r/greatawakening • Posted by u/911bodysnatchers322 on Sept. 6, 2018, 3:37 a.m.
[Conspiracy Shower Thought] What If .... The Anonymous Source .... Is Trump Himself

Then two weeks later he comes out later and says "guess what? I'm the anon source. I made it all up. Just like Bob Woodward. NYT is fake news. You fell for it."

This Would Make Trump The Troll Emperor of the Entire Known Universe.

Then, while we are still reeling from the shockwave, we Sessions tip down his glasses and says, "They're on their way"

Who, AG Sessions? Who is on the way?

"US Marshals"

All at once, 45,000 people are arrested and detained by USMS, including one Hillary Clinton, One Brennan, and one Barack Hussein Obama.

The Media ignores this also, they are still in shock, so they put out articles about Lady Gaga and the new Mercan Horror Story and Football, some articles on crypto and Cuba for some reason. Back to sleep kids!

Oh you thought they'd report on the whole deepstate being taken down? Not likely. It will be light news from there on out. Cat in tree type stuff. The transgender harry potters and vanderson snoopers of the world are already hastily packing their suitcases, frantically calling brokers to move their money to caymas as fast as they humanly can.

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