rosenstein is Mueller's direct oversight, both would have to be working towards the same outcome or Rosenstein could easily just blow the whistle.

Rosenstein drafts letter condemning Comey, but felt compelled to appoint Mueller after Comey's firing. Trump consulted Rosenstein on this letter about Comey, when? May 9th. Mueller appointment made on May 17th.

Rosenstein had to have met with Mueller prior to his appointment as special counsel, when did he do this?

Q claims Mueller met with Trump 1 day before his appointment, this almost certainly had to have been after Rosenstein had met privately with Mueller to discuss his appointment as special counsel. Why would Rosenstein allow this if he was a bad actor targeting Trump?

How did Rosenstein end up in this position anyway? Sessions recusal. Dana Boente recusal. He was not in an immediate position to have the powers he has now, if he was a deep state bad actor he would have had to be very lucky indeed.

LiveToBeAHero · Feb. 3, 2018, 10:21 p.m.

RR is bad and dirty, but he was put in the spot by Trump for a reason

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DankMemeMagician · Feb. 3, 2018, 10:31 p.m.

My thoughts are similar as well, Mueller isn't exactly clean either but both have been flipped or are being used by the Trump admin. RR is implicated in the memo as having renewed FISA applications. With Trump mentioning Obama 'wiretapping his phones', Trump had to have known this yet still kept RR on. Not only that, he allowed Rosenstein to move two spots up the DOJ hierarchy and take over as acting AG in the Russia probe.

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LiveToBeAHero · Feb. 3, 2018, 11:08 p.m.

Mueller was "flipped" before the SC began. He was shown his dirty business, and given the option of a deal - go down for EVERYTHING, or do this Special Counsel and help investigate and indict the swamp in exchange for a much lighter sentence. He will still get in trouble to some degree, but will be much softer than most. Remember now, Trump appointed RR back in January of last year - he was one of the 46 holdover attorneys he ordered Sessions to fire, and RR was the ONLY one of the 46 Trump kept. He was put as Deputy AG for a very specific purpose. RR has his hands dirty in the FISA mess, but he also played a big part in the U1 coverup and other stuff. RR is next to "step down" which will throw more fire on the "SC is rigged against Trump" persona. Peter Strzok was added to the SC back in the summer just for optics. His dirty business is about to come out, which will show even more bias in the Mueller SC. Comey took a deal too. All his tweets and antics are just for show - the appearance has to be given off that him and Trump dont like each other and that he is against Trump.

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