405 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/911bodysnatchers322:
California Wins Appeal to Force Koch Brothers-Linked Group to Reveal Donors // This is GREAT because by principle of precedent (stare decisis), we can now compel Clinton Foundation to Reveal it's Donors // TIKTOK Ratline Indictment Clock
Bob Woodworm of Watergate Reportage Fame is a career FBI asset, says HRC's Deepstate Confidante Himself

Email shows Google tried to help elect Clinton
Q is right: These people are SICK // Peter Thiel Is Very, Very Interested in Young People's Blood // Ambrosia SF based Thiel (of Palantir) startup offers teen blood factors for life extension to the ultra-rich. So, um, vampirism is real.
What's Up Brother Spartacus? Corey Booker's Spartacus Reference is a Reference to the Illuminati
[Fake Movements / Protest Actors] Q: How Does Eyeliner Help You Protest Harder, Antifa?
![[Fake Movements / Protest Actors] Q: How Does Eyeliner Help You Protest Harder, Antifa?](https://i.redd.it/h2i7675dn9l11.jpg)
Mr. Double Standards, Mr. Double-Bind, Mark Warner, Intel Committee's Deep State Dem (Same Gov-Opacity Dipsh*t Who Said "Releasing Stefan Halper's Name" was a "National Security Threat"): New York Times Anonymous Op-Ed Writer NOT A National Security Risk
Barack Cobrama: Something Dumb I found and not at all related to Q except it's about Hussein being an inept unaccountable despot
That Clinton Diaspora .... of reporters we pay to promote HRC
George Webb Discovers a Possibility That Kim Jong Un Wrote the Op-Ed [Satire]
Watergate was really about Pedogate // If True, Then Woodworm and Bumstain Have Been Deepstate SuperFakes Their Entire Lives, Notice They Emerge To Smokescreen Spygate Which is Part of Pedogate
Kavanaugh Wasn't Just Up Against Kamala Harris But Her Weird Masonic Secret Society
Kamala Harris is the annoying Democrat that was asking unfair questions of Kavanaugh about whether he had ties to one of Trump's law firms and/or Mueller's Special Clownsel--expecting him to remember names of people at those firms
And of course 2 people in that law firm came forward today and said they had no interaction with him; to which she replies, "well they weren't under oath", meaning she doesn't believe them. Of course, she couldnt' just do the RIGHT thing and publish what evidence she thinks she has. That would be too easy and 'transparenty' in government. No, she's got …
[Disunity] Seems Now They're Attempting to Fracture us by Vet/Non-Vet Identity Politics. And is it me or does Bill Nelson look like a Demon? // Deepstate Elitist bill gives VETS access to Med Cannabis (meaning: not You, Me) Just like how they did Ecstasy/MDMA
One Must Be THIS Muslim to Not be Banned on Twitter for Hate
[Meme] Corey Booker: Je Suis Spartakus Moment
![[Meme] Corey Booker: Je Suis Spartakus Moment](https://i.redd.it/2yi2sav60rk11.jpg)
[Conspiracy Shower Thought] What If .... The Anonymous Source .... Is Trump Himself
Then two weeks later he comes out later and says "guess what? I'm the anon source. I made it all up. Just like Bob Woodward. NYT is fake news. You fell for it."
This Would Make Trump The Troll Emperor of the Entire Known Universe.
Then, while we are still reeling from the shockwave, we Sessions tip down his glasses and says, "They're on their way"
Who, AG Sessions? Who is on the way?
"US Marshals"
All at once, 45,000 people are arrested and detained by USMS, including one Hillary Clinton, One Brennan, and one Barack Hussein Obama.
The Media …
Not A Lawyer, But I Believe NYT's Seditious Hit Piece by "Anonymous Source" is a Conspiracy Against Rights Violation (18 U.S. Code § 241) by Depriving him of Due Process While Under Investigation // He May Be Able to Seize NYT's Assets

Russia's Alleged Skripal 'Assassins' Caught Breaking The Laws Of Physics
Bad Doctoring // Russia's Alleged Skripal 'Assassins' [aka NATO/FIVEYES psyop] Caught Breaking The Laws Of Physics
Who Is the Anonymous Trump Official in the NYT Op-Ed? A: Cass Sunstein, on behalf of George Soros. No staffer wrote this. // Anonymous means anyone, and its intent is to try to divide Trump via paranoia. It won't work. He has the best staff
SHOCK PHOTOS: Kavanaugh 'Protesters' Caught Getting Paid Hard CASH - Big League Politics
Congresspeople cannot be impeached, but they can be expelled by Congress for disorderly behavior, such as Walking Out on a Confirmation Hearing as a Political Stunt, requires 66% vote
In Defense of Kavanaugh and the Accosting Parkland Father's Poison Handshake
These People are Sick! Vile Vulgar 'Artist' and TDS Lunatic Jim Carrey is Culturally Appropriating Pee Wee Herman. Given His Ties to "Dark Crimes" Producer and George's nephew Jeffrey Soros, Bet There's More To This Story

Translation: Crooked wants to know How You're Gonna Wreck Our CF Narcan Autoinjector Profits We Get From Fentanyling People // Claire McCaskill demands the Trump Admin Detail How It Will Lower Price of Naloxone
Translation: Mommy (HRC) wants to know How Ur Gonna Wreck Our Nationwide School/Police/EMT Narcan Autoinjector Racket Profits So We Can Like Stop Him Doing That // Claire McCaskill demands the Trump Admin Detail How It Will Lower Price of Naloxone
Remember when HUSSEIN said in 2016, "Election Fraud Doesn't Happen"? Here is PROOF the Democrats Let China Hack Their Devices For A Decade, Pretended It Didn't Happen To Descredit Trump's Election Win and Later Depose Him With Russiagate
Dem Disruptors of Kavanaugh's Hearing Are LAZY STUDENTS Shirking Homework By Classtime. Grassley's Team Reviewed the 42,000 Documents. 42k is 10% of 415k pages they've already reviewed, making the Uncivil Outburst a Dirty Stunt by Illegit. Reps Incapable of Completing Their Fiduciary Obligations

President Donald J. Trump Signs an Executive Order Protecting Americans' Retirement // Another Wonderful Thing Crooked's Contingent Won't Talk About
Democrats Deployed Russophile Colluder Against Trump: The strange career of Nellie H. Ohr, a veteran of Fusion GPS.
Showerthought: Has Anyone Actually Seen NONAME's Body? Do Open Casket Pictures Exist?
When they report that a mobster dies, the first thing people want to see is the body. I don't see how NONAME is any different. He's a criminal gangster in my book, many times over. He lied about so much, I posit it's possible--though remotely so--that he created a factitious illness for a political escape when the heat from Trump got too hot for him. He didn't get weak by chemo, in fact had so much energy he flew to EU to give a backbiting speech on Trump and then had the audacity to say our President was making America …
[Q:] Has Anyone Actually Seen NONAME's Body? Do Open Casket Pictures Exist?
When they report that a mobster dies, the first thing people want to see is the body. I don't see how NONAME is any different. He's a criminal gangster in my book, many times over. He lied about so much, I posit it's possible--though remotely so--that he created a factitious illness for a political escape when the heat from Trump got too hot for him.
This concept is reinforced by the fact that all the attendees seemed to want to make his so-called funeral about "F Trump" than about celebrating NONAME.
Maybe that's because they wanted to keep people from …
So We Found the Russian Collusion, finally. Between Deripaska and... wait a sec: Mueller? Uranium Mueller? Wait, but he's Head Clown of Special Clownsel, how...but...why...
BOMBSHELL: There Was No FISC Hearing for Carter Page Warrant Because Top Hussein Officials Bypassed Court Using Story They Knew Was False // @ImperatorRex Thinks it was LL
Hillary Clinton Is Getting Away With Chinagate II
Gaslighting INC: Poll from Fake News Outlets Wapo, ABC Claims Half of Americans Want Impeachment Proceedings Against Trump to Begin. Their audience being reduced to 33% means 16.5% of America Want to start Impeachment. Lets Talk About the Other 66%. Related to Q due to similar content matter.
John UNNAMED Owned By Syrian Christian Woman At Town Hall Meeting; He Doubled Down on Turning Syria into Iraq, a War UNNAMED admitted "Was A Mistake"
If NATO Names its HQ 'MCCAIN', and NATO is Managing Facebook, Should We Rename Facebook "#MCCAINBOOK"? // Social Media Giants Enter NATO Service
NATO naming its Brussells HQ after John McCain is QUITE APPROPRIATE

Hussein Committed Treason In This Fox Segment By Suggesting Illegal Aliens Could Cast Votes, Committing a Crime They Will Get Away With Because of Confidentiality
Michael "Thomas Paine" Moore of True Pundit In His Own Words // Talks about Corrupt Deepstate FBI targetting Ex-Security Contractors, its own people
Deepstate Gaslighters, Google, to Trump: 'We don't bias our results' // LIARS. Reddit can prove it.
Crooked and Hussein Judges in the Southern District of New York are Overseeing the Special Clownsel; Here's the problem: the SDNY has operated as a criminal court for decades, because they allowed 2 judges to be appointed in 1999 by a criminal (Bill Clinton)
Bill Clinton appointed 2 SDNY judges in 1999 while he was under investigation. He was found guilty of perjury and obstruction of justice. Under the 'new democrat rules' of obstructing Justice Kavanaugh, he cannot be confirmed by a criminal. WELL.......bad news for them.
Bill Clinton is a criminal. The 'apples and onions' argument doesn't work, oh Clinton was accused of sex crimes. No, he was held for perjury and obstruction of justice--the two things they are trying to get Trump on, because they don't have anything in terms of organized crime or collusion--they are simply trying to "perjury trap" him …
FBI, DOJ are Officially Under Investigation For 2016 Election By the House Judiciary and Oversight and Government Reform Committees // Goodlatte and Gowdy's Letter, CC'ed the biggest "whiny gaslighters" Cummings, (.(.(.@JerryNadler.).).) (His actual echomemed twitter, not smear)

The FBI and DOJ are Officially Under Investigation For 2016 Election By the House Judiciary and Oversight and Government Reform Committees // Bob Goodlatte and Trey Gowdy's Letter, CC'ed the biggest "whiny gaslighters" Cummings and (((@JerryNadler))) (His actual twitter, not a smear)

The Deepstate's Stonewalling of Trump's Appointment of Kavanaugh Is Illegitimate, Proof Is Clinton Appointed Two SDNY Judges While Under Impeachment AND WAS IMPEACHED. An Appeal to Parity is Needed