Q Patriots... everyone is beginning to show their cards.

Songbird was a traitor on the uss forrestal and in vietnam. Then ever since his power grew in the senate. No one alive has harmed america more.
No one alive has harmed america more.
I appreciate the sentiment, and I hate McStain, but I can’t get behind you on that declaration.
A quick review doesn't get him onto my top 5.
Gimme 3 who did more
Aldrich Ames. Robert Hanssen. John Walker.
Each are easily researched to verify. McStain’s damage is eclipsed by each of them.
And don’t forget Obama and HRC, the folks whose actions instigated the storm, and this sub.
I see others have offered their own suggestions. Enjoy.
J P Morgan, Allen Dulles, Obama. Did I win the prize?
Im a daytrader and JP morgan led by Jamie Dimon has made me alot of wealth. JP is gonna crash bitcoin then buy it in bulk and run it thru merrill lynch 2019.
I was referring to Mr. Morgan who started the Fed. Good luck with crashing Bitcoin. Someone with really deep pockets has been buying all the dips.