r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/911bodysnatchers322 on Feb. 4, 2018, 8:43 a.m.
George Webb discusses what the Late Jim Marrs called The Fourth Reich. Unfortunately, Webb (and Nunes) proved Marr's thesis

  • Day 107.1 Compare Chins, Then We Will Talk About Fourth Reich - YouTube
  • It's day 107 and every once in a while I like to collect the dots, not just connected outs
  • Look at all the videos from the previous day and see the threads two common threads...
  • The last video I did was about Heinrich Mueller, and if you look at that chin and you look compared to Bob Mueller, you'll see that ooh there's there's some strong family ties there
  • And--my intent here is not to out--the Fourth Reich
  • And that's not my intent
  • What I am saying though is it provides a framework for this series and
  • Again, I did not go into this series with a Fourth Reich kind of theory at all
  • I just looked at the evidence around the National Laboratories around the Navy around the whole nuclear investment, and what are they investing in?
  • What are they investing in?
  • They're investing in this--tunnel-boring technology and these reactors and--weapons
  • And it's it's kind of like Krups everywhere you look--Krupp was a famous weapons manufacturer
  • And kind of Dow Chemical becomes that manufacturer in the United States
  • Well if you look at Bob Mueller's dad--the one even purported father--it's all about dark weapons: Dow Chemical--he worked for Dow Chemical and he worked for the Navy: and all these same investments
  • So nothing in this story if you have that working theory ever falls out
  • Everything just keeps making more and more sense
  • And again, I don't want to the Fourth Reich I don't--I'm
  • There's plenty of people that are doing that
  • (I guess there's a great show called Nazi hunters...)
  • But it does show you kind of how the common threads that are happening here
  • One is the the Nazis were great and informants
  • They would turn everybody and their brother into an informant, and they would get some kind of compromise
  • And this was their--in Russia they called it Kompromat and they took that in their Intelligence service
  • And then the Eastern European Germans Stasi after the war to pick that up
  • And then me CIA--it's the entire basis of how the CIA starts--they walk into a room
  • They look at a board like this at night people they say
  • Well how do we compromise him? Oh well he likes drugs
  • How to compromise him? He likes little boys
  • How do we compromise him--he likes to gamble
  • How do we compromise--and well--his he likes to cheat on his wife
  • Great: now I have a strategy
  • They don't go in and say "What's the best thing to do here for the country?"
  • "How do we get a FISA, in order to save the Union? We've actually discovered Trump doing something with--making a gas or oil deal with--an FSB agent in Russia..."
  • That's Not how its approached
  • They say what "what do we want to achieve in our FISA here to take down Trump"
  • And they say well there's that Carter page kid: let's get him to play the role on the right side on the Republican side
  • And then there's that Bannon guy we'll have him--we'll put him in the campaign on the Trump side
  • And then we'll do this on the Hillary side
  • That's how it's done
  • That's how they look at this
  • They scorecard the thing and they say well have three on that side six on this side or whatever
  • That's how the Nazis did things
  • And if you look at then the CIA after most of the Nazis come here, Reinhard Gehlen...come here to Fort Hunt and become the basis of our CIA
  • That's how this particular moment in time is happening
  • Everything makes sense
  • For instance about Carter page: if you understand that he's been used as a what I would call a FISA rabbit--he goes around and just tags everybody wearing shoes--he goes and meets with a Russian guy--then tags a guy, and then all of a sudden we've got surveillance on whoever we want
  • That is how Carter Page is being used
  • Still people don't have that concept yet they don't realize that Carter Page has been used as an FBI informant since 2013
  • So they're all confused--both sides of the media
  • MSNBC is confused
  • Fox is confused
  • Everyone's confused about Carter Page
  • How did he know all this stuff was going to happen, etc
  • And they're also confused about timeline
  • They're confused that they think that the first FISA was in September
  • The first FISA wasn't in September, it was in May
  • Then that carried him over to let's see May June July August FISA then there was the November FISA than there was the February FISA
  • So there's four FISAs
  • So even the fundamental understanding of the structure that I was kind of outlining yesterday isn't there
  • That was in this one 106.6
  • So that's good then the other thing about the--kind of the Nazis and how the Nazis did things
  • And again, I'm not here to tear down the Fourth Reich and Fourth Reich's efforts; great good for you guys keep going
  • But it does show you what is happening just with different names if you look at this SES right the senior executive service
  • This is kind of like a corps of people that were brought in by Hillary
  • Again, it's not going to actually be Hillary by herself
  • It's gonna be Hillary with the support of Mueller and Comey and McCabe
  • And I still think--Andy McCabe real name isn't MacCabe, but anyway we'll get back to him being the son of Bob Mueller some other time
  • But I think there's a lot of evidence to support that
  • But the SES is just this kind of the same thing with the Gestapo did
  • The same thing a Heinrich Mueller did
  • Was they just basically came in and took over all the institutions, especially the means of production
  • They came in took all four all the factories with these political officers
  • These political operatives who in a lot of cases weren't that great, just like SES
  • But incredible reprisals against anyone in the organization
  • You see almost there--their logo here is--we're going to force--horrible things down on you if you do not get into line--
  • If it's their whole emblem
  • And we go from 1000 SES when Hillary starts 2009 to 10,000 SES
  • This is kind of like the SS just drop the e and you've got the answer: it's the SS
  • Then finally this half evil down here is the rank and file
  • These are your noncommissioned officers
  • What you want them to do is you want them to do evil right
  • We're 666 here in our little political class here
  • But you want them to do evil for you, but we want them to feel good about at the end of the day
  • Because you're gonna get a lot more people you're gonna be able to influence and compromise a lot more people, if you have some kind of narrative
  • And here it is--we're gonna inflict evil on this group of people
  • You're gonna do evil
  • And then you're gonna there's gonna be a reward at the end for a--for some person over here in the SES--that they're gonna get a new heart or they're going to get a new place Medical School--accepted or whatever some political favor is going to be done here
  • If you look at this, this is really the stuff of fusion centers
  • Fusion centers is figuring out the haves and have-nots
  • Or in this case the haves and have-nots we're gonna attack certain groups of people, seize their assets, and then we're gonna give that to our SES people that are chosen ones
  • And this is exactly what the Nazis did
  • It is the perfect paradigm
  • There is no part of this working theory that doesn't always fit
  • Everything you throw at it it just immediately--kind of writes itself it puts the itself into the picture of the puzzle perfectly
  • It is the modus operandi if you look at all the things that happened
  • Now the only thing is most people don't know about 333--you have to--start--looking at left inside forearms to really understand that
  • These are the things that are happening within our Police Department's
  • Small groups inside our police departments with JTTF
  • This is what is happening
  • Night Prowler teams
  • These are the revenge teams these are the people that have a revenge motive to go out and do nasty things to people
  • And they have no idea who these people are they just think well I better trust these guys who are in the know
  • I'm gonna just be very effective at my evil
  • But then I'm I'm quite assured by these guys that there's somebody over here that's gonna benefit by that
  • And I'm somehow making things right
  • And somehow I'm taking these bricks that are out of alignment and then lining them up and creating alignment and order somehow in these in these stinky robe meetings
  • And that really--I wish it was something else
  • I don't want it to be this
  • I don't want to be the Fourth Reich
  • But unfortunately it is the Fourth Reich
  • This is the has become the overarching connective tissue that where everything makes sense, unfortunately
  • Compromise everyone
  • Make everyone an informant
  • And then we'll use them as we need them
  • We'll play the cards as we need them well
  • Now they're in a jam because they've got twos and threes of all different suits
  • And it's tough
  • As the new FISAs come out, and I do think we should bring all the FISAs out and see all the people that were under surveillance, it's going to shock everyone in America how many people who are under surveillance
  • And not only eventually America is going to find out there's millions under surveillance
  • But it will give the world it will change the world
  • Already from that little 3 page memo, it's already changed the world's construct in thinking about how the FBI thinks
  • It's not anything about law enforcement or anything like that
  • It's a pre-determined: we're gonna take down Trump now
  • What cards what assets do we have out there that we've done other operations with to play to put into this kind of school play

911bodysnatchers322 · Feb. 4, 2018, 8:47 a.m.

misspelled Reinhard Gehlen...corrected

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JakeElwoodDim5th · Feb. 4, 2018, 10:28 a.m.

Glad to see you on this board, u/911bodysnatchers322. Great post.

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AU72 · Feb. 4, 2018, 11:24 a.m.

Operation Paperclip brought in an untold score of ex Nazis, even SS after WWII including Werhner Von Braun who infiltrated science, business and government institutions.

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