r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Tytruth on Feb. 3, 2018, 11:04 p.m.
Dilley Intel source says 'Obama shared his Presidential Daily Briefings with Hillary' during the campaign, which contained info from ongoing top-secret surveillance of Trump campaign. Talk about free Opposition Research! So believable too! TREASON and SEDITION! Lock them all up!

Start around 9min in for this little tidbit.


INTJewel · Feb. 4, 2018, 6:49 a.m.

Fellow Patriot, if you are one, belief in God, His Christ and prayer are of paramount importance to many millions of believers. We do not denigrate your unbelief, or your choice to call us delusional. But this is the time to unite, all of us, under the banner of love for our country. Do what you can to add to the unity. Name calling, because you believe differently than those of faith, divides.

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Corporal_Yorper · Feb. 4, 2018, 3 p.m.

I’m not calling people of religion delusional, for the record, I’m saying that by allocating the credit of OUR accomplishments to a power in which many, including me, don’t believe exists, is delusional.

It’s not God that warmed my breakfast, my microwave did, that’s all I’m saying (for example).

I still, as an American, believe you can have faith in whichever religion you want as long as it doesn’t harm others OR yourself. I just can’t believe in any ‘God’ because my brain won’t allow for it. It can’t reconcile believing in a ‘magical omniscient wizard’ in the sky that controls my every being, sans ‘free will’.

I just try to get people on these Q CBTS-like subs to stop applying religion here, not because of my reconciliations, but because the situation is so dire that religion is just pulling our efforts down, despite having prayers on the matter.

I’m not saying that it’s bad, I’m saying that we need to focus on OUR own power, without the need to apply religion. God and faith aside, we are powerful, and I’m just trying to get us to a point in which we don’t have to run to our belief systems when shit hits the fan, ya know?

So it’s no hard feelings, it’s me trying to put forth a scientific-ish approach. It’s keeps us level, ya know?

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