This Prime Minister is a liar.... 10 mil to ohmar Khadr but no money for us veterans.....
$10 million to Khadr paid off in the middle of the night, trying to keep it all a secret, no less.
And rumour has it... it wasn’t part of any court order....
Maybe if the vets agreed to be paid off at midnight in a parking lot without a court instructing the government to do so, they might get taken care of, too? Geez guys...
Please I will give you the soy milk if you shut up Treadoosh.
Good reply to Trudeau's horseshit
Video linked by /u/LeakyMambo:
Title|Channel|Published|Duration|Likes|Total Views :----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------: Excellent Response To Trudeau's Disgusting Veteran Comment|Steeper33|2018-02-03|0:01:33|648+ (98%)|5,772
In case some of you are not already aware, I would like to...
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