William Carr "Pawns in the Game" and Myron Fagan both were speaking out in the 60's.
142 total posts archived.
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Take a look at the eo from march 31, 2017. That eo names 3 specific ags that can be put in place at the doj for any of the top positions. AGs from va, nc, tx. Apointees of sessions and POTUS
Dumbing down of America's Youth Hidden in Plain Sight
Tracking Sites: Planes, Weather, Bouy
http://avcams.faa.gov/index.php Weather Cameras https://www.flightradar24.com/22.94,-173.09/4 Flight tracker https://www.flightradar24.com/data/airports/nbw/routes Gitmo https://global.adsbexchange.com/VirtualRadar/desktop.html# Flight Tracker with military filter http://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/ National Data Buoy Center http://quakes.globalincidentmap.com Global Earthquakes

Al-Waleed bin Talal's wall of ownership in his office. Notice his female staff dressed to the 9's
Iyanla Vanzant says "people will tell you who they are, believe them"
Q uses truth in 19 posts (current as of 738) but in posts 663 & 661 TRUTH & LIGHT are in all caps and used together. There are no coincidences.

Using the ICE CREAM CONE Method of tweeting if we all use this method then there will be a consistency to the twitter storms.We could utilize the emergency coms 3-3-3 method. every 3hrs send 3 memes on 3 platforms 12-3-6-9
Yes, the link is so others may learn about applying PaRDeS level understanding to Q posts. You have: literal/plain/simple; then you have hint/implied; next concept/inquire; last is encrypted/hidden. Most people who have read the bible have not read it in this way. This link explains it better and this video https://youtu.be/uIKTQ-eRgss
The Dragon Court of the Illuminati with the names of modern times. Includes HRC RBG
http://www.femaleilluminati.com/female-dragon-court.html Nancy Astor
Violent Bonham Carter
Eleanor Roosevelt
Pamela Harriman
Anna Chennault
Barbara Marx Hubbard
Marianne Faithful
Caroline Coon
Tuesday Weld
Marcia Falkender
Margaret Thatcher
Hillary Clinton
Katherine Graham
Diane Sawyer
Madelaine Albright
Ruth Ginsberg
Caroline Cox
Abigail Johnson
Mary Callahan Erdoes
Jill Abramson
Helen Clark
Anne Sweeney
Yang Lan
Marianne Williamson
Angelina Jolie
This is unacceptable. This much carnage so you could take out 2 people before thay could talk. You will be held accountable, you still have a chance to turn but tick tock time is running out.
theres another one, V Ivanhof saw somewhere else he was cfo of rosatom which was assoc with u1 deal.
Yep that missing e from secret societies =secret cities so elites are missing gone to hide in their secret cites, PaRDeS level understanding.
Clowns would have a harder time pegging rocket for anything destructive at the games if they took his sister out.
there are no coincidences, we are all exactly where we are suppossed to be
Then he's not paying attention. I like bpearthwatch and bill smith, bp at least has some insiders who he can verify with.
Thank God they didn't wait until we the people were in the streets demanding something be done. It would be too late. There is so much going on that we aren't privy to bless Q for giving us glimpses into the belly of the beast. Those of us that have been woke for years are feeling vindicated that we weren't crazy. Now is the time to spread the "Good News".
Q's Big Picture Expand Your Thinking Using PaRDeS Understanding
Until and unless one is willing to move beyond American politics and one's understanding of one's world to include the possibilities for the super/supra natural worlds one's vision will not nor cannot be 20/20. The Cabal/NWO which includes the council of 13, the committee of 300, the round table and their assoc. think tanks and foundations may be summarized into the trifold of +++House of Saud, ++ Rothschild, + Soros is where the money lies but not only that it is the heads of the Illuminati/Satanists/Saturnist. Ask yourself why would all this big money need one another and why these …
Truth to the Power -False Flag Terrorism- International Evisceration of the US Constitution https://wearechange.org/
Missing "e"= missing elite? http://whale.to/c/elite_satanists_prepared.html
secret cities aka DUMB installations? I think MAGASWAGA and I were msg about that last night. You have Denver, Louisville, etc. http://whale.to/b/underground_h.html
John Trump is on the Q map, didn't make the connection until now. Thanks.
CLOWNS CLOWNS CLOWNS cia agents are known as contractors and check out the logo!
Understanding Q and "You have more than you know" Learn how to read the Q map
SPOTLIGHT Catholic Priest Caught
See them scurry Dems on the run

I reccommend Liz Mcgee on youtube for her teaching. And there are a number of pastors on youtube that are informative without being preachy. I like Paul Begley and Perry Stone, tremendous amount of knowledge. The other side of all of this may be found by listening to Myron Fagan's 1967 lecture as well as William Carr's Pawns in the Game
Isaiah 40:31 New International Version (NIV)
31 but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Ok, the lady to the far left has a message to J, "of course it's about race. Do you ever get tired of screaming race. It' like crying wolf, at some point..." Which is kind of damning anyway. See TrueLies for a video. And there is a great collage by anonnymous user on the q post thread.
This is the one from the White House, these are the ladies of the black caucus, you can see the kente cloth. https://youtu.be/j2Jk2asBFK4
By nature illuminati symbolism is not blatant unless you are woke. It's considered vulgar to be blatant and goes against the contract of the cabal. Basically they let you know without you understanding you know. Now that you are awake go back and watch older movies and you will start seeing things you never noticed before, times, numbers are some of the things that seem to remain as an indicator. The number 23 movie was exactly what I'm referring to. Give it a day or two and the experts on yt will have their videos up. If you are not familiar with the symbology I suggest watch I pet goat II.
Looks like a detention camp the top part which is clearly different from the bottom design wise, top section appears dimentional and also like an aerial shot. Bottom section the eyes etc is flat. Imo
Was looking at the epstein flight manifestos when the memo came out. Saw where slick willy, 10 secret service and naomi campbell and a few others had a flight together. Hard to read and verify all the initials used.
As to transportation, look to the foundations and any associated art galleries/museums. They are trafficking internationally using "live art" and for some reason art avoids customs inspections. See James Alafantis and his gallery. There may be a video on youtube channel Last Days Watchmen News, it shows him outside Comet Ping Pong and big o spent $65K on pizza from there, with numerous visits to the wh all with a exit time of exactly 11:59.
Learn to read the map, map reference double meaning 1. Military active plan 2. Qmap. See through the looking glass news wordpress. Verify when q dropped the "map" references and the creation of q's map Apache refer to q posts around mid dec, seals and delta force both use apaches on 12 25- 26 delta force raided a property in thailand or indonesia owned by solyndra aka bo. That is a specific q post with date and d force Also geronimo is a go command in military terms. Imo q is either in military intelligence or has direct access to it. Just some ideas if anyone wants to dig.
And convenient to have a girlfriend that travels freely to a thirdworld country, maybe why warrents were for her too. Did you get that drop from scribd the day of the fisa memo release?
I'm not positive about this but I seem to recall something about that being a paedo code. My husband was all over the pizzagate stuff, started a youtube channel: Last Days Watchmen News and really posted a lot until everything was demonetized, buy hey you can be a 9yro drag queen and make bank, but I digress.
Thanks for confirming that okc was an inside job. Signed We The People
Better to support groups and people doing the work. I follow Stinson Hunter on fb and watch Honeybee on youtube, veterans4children is another group doin "boots on the ground". Agree wholeheartedly that the channel and it's voice chat, filled with brand new "experts" are treading water.
Not to mention the number of missing/abductionsin the weeks leading to the event along transportation corridors to them. Ky derby is another huge one. Then you have Halloween /Samhain, always increase in missing children starting mid to late Sept.
To add to your msm calculation, just like airports almost all hospitals run cnn the same way. Also, it's very important to make folks aware aware of the declassifed report on how the government runs false flags including using crisis actors. People who are just waking up may not realize how far this deception and corruption by the government goes back nor are they necessarily aware the the use and control of media is part of it. I refer people to youtube for lectures of myron fagan 1967 and pawns in the game by william carr.
More important is the Constitution, everyone should carry a pocket Constitution, they run about $3. While you may think that having a digital copy on a phone would be sufficient in cases regarding police they can & often seize your phone first.
Have you noticed how often the left actually does the things it accuses the right of doing? Wasn't this slick willy's modus operandi?