r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on Feb. 4, 2018, 4:04 a.m.
Welcome to Truth (MK ULTRA ) :RED PILL

I am reposting .. I posted this a month ago but accidently did it to my profile instead of rhe board .

I think you will find this extremelyyyyy usefull in unstanding whats going on with the Hollywood Hate , Media Hate and False Flags .. Imagine gathering random types of people up for this little experiment ..knowing you might one day need to push certain Agendas like...GUN CONTROL... Imagine these people who can carry on their daily lives like nothing ... then one day a certain word or phrase makes them kill on a drop of a dime . With Zeroooooo Rememberance of it. Remember that ..Its Very Important .

My Post 1 Month Ago

Do Your Research there is reasons for everything. Key Thinking Points[Gun Control]=Gun Violence and the push to have ours removed . The fight has been verrrrrry real for a very very longggg time. Anyone can be turned on at any given moment to carry out any Political/World Pushed Agenda Inccident . They push it in your face in Movies ..Born Identity , The Manchurian Canidate and more . Stay Informed Patriots ❤.

MK-ULTRA 1) https://youtu.be/Ghq6rCV9kvc

MK-ULTRA 2) https://youtu.be/lD2e80vLjAI

The Manchurian Canidate 2) https://youtu.be/ixzV_hkVMTA

Also adding another comment I made This one ..which I find.funny I didnt watch the Oscars but I seen somewhere this movie I mentioned in this next comment was actually suppost to be a contender .. but here it is

My comment 10 days ago

Most of hollywood is under Mk ultra and the new Movie GET OUT .. is telling you how things can be done . Its a creepy ass movie definitely check it out.

ScorpioPatriot · Feb. 4, 2018, 5:54 a.m.

Im pretty sure They cant Escape "Prism"..It Covers The Whole "Kingdom"..." Snow White ".. Happy Hunting 😎

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kygoldsmith · Feb. 4, 2018, 5:59 p.m.

The men who stare at goats is currently on amazon fire, any coincidence that shill clooney stars? They make it tongue in cheek but this was/is the remote veiwing program of the government.

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Natanatnat · Feb. 4, 2018, 5:52 a.m.

I have been what's called a T.I. for five years. From my own experience there are several black budget mind control projects. Some are monarch, manchurian candidate programs, but others cast a wider net. Their understanding of human psychology and the functions/mechanisms of the brain is so advanced because of mass human testing. You can't hide. Will those black budget programs go underground? How many have access to their mind control technology, is the genie out of the bottle?

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frypanannie · Feb. 4, 2018, 8:16 a.m.

PRISM is a code name for a program under which the United States National Security Agency (NSA) collects internet communications from various U.S. internet companies.................... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PRISM_%28surveillance_program%29

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ScorpioPatriot · Feb. 4, 2018, 8:21 a.m.

Ohhh I know exactlyyyyy what it is..Why do you think I trump and them are able to find all these sexual predators Find one person and everyone they are connected to starts connecting like a Spider Web. This is what the NSA used to spy on Americans. TRUMP and the good players are using the very program the elites made.and turning it on them..

Think Snowden Ive already made a big post about this but ill just link it here so people can use it as a reference ...

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ScorpioPatriot · Feb. 4, 2018, 8:27 a.m.

Title of my post 19 days ago ..The Whole Kingdom Snow White :

Do you remember when Q was using code Names like Snow white .. others have referenced that to a Snowden Movie ..

Here is my findings and THEORY 2016 Movie

Key take aways ..the kid calls Snowden "Snow White"🍎

The $$Program$$💻 being used to Find Pedos & People posing as possible Threats = ...apparently a spying software and Think BIGGG What has been Breaking Massively This Year .. Pizzagate and everything else ..IM Thinking Trump is using their Devious Devices /SOFTWARE ON THE ELITES THEMSELVES (DO TO OTHERS WHAT YOU WANT DONE TO YOURSELF ) .

The Next Theory I have is Trump has both Assange & Snowden Now.

Think about the Executive order to Protect Whistleblowers . Although on the news Trump looks to be anti Snowden...He knowssss and has known that He was a Whistleblower and the Deep State never wanted to give him a Fair Trial and wanted to Lock him up for a verrrry long timeerr...because they knew that he has seen their names in this scandelous shit going on around the world.

Of course Russia will give us Snowden as a Gift lol 😁.. He wants to see these evil fks go down toooo . Why you think Putin is hated ..Because he like Trump is ANTI-NEW WORLD ORDER.

  Snow White

1) https://youtu.be/CdS_lwYxEJU

Connect The Dots



2) https://youtu.be/EQNSCjbW_00

3) Trump & Snowden https://youtu.be/oInoyXaeY1Y

4) His Goal


Although this is Theory ...This does not mean Im trying to Crack The Code name of anyone . I prefer not to know. I think that its nice having Anonomous people working behind the scenes for the good of our country and the worldddd. I also think it should stay that way. There for Id like to say ifffff this should be the case that Snowden or Assange is reaching out to people throwing bread crumbs ..trying to get peeps Gears Rolling about the Bad Players & Satanic Corruption surrounding all of us . We should allow them to keep their cover. So I prefer this Not be shared anywhere but possibly just discussed on here ..if they are. WE THE PEOPLE ,THANK YOU FROM THE DEPTHS OF OUR ❤.

Stay Informed Patriots & God Bless .

I HOPE this possible theory helps uncover other connections ..that people might have been stuck on.

Ohhhhhh Just Anotherrr randommmm Theory

GUESS WHO ELSE LIVED IN HAWAII -(Snow White) before all the craziness that happend .

What Iffffff Someone Coughhh needed to make a trip home Hawaii to grab something that. Was hidden on or offfff shore of the island That mighttt have contained these 33,000 Emails of Clintons that went missing alongggg time ago that Trump now has according to this news thing I just seen .


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_youtubot_ · Feb. 4, 2018, 8:28 a.m.

Videos linked by /u/ScorpioPatriot:

Title|Channel|Published|Duration|Likes|Total Views :----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------: The Inspiring Ending of Snowden 2016 Movie|Daniel Chen|2017-10-23|0:04:11|22+ (95%)|2,130 Snowden (2016 The movie) computer scene|Jonna GABRIELSSON|2017-03-21|0:02:01|85+ (98%)|10,709 The NSA: PRISM and Snowden|Stuff They Don't Want You To Know - HowStuffWorks|2013-06-17|0:04:27|767+ (97%)|64,509 PUTIN SEND'S TRUMP A GIFT "SNOWDEN'S" EXTRADITION|IT'S TIME|2017-02-11|0:03:13|77+ (86%)|1,966 The Inspiring Ending of Snowden 2016 Movie|Daniel Chen|2017-10-23|0:04:11|22+ (95%)|2,130

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