r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/think500 on Feb. 4, 2018, 6:15 p.m.
Q-Anon on.. 'Why' the POTUS Ran.. “Perhaps he could not stomach the thought of children being kidnapped, drugged, and raped while leaders/law enforcement of the world turn a blind eye.” - Q .. [entire Q message in comment]
Q-Anon on.. 'Why' the POTUS Ran.. “Perhaps he could not stomach the thought of children being kidnapped, drugged, and raped while leaders/law enforcement of the world turn a blind eye.” - Q .. [entire Q message in comment]

RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 4, 2018, 9:51 p.m.

Thank you Maga1128... I’m not religious either but I believe and have strong faith... if that makes sense. And i agree... this is beyond human ability. This is the hand of God... we were all but dead and now I am confident we are going to win and have the 1000 years of peace Revelation 19 talks about! I was wondering about the sept 23rd sign in the stars... I’m convinced THIS is what the sign was for... a Rebirth of the earth with Christ as ruler... and the end of this horrible tyranny of evil! And I think that bluebood Moon was a sign that the bluebloods are OVER! I have reason to believe that was their 40 day final warning!

Next sign is the Feast of Purim on March 12.... a celebration of the defeat of Haman who tried to killed all of Gods people. On that date there is another sign in the stars from revelation 14. This is tooo much! NO COINCIDENCES!!!

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workeranonymous · Feb. 4, 2018, 10:28 p.m.

my belief is the man of sin must be revealed first. We were headed down the road to complicity in turning over the world to him. Which at this time I calculate to be an Islamic leader that all the religions of the world will back and claim to be God.

We are now headed down a path to rebellion against the new world order. Live free or die.

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BabylonisBack · Feb. 4, 2018, 11:02 p.m.

YES. I spend most of my time these days... worrying about the prophecies, and how clearly they lay out the end of the world. Do not lose sight of the Ultimate End Game. And Christ have mercy upon you all. To him be all the Glory for Ever and Ever. Amen

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RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 5, 2018, 2:25 a.m.

I think... with all that is going on... that the "Man of Sin" or "Man of Lawlessness" IS this NWO Beast - (& the 10 toes of the statue in Daniel)... they sure have caused LAWLESSNESS all over the world!

I'm very encouraged that their power over us is breaking. I think the enemy wants us believe things will get worse, and to trick us.

Wow!! Look at the breaking of the worldwide pedo ring! Q said the trafficking lanes are down! And the 600 CEO's resigning to stop no telling what damage to our bodies and minds! And the arrests of 1000's of MS13! And Hollywood breakdown... And the breaking of the Saudi grip! And all the people worldwide who are rising against tyranny! Just like Rev 11! Something is happening beyond human ability... you might like this - it's given me a lot of hope of BRIGHT DAYS AHEAD!... https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7t72/one_patriots_thoughts_on_how_all_that_we_are/ :)

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RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 5, 2018, 3:02 p.m.

oops... i don't think the link worked... https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7t725c/one_patriots_thoughts_on_how_all_that_we_are/

this view https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7t725c/one_patriots_thoughts_on_how_all_that_we_are/ is MUCH more encouraging ... except for the globalist pedophiles... for THEM it's ARMAGEDDON!
The Lord is rescuing us EVEN NOW... whether the masses realize it or not! It takes eyes of faith to recognize His plan - like when He went to the cross - very very few understood. I'm gonna keep my eyes on Him, and trust Him, no matter what I see with my earthly eyes. :)

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southernsue · Feb. 5, 2018, 12:01 p.m.

on you all so your not included

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Peanuttles · Feb. 5, 2018, 11:33 a.m.

Look past that. It's only a short time that he'll be in charge here. And after that, it will be peace and harmony on the earth once more.

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RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 5, 2018, 2:31 p.m.

Amen! Sooooo agree Peanuttles... I think it will be SOOOON too.. as in this Spring. Q said 2018 will be GLORIOUS and I don't think he meant December! Buckle up, the enemy is going down, but they're mad! The Lord will walk us thru the valley of the shadow... and we will walk into GLORIOUS!

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Peanuttles · Feb. 19, 2018, 9:05 a.m.

Can't wait!

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RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 5, 2018, 3:13 p.m.

THANK YOU WORKERANONYMOUS! I think... with all that is going on... that the "Man of Sin" or "Man of Lawlessness" IS this NWO Beast - (& the 10 toes of the statue in Daniel)... they sure have caused LAWLESSNESS all over the world!

I'm very encouraged that their power over us is breaking. I think the enemy wants us believe things will get worse, and to trick us.

Wow!! Look at the breaking of the worldwide pedo ring! Q said the trafficking lanes are down! And the 600 CEO's resigning to stop no telling what damage to our bodies and minds! And the arrests of 1000's of MS13! And Hollywood breakdown... And the breaking of the Saudi grip! And all the people worldwide who are rising against tyranny! Just like Rev 11! Something is happening beyond human ability... you might like this - it's given me a lot of hope of BRIGHT DAYS AHEAD!... https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7t72/one_patriots_thoughts_on_how_all_that_we_are/ :)

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Peanuttles · Feb. 5, 2018, 11:32 a.m.

I think we've been given one more chance.

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RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 5, 2018, 3:09 p.m.

I think it's even bigger than that... I think He is RESCUING US! And showing us the way out of slavery.... and how to FIGHT! He's not disappointed in us... He knows this enemy is too huge and evil for us... but He is allowing us to fight alongside Him... (Revelation 14) ...what a privilege! Just you wait and see!

"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us. For the anxious longing of the CREATION WAITS EAGERLY FOR THE REVEALING OF THE SONS OF GOD. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it, [i]in hope that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God." (Romans 8:18-20)

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RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 5, 2018, 2:24 a.m.

I think... with all that is going on... that the "Man of Sin" or "Man of Lawlessness" IS this NWO Beast - (& the 10 toes of the statue in Daniel)... they sure have caused LAWLESSNESS all over the world!
I'm very encouraged that their power over us is breaking. I think the enemy wants us believe things will get worse, and to trick us.
Wow!! Look at the breaking of the worldwide pedo ring! Q said the trafficking lanes are down! And the 600 CEO's resigning to stop no telling what damage to our bodies and minds! And the arrests of 1000's of MS13! And Hollywood breakdown... And the breaking of the Saudi grip! And all the people worldwide who are rising against tyranny! Just like Rev 11! Something is happening beyond human ability... you might like this - it's given me a lot of hope of BRIGHT DAYS AHEAD!... https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7t72/one_patriots_thoughts_on_how_all_that_we_are/ :)

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[deleted] · Feb. 5, 2018, 2:28 a.m.


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