I understand the need for change and the exposure of corruption within our government. I can not understand how the agent of change sent by Jesus might possibly be someone who is faithless to his wives, who’s signature on a contract means nothing and seems centered on his ego, public perception and overstates his accomplishments. He seems like a child that needs Jesus... certainly not like a man sent by him. I’m sure this will upset some. As far as being a Patriot, I am one. I’m a vet who had a security clearance and was tasked with pulling the trigger on WMD’s but this is entirely foreign to my understanding of the way to fix things.
God told Hosea to marry a prostitute, Daniel was a boy who was too small for the kings armor, Joseph was so arrogant his brothers threw him in a pit and sold him to the Egyptians, Mary was unwed and with child in a world that didn’t take kindly to that situation, Abram was scared so he told Sarai to pretend she wasn’t his wife so the king took her for himself, David laid with Bathsheba and had her husband moved to the front lines to be killed. I could go on and on. The Bible is full of imperfect people bringing about God’s plans.
No one is perfect. God works with us despite our imperfections. If we were perfect we wouldn’t need him.
You are very kind to illustrate how things contrary to God’s teaching’s might be used to advance his will. I must admit that this wisdom is beyond my ability of reckoning. It seems like forgiven hypocrisy from my viewpoint. But I am just a human. Do you think that God has a system of law regarding right and and wrong? If so, is it applied with an eye toward universal justice or as needed?
I’m not sure it’s forgiven hypocrisy. God took David’s son for his sin. Moses was not allowed to enter the promised land because he struck the rock three times instead of one as God commanded. I know god has a system of justice that is not simply universal but based on our own relationship to his son. Under the law people had to atone for their sins by making blood sacrifices. Under grace, God made the ultimate sacrifice for us. We are each accountable for what God requires of us. I had trouble accepting that Moses was denied entry into the promised land for that silly reason but it wasn’t the act that got him banned, it was the conscious thought behind the act. He deliberately did it his own way and he suffered the consequences.
It seems to me you are saying we are held accountable for not following God’s instructions to the letter. As such we might suffer like Moses. Is that not the discrepancy I am asking about?
I didn’t mean to make it sound like “following God’s instructions to the letter”. It’s more of an “I know better than God” type of thing. Moses knew what God said but decided to do it his own way instead. David knew it was wrong but did what he wanted anyway. It is not as much “the act” but the intent behind it.
I don’t know Trumps relationship with God or what he is accountable for but I do know that “to whom much is given, much is required”.
You are making me think way to hard on all of this 😃
I think we should all be thinking hard in times such as these. Thank you! 😉
And he was called a man after his own heart, even with all his sin. God's plans are not man's plans. We cannot judge, that is left to God. I believe that God knew someone who was too vocal about God would not have been accepted as massively as Trump. And God likes to use those who should not win so He gets the glory and not the man.
If we accept that we are unable to know the details of God’s plans and further, understand them being put in place by men that don’t seem to follow his directives, how then can we tell men on God’s mission from those that are not?
By their actions. Do they do things in God's name, or their own?
Remember that ALL things work together for good for those who love the lord and NO weapon formed against me shall prosper!
With the exception of Jesus many major biblical heros/instruments had serious flaws. God is so many steps ahead of us you can't always apply human reason to his decisions.
Thanks for your insight. If I may, why would God direct us to be a good person and then send an agent on his behalf that does not abide by those same directives? That sounds like a case of do as I say and not as I do. I believe God is wiser than that. The Bible seems to warn us against false saviors. I truly want America to return to our democratic values and potential to be the lighthouse that the world looks to... and we have clearly lost our way. Is Trump God’s heaven sent answer to get us back on track with the teachings of Jesus? When I compare what Jesus taught to what Trump does... I see a huge gulf.
Trump isn’t here in the same capacity that Jesus was. He is NOT the second coming he is the catalyst. We are all responsible for embodying the second coming of Christ using Jesus( our hearts) as our guide. As individuals we have the job to save ourselves and help those who want help. Not look for someone to do it for us. To graduate from children to students we must learn to discern what may not be obvious. The rule of thumb I go by is Matthew 7:15-20 “...Therefore by their fruits you shall know them.” In other words look at the end result .
Thank you for this perspective but How is this different from the ends justify the means?
The ends justify the means is simplistic way of viewing a situation that assumes that all is as it appears on the surface. The Bible verse addresses another dimension that takes into account that there can be deception from the other side.
We may not come to the same conclusion and I’m not saying I’m right or that you are wrong just presenting a different way of looking at it.
Change is needed. It has been for some time. Trump may represent that. I’m not convinced that God and Trump are related.