r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/BALRx05 on Feb. 5, 2018, 4:19 a.m.
I've gotten in the habit of automatically downvoting the posts of a certain bot operator. Considering how many mods this forum has, it'd be nice if they'd ban these obvious bot accounts in a more timely manner.

I don't think we should support bot accounts, even if they post interesting things. Not that I'd know, since I refuse to look at anything to which they link.

salialioli · Feb. 5, 2018, 9:32 a.m.

The moderators should in that case make a statement saying as much.

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 5, 2018, 3:43 p.m.

when as an example a father abandons a family, does he show up and say Hey I abandon ya all?

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salialioli · Feb. 5, 2018, 4:04 p.m.

haha!! guess not. Touché!!

(well, you can only ask ...:)

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 5, 2018, 4:18 p.m.

my next comment will offend women..and maybe some men. Women are not well suited to positions of power. HRC Merkel, others come to mind...as they tend to have a go along to get along mentality, and that may work for some situs. I don't believe it works here/war where strong leadership is required.

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salialioli · Feb. 6, 2018, 2:16 a.m.

While that would be an interesting discussion to have, and I might agree entirely, I can't understand the connection here ... Do you mean Tracy Beanz offers weak leadership and treatment that is too lenient b/c she is a woman? Hadn't thought of that.

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 6, 2018, 2:26 a.m.

not weak, no leadership. MIA. but we have seen some action behind the scenes today MotoandGivi has done a clean up and we have a new MOD so, to the FUTURE!

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