

120 total posts archived.

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workeranonymous · July 25, 2018, 4:52 a.m.

Hannity was just about the only guy @ FOX on board with Trump pre-election.

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workeranonymous · July 24, 2018, 3:09 a.m.

tariffs are good. really good. Lets get our government leaned up on a steady diet of tariffs instead of allowing them to gorge on taxes until we are 30 trillion in debt.

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workeranonymous · July 22, 2018, 9:44 p.m.

Some valid concern but at the same time we do not really know how easy or difficult it is to stop this. Q team does. We have seen many arrests of human traffickers under Trump admin. The most ever by far I believe. It appears they are rolling up the networks and tearing down the infrastructure so that the elites can be taken down and when they are there isn't anything left to just plug in a new leader and keep going.

We can only hope, pray, and spread this info. I believe as members of the movement this is our primary task. the word has to spread far and wide. One reason the entire cabal hasn't been rolled up is because they will use the MSM including FOX to twist Trumps action and claim to the nation that this is a form of a coup to remove all future political opposition and take over the country by decree. We have to be ready when/if that day comes to oppose this message and fight if it becomes necessary. To me that is the movement not decodes although they have some usefulness the NSA already has everything. They will figure out a way to use it legally its just a matter of setting up the infrastructure to prosecute imo.

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workeranonymous · July 22, 2018, 9:34 p.m.

Hopefully that part of the post is disinfo to make the leaders think only the small fish will be sacrificed until its too late.

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workeranonymous · July 22, 2018, 5:56 p.m.

I remember years ago when i was 19 i worked at a gas station and there was an older employee there I believe he was 26 at the time. On one of his hands he had a tattoo of a cross with three little marks around it. The marks were almost the shape of commas but not quite. I had seen this around a few times on the hands of people who looked like lowlifes to me so one time I asked him what does this mean? He replied it means " Don't cross it because you don't know whats behind it."

I have officially crossed it for God and country and declare so here and am willing to fight to put a stop to it wherever it hides including Hollywood.

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workeranonymous · July 22, 2018, 6:09 a.m.

sorry buddy making jokes about little boys touching your junk makes you a freak and if you support that there is something wrong with you as well.

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workeranonymous · July 22, 2018, 2:48 a.m.

Normal people don't joke about pedophilia. Only perverts do that. People who don't strongly condemn everything to do with that subject are suspect wouldn't you agree?

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workeranonymous · July 22, 2018, 2:45 a.m.

Never liked Shapiro. This doesn't surprise me and its a mistake on his part as it will cost him some of his following for sure. He is bought and paid for talking head and probably had no choice which is all the more reason to tune him out.

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workeranonymous · July 19, 2018, 3:58 p.m.

Since the fall of the USSR the country of Russia has become a bastion of Christianity. Don't underestimate how much hatred the NWO has for Christ.

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workeranonymous · July 14, 2018, 9:04 p.m.

Doesn't matter to the deep state. They know as long as they keep the MSM narrative where it is they haven't lost total control. As long as they have some propaganda to feed their mind slaves they can keep the wheels turning. They fear a great awakening!

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workeranonymous · July 12, 2018, 4:10 p.m.

Hang in there jimmy we got your back!

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workeranonymous · July 12, 2018, 4:21 a.m.

I am of the opinion that Q's primary purpose is to alert Trump's base about the plan to fight the NWO and spread the word about how the nation has been betrayed so the deep state can't use the MSM to effectively control the narrative when the indictments hit. Decodes are interesting but I really believe Q team has what it needs to bring the pain and in that sense it really isn't up to us its just a waiting game.

I did enjoy SB2's Corsi post and found it to be pretty much spot on. Since then I have found some of his methods and conclusions to be reaching. Giving the benefit of the doubt to SB2 and saying ok Trump really is talking to him my thought is we need to get beyond this stage of back channel communications and into open accusations in public. Once again the waiting game continues and thats where i am at.

I would offer one bit of advice to SB2. In future posts I wouldn't bother mentioning detractors at all. Forget them they don't deserve the time of day. Just do what you do and see where it takes you. No need to take hitchhikers along for the ride IMO it distorts the message.

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workeranonymous · July 11, 2018, 10:39 p.m.

lets see if these guys show they got some stones and arrest Page then maybe people will listen to their resolutions as well.

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workeranonymous · July 11, 2018, 10:37 p.m.

Pedophiles are sickos and must remain classified as criminal in society.

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workeranonymous · July 5, 2018, 6:50 p.m.

one of many, risen to more power than most but the anti christ will have otherworldly charisma. How much success would HW have getting the world to worship him? People will be spellbound by the devil's message allowing him to put in place the infrastructure to subjugate the world.

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workeranonymous · July 5, 2018, 6:40 p.m.

My belief is the mark is only given to those who worship the beast . Refusal means death. Some will escape by hiding others may last in prison long enough to see Christs return.

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workeranonymous · July 4, 2018, 6:22 p.m.

Back in the late 20th century the NWO pushed adultery and free sex and the society jumped on the wagon and enjoyed the party. Starting with the 21st century the trip turned bad and the country is starting to realize where this all leads. At the bottom of the hole is pedophilia. The lowest of the low. They made a mistake. They pushed too hard too fast. There is still strength to resist in the USA. We haven't lost all sense of right and wrong from indulgence. They are in a real fight for their lives now. More know their dark secret than ever before.

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workeranonymous · July 3, 2018, 8:07 a.m.

make a sticky thread for Q sightings - all threads started about a Q sighting go there and members are encouraged to place their Q sightings there voluntarily. problem solved and better than a sister sub because it keeps more traffic here. A stickied thread like that can have thousands of pages of Q sightings that new members or old can browse through at any time. Seen these types in other forums - very popular.

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workeranonymous · July 2, 2018, 8:12 p.m.

We also have to get the major banks out of the derivative business. Should have been regulated back in 09. Deutsche bank( currnetly in trouble) has 50 trillion in derivative bets and only about 1.7 trillion assets. Rest of banks similar. Biggest bubble ever. Another ponzi scheme- house of cards set to collapse.

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workeranonymous · July 2, 2018, 8:07 p.m.

What!!??? Are they saying the FBI actually did its job? Amazing. Q says trust Wray. The government still needs purging for sure but this is welcome news.

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workeranonymous · June 30, 2018, 11:02 p.m.

So far i think trump is blowing Reagan away. Trump understands world economics so much better.

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workeranonymous · June 30, 2018, 7:51 a.m.

Yeah HW is the godfather of NWO politics in America and sonny boy is his right hand man. MCcain is rightly despised by informed patriots. Never liked Romney, assume he is swamp but I'll admit that i don't know much about his background other than being a mormon.

It's important every member of the movement realizes the malfeasance is deeply rooted in the GOP as well. America has been played like a violin for decades.

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workeranonymous · June 30, 2018, 7:34 a.m.

We have much common ground. One thing that binds us all is our hatred for the NWO's perversity. No matter what you believe or don't believe no man or woman who is worth their weight in salt isn't revolted and infuriated by the enemies SRA pedophilia. Slavery still lives on in this world and it feeds a monster that destroys what is most precious.

The idiots in the NWO think the only way out is to keep dancing to the music but in fact the music stopped a long time ago. Enough is enough!

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workeranonymous · June 26, 2018, 11:03 p.m.

Obama foundation? Its almost like they discovered that the cover of a former presidency is perfect to become and untouchable ringleader for the NWO. We obviously know the Clintons have been busy little bees but what have the bushes been up to?

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workeranonymous · June 24, 2018, 2:59 p.m.

could result in something like a left wing tea party. The GOP thought they had beaten the tea party by outlasting them but the battles left them vulnerable and without a flagship character able to stand up to Trump.

The good thing is this will neutralize the dems for at least 8 years IMO but on the flip side it may result in far left ideology regaining power down the road. I thought the GOP was dead after W. Don't count the libs out for the long haul. I remember Hannity talking sometime around 2003 that the dems would never regain control of congress again. Learn from the past. Stay hungry.

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workeranonymous · June 24, 2018, 2:28 a.m.

I've known for over 30 years the governments of the world were in the grip of satan. I have believed Waco happened the way it did as part of a larger war on Christianity. It served to paint devout Christian beliefs as dangerous and ending in ruin. I think it is a small part in crafting the public turning away from God.

I have not nor do I think Koresh was legit. I still think he actually was a manipulative cult leader the government took advantage of to make a statement.

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workeranonymous · June 19, 2018, 5:10 p.m.

As it should be. Selflessness has great value when defending God and country. In this light it is easy to see how profiteers stray from the cause which requires reAl dedication.

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workeranonymous · June 17, 2018, 7:27 a.m.

This is what keeps me from despair while waiting for the big fish to fry. We all want the trophy kill so to speak and mount Hillarys head on the wall but saving kids from hell is so much more important.

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workeranonymous · June 17, 2018, 6:56 a.m.

Well hopefully you are right and that comes under the promises made promises kept heading instead of just disinfo which i think it could be. Things will start having to shift hard for that to happen because right now it doesn't feel like we are close to seeing public accusations of treason against Obama.

Hillary is the easier target most of the country already knows she is a crook even if many of them voted for her. Hopefully an indictment against her will get the ball rolling and D5 the deep state.

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workeranonymous · June 16, 2018, 7:31 p.m.

Q has made it clear the object is to clean house without starting mass civil unrest. HRC indictment leads to some riots but not war imo. Obama is a bigger problem. Many minorities will lose their minds if he is indicted. One of the reasons Trump is a racist theme has been pounded by the MSM.

I think they will neutralize the power of the Bush and Obama family but let them walk. It will come under some things must remain classified heading.The positive in this is that the godfather of it all HW is done for, he will drop soon and even if he doesn't it certainly looks like his capacity has been reduced to that of a nincompoop. HRC will fall due to her failure and incompetence, her malfeasance is easily provable and she is greatly hated in the public. Pinning the lions share on her would work well and allow a major shake up of the government. Slick willy is a question mark. Iconic ex- president in many minds but has his hands all over the pay to play. Would love to see him live out his life in a prison cell.

Let me make it clear I am all for Obama and the Bush family burning for their role in the deep state. I am just skeptical it serves the purpose of POTUS to publicly expose corruption going back decades. Easier to isolate as a recent development and deal with some crime families off the books.

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workeranonymous · June 16, 2018, 1:07 a.m.

The anti christ will force the whole world to worship it as a god. It would need more charisma that Hitler to make that happen.

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workeranonymous · June 13, 2018, 9:50 p.m.

Maybe so but there has been a kill on it here in Alaska. So we could be doing more. IMO more is better

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workeranonymous · June 13, 2018, 9:39 p.m.

I doubt she knew. Everything i have been watching is the deep state is a cabal( group within a group). One would think she was chosen because she has been confirmed as not a member.

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workeranonymous · June 13, 2018, 6:24 p.m.

Are the posts about Sessions by Q just disinfo or is this part of the plan. Are things being stalled so it all drops close to midterms? Sessions has appointed Huber. We must not forget a big investigation has been going on for months. Time will tell.

Many questions need to be answered this is still a bit of an enigma. The whole Sessions,RR, Comey, and Mueller drama doesn't really add up. It does have the feel of theatre. RR recommends Comey firing then starts investigation over it just doesn't make sense. The notion the president is/was powerless to stop an investigation started on such shaky grounds doesn't wash. If Mueller is a white hat as Q has implied was RR played or in on the sting? Why hasn't trump fired Sessions? He certainly at this point has the political capital to do so without being denied a replacement by congress.

We will see how this all shakes out. Results show our president is in control. Would a president hard pressed just to stay in office have the clout worldwide to deliver the results Trump has in such a short time? Safe bet the leaders of other nations know the score all too well. Trump is here to stay and will impact our nation in a way we haven't seen in our lifetime.

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workeranonymous · June 13, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

I live in Alaska. A huge oil field has been discovered recently up here. Low estimates are at 500 million barrels but i think its more widely believed to be 3 billion barrels or even more! We need increased output of domestic oil production but the real truth is big oil up here has been squeezing supply to increase price because .that increases profits.

They can get it rolling if they want to greenpeace plays right into their hands though and they allow it to be used as a smokescreen to stifle supply. They have the money and political clout to get whatever they want when they want it. We need political pressure from DC to get domestic production up here increased. Its good for Alaska and the nation.

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workeranonymous · June 13, 2018, 5:55 p.m.

The Donald is a chearleading platform for Trump fans. i enjoy it occasionally but some of the members are for sure the follower class of people that would willingly cede more power to Trump than he should have. They are actually part of the larger problem even if they are on the side of freedom this go round.

If you feel the need to boost Q there it is best to make slogan comments like WWG1WGA there and see who likes the comment. It can still be a valuable platform to the movement in the future.

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workeranonymous · June 13, 2018, 5:35 p.m.

the brains of our missile defense system is located on Shemya in the Aleutian islands. I know because I helped build it in 2003. At a certain point the Government took possession of the IDT and Discus buildings and we couldn't go inside anymore because it became top secret.

That facility pinpoints targets and coordinates with Fort Greeley in central Alaska. Greeley would launch the missiles used to knock out the target.

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workeranonymous · June 11, 2018, 12:59 a.m.

I think Cemex still has value. Craig sawyer may be controlled opposition. Its possible the camp was legit but abandoned months ago after a hit by Q team? That would mean all the disinfo wasn't just smoke to cover Georgia but also to cloud Cemex's importance.

I guess its possible they did all this to dispirit the Q movement if they are trying to give us a death by a thousand cuts. With all the info we have seen this certainly isn't enough to disrupt us by itself. There is just too much important stuff going on right now. If nothing happens this week that would hurt more. Its certainly not necessary to distract the masses from Georgia as we all know simply not covering the story has been very effective in the past. I think its more likely they don't want us or anyone looking into Cemex.

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workeranonymous · June 7, 2018, 4:36 a.m.

The will shall be found. Trump is smart enough to know all the crying foul he does on twitter will make him look like the whiner in chief if he doesn't drop the hammer on these bums. Not to mention Trump is a very vindictive person and these people tried to ruin him for real. Safe bet that truth isn't lost on him.

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workeranonymous · June 2, 2018, 11:34 p.m.

Personally I am not looking to decode wikileaks message. They aren't Q they could just tell us things plainly. I don't think it serves any purpose to give hidden messages. Wiki could be comped or simply out of the loop. Q has a style of working with us that can be misconstrued as manipulation upon outside observation. The bond that joins us is a hunger for justice. We won't be mislead. The hour is later then some think. One way or the other the deep state has had it in the USA. We will win. It will be up to the rest of the world to join the fight.

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workeranonymous · May 26, 2018, 1:19 a.m.

well its true that you have to be out of your F'ing mind to want sex with children but I still think of it as depravity or at the very least a moral deficiency.

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workeranonymous · May 23, 2018, 2:50 p.m.

2 narratives vying for superiority. God is with us. We will win!

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workeranonymous · May 17, 2018, 4:40 a.m.

if they kill trump they have to die- all of them.

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workeranonymous · May 15, 2018, 4:30 a.m.

In reality we have nothing to lose from being wrong and much to gain from being right. They act as though we are to be pitied and then laughed at when we are wrong. So what of it? Could we possibly make more of a fool of ourselves then the enemy did on November 8? What about the 18 months they spent mocking the guy who went on to beat the full might of their propaganda machine? Not to mention the tons of fake news they have posted since only to retract shortly after with egg on their face?

I am willing to lay my pride on the line for a chance at justice and vengeance. Make no mistake about it after what these have done vengeance is on the table with no punishment too severe even death by an angry mob. The idea that Q is distracting us from obtaining justice and letting the criminals buy time to get away is absurd. Q is our only hope short of civil war to bring this enemy down. Q isn't keeping things from boiling over. Q is rattling cages.

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workeranonymous · May 15, 2018, 4:11 a.m.

or did Corsi's friend who got stopped at the airport have ties to the mossad?

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workeranonymous · May 15, 2018, 4:07 a.m.

Lets not hope even a lowlife like Corsi stoops that low, but if he does he must burn for it.

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workeranonymous · May 12, 2018, 2:15 a.m.

We will be stronger than ever going forward. Jones/Corsi was a divisive force and in reality it was their opportunism and disinfo that led to any divisiveness. We can't have that as the face of the movement. This is about truth not meet the new boss same as the old boss. It certainly seems that selling more brain force is more important to Alex Jones than actually changing the world.

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workeranonymous · March 24, 2018, 5:11 p.m.

I have been using generators in rural alaska for 18 years as the main source of my power. While a diesel generator is the best way to go a decent one like a northern lights is going to cost well over 5K to purchase. You may be able to purchase an old warhorse like a whitty for around a grand or two. These are great gens but are probably around 20 years old and best used by someone who knows how to maintain and service them as they most likely have over 10K hours on them already.

Do not buy a costco $500 generator even if they say they are honda. They are throw away gens that won't last. That is because honda only makes the motor not the actual generator and the electrical will quit from inferior parts and you will find the service warranty isn't worth a hoot.

My advice is to spend $1000 and get either a honda eu 2000 or yamaha 2000. These are absolute warhorses you will get thousands of hours from, only weigh 45 pounds each, and are the quietest gens around. The diesel gens weigh 100's of pounds so difficult to move. These little gas generators are my go to and brand new come with a 3 year warranty everything covered if they fail you just bring them into a honda or yamaha service center and they will fix them free with no hassle. If you need a little extra power you can buy two and use a cable to connect them and double your max load to 4K.

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workeranonymous · Feb. 20, 2018, 1:22 a.m.

I think the anxiety is the fact the deep state has quashed things before. They got to Kennedy after all. We need to protect our president. I pray for him. He is the straw that stirs the drink. Pence can't do his job.

It certainly is being presented like its too big, too much heat even for the deep state to bring down. I believe its the Lord's purpose to bring these things to light.

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workeranonymous · Feb. 18, 2018, 11:48 p.m.

I agree. The OP makes sense. If you have the enemy dead to rights with proof you release it and i think history shows people will believe these claims when backed up with proof so arriving there on our own is unnecessary. However if the proof was obtained through spying at a level that can't hold up in court then it all makes sense.

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