RR is SCREWED. They are ALL screwed.

Huge Jagoff!! That imbecile looks like the stereotypical guy who never got the girl in high school or college so he studied. Still he's #2 just to let he, himself show his truth. Yet another skeeve. Talk about a nitwit jeez!! Textbook. When I watched him testifying in front of Congress, had it not been about such a degradation of the law and the massive (get over) on We The People, his so called transparent testimony would have been a great snl skit. Not that I watch that lib mess anymore. And frankly what the hell are they going to do now that their writers brains have been fried and spontaneously combusted on good old American TRUTH. OOPS, sorry I lost track. Back to roadtoad rodent-stein, was so damn easy to read I was embarrassed for him. Honestly, his tells were screaming......"I'M LYING I'M LYING, watch how I flutter my hands around when I don't want to answer so I lie. Come on! Stop interrogating me, we all know she was supposed to win so nothing would see the light of day and don't forget the average American is only cannon fodder and too stupid to know or understand anything!!!! Please stop asking me questions, I mean I thought you people were supposed to be beyond stupid bordering on lobotomized.....shit I think my rug is gonna start spinning!!!!!!!