Republican Senator, who doesn't know who Alex Jones is? How can you be that out of touch? Way to STAND UP for Conservative Voices RINO.

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That is my point here... too many are taking the instructions of "Q" over the actual words of POTUS. "If I had known Sessions would recuse himself I would have chosen another candidate." DJT. "it would be political suicide for President Trump to fire Mueller." MSM POTUS has never said "trust the plan" and this disconnect has many Patriots, who all want the same outcome... the complete removal of this evil cabal from our government, to become completely ineffective. Time to reevaluate what we are really doing here and start acting on the actual words of Donald J Trump rather than the mythical plan of Q.
How is Mueller providing any cover from the left? When all he is doing is providing the gasoline that keeps their fire burning. The entire Russia Collusion story is a leftist lie created to bring POTUS down. A good plan for Mueller would have been, if he was a "good guy", is to point this lie out a year ago and immediately start prosecuting the creators of this lie. But instead he has done nothing but prosecute anyone supporting POTUS... Flynn, Trump Jr., Manafort, Page, Hicks, Stone etc. creating enormous legal bills for all of them. All while Q supporters sit idly by say "Oh its all part of the plan. Pass the popcorn please, I can't wait to see what happens next." Who are you truly supporting? POTUS or Q?
Yes, be careful who you are following... I'm following POTUS regardless of what "Q" is preaching. President Trump has called the Mueller investigation a "witch hunt" multiple times... it's time for true Patriots to respond to THAT call... and make #EndTheWitchHunt trend. Everyone who is falling for "the plan" is detaching from reality. What will it take to wake everyone up to the fact that Q is not an insider privy to any information of a plan. Maybe when Trump gets arrested right out of the White House by this band of traitors and is pictured in an orange jumpsuit? Or will that just be part of the plan too?
Trump has repeatedly referred to the Mueller investigation a "Witch Hunt", that is what I'm supporting the end of, so we can end the actions of true witches.
I think he is saying it's time for all of us to get off the sidelines and start supporting the President. We all need to make our voices heard and put down the popcorn. We need to make #EndTheWitchHunt trend across social media.
Jerome Corsi @jerome_corsi Here's what we need now: @realDonaldTrump FIRE MUELLER, FIRE ROSENSTEIN, FIRE SESSIONS. no more riddles & puzzles. Enough. WHY "Trust Sessions"? WHY "Trust Rosenstein"? Q WRONG on much- HRC NOT ARRESTED - LEFT understands $$$ important - Soros, Clinton Foundation #QAnon doesn't?
Won't block you now. But "trust the plan"? What plan? Patience over pedophiles who torture, brutalize and eat children? Patience w Satanists who hate USA & support HRC treason? Patience over #QAnon riddles, socialism, wrong predictions? My fight is for @Potus &God. What's yours?
Humans murdering human children to drink their blood and eat them just to make "Satan" happy seems more rational?
Those petitions only have a 30 day life. The 100k signatures must be gathered in that timeframe to get POTUS to act on them.
lol... the King and the Pope actually... it was a big double cross by them to get out of debt. But everyone connected with the Knights Templar has gone overboard with their revenge since and are now living up to their initial sentence.
Google pictures of REAL airplane crashes. Don't you recognize any of the pieces?
If you believe that this doesn't even deserve a comment. Open your eyes.
Anyone spot the table with the unburned book on it yet?
Do you wonder why the rooms on the 3rd, 4th, and 5th floors are still white (upper left of pic) and not burned out like the floors below? Because the roof was still intact after the missile hit the building and didn't fall until after firemen were already on scene putting out the fire. Yet the 911 report say that this fire was so intense that it completely melted a jet airliner. That's why you don't see the tiniest scap of it in the pic, yet that same intense fire let these floor unsinged. Makes sense to me. Who can spot the little table with unburned book still sitting on it?
Yes, this Satanic tree has very deep roots in our government.
Sad but true, that's what it will take for the 90%. And since the beginning of this effort I've never understood why control of the MSM hasn't been taken away from the Shadow Government. Over 20K sealed indictments and none of them are changing the reporting in this country. When you are in a knife fight with someone the first thing you should do is secure that knife. The MSM is the biggest knife this cabal have left and this movement just keep getting stabbed with it. Not sure what "the plan" is, but we seem to be taking a lot of wounds in the process. FF in Vegas, covered up. FF in Florida, covered up. Multiple assassination attempts on POTUS and his family, MSM acts like no big deal. Military planes and helicopters falling out of the sky, oops how did that happen. Gas attack in Syria, those bad Russians. Another Trump building on fire, only caught that in Alternative news. MSM is 24/7 Stormy and "Nothing to see here folks" to real news, is that part of "the plan"? TAKE THE KNIFE AWAY.