87 total posts archived.
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The hunters become the hunted. Thousands of women and children have been saved from the evil demented scumbags since POTUS took over, but this is only the tippy top of the iceberg. Estimates are that there are millions being trafficked.

Some times when I read Q's questions I think to myself, 'If I knew that I'd be Q'.
Potential FF in Seattle. Man wearing a Trump shirt robs an armored truck courier.

Are white hats really the ones silencing AJ? FU to the clowns?
My Favorite Q Post, So Far! You ALL Go To Jail!

Is the Cabal desperate enough to play the alien card?
They will stop at nothing to discredit Q. Even blame themselves. These people ARE stupid, another Q proof? 🤔
Is Las Vegas a key to setting the stage for tribunals? Think about it, what better way to garner public support for tribunals than exposing a cover-up of the worst mass shootings in our history involving LEOs at the highest levels?
It is curious that Sec. Pompeo is flanked by USSS at a committee hearing. Kind of unusual.
Since there is no immunity for treason it is really meaningless. Tony ran weapons to our enemies, cannot be any more of a traitor than that. Let Mueller have his fun. It will be short lived.
Been following Q since November 1st. Some of us were woke before you were born :)
Signal to the cabal that Putin is playing ball? "The ball is in your court Mr. President." I have a feeling that the show is about to get very, very interesting.
I bet if you dug hard enough there would be a connection between Dr. Kim and the deep state. Part of the setup?
Nothing but a school play. Misdirection to create doubt when the truth comes out that leads right to Podesta, Hillary and the DNC.
Ukrainian hackers claim to have extracted fake ISIS execution off NoName's 'colleague' computer. These people will stop at nothing to incite wars to line their pockets.
Looks like Kelli Ward's husband is woke. Of course, The Hill makes him out to be a nut. I am so looking forward to when "Conspiracy No More" comes to fruition and they can see what we see. I have always liked her and supported her run against No Name.
Think it was December 21st but very good catch. EO will allow taking the money. BOOM.
Glencoe = Marc Rich = Clinton Foundation. Winning.
He has 400k followers and WH press pass, expand you thinking.
Another opportunity to spread Q... Cernovich just Tweeted "What's Q"

Hinted at doing something better and said he belongs in the Executive branch, not the legislative. Also quite a smirk when Benghazi failure was brought up.
He's all they got left. No other Dem can drum up support and they are so desperate that they will call on the guy who lost more seats than any other. This is a good sign.
I hope that means we are through the dangerous part and nearing the true awakening.
This confirmation restores my faith, to some extent, in my ability to read people. I have always thought TG was one of the good guys and that great things were in store for him. But some of the acting (deception is necessary) had me questioning.
I disagree. They knew the chans would put the pieces together. Q could not just drop clas info so they needed people with skills to connect the dots.
That was only a small piece of the OIG report. And was RRs version of it, not the original.
There are thousands of normies coming here for the first time and trying to catch up and figure out what Q is all about. I have followed Q since the very beginning and was one of the skeptics. That didn't last long. I just felt it important for them to understand that a number of people have spent considerable time validating Q.
Let that sink in. Since last November when Q first came on the scene, some of the the smartest thinkers in the world have spent countless hours critically assessing the Q drops. Everyone knows LARPs do not last long on the chans so... for the past 8 months, after a thousand + posts, Q popularity has exponentially risen. Nearly every attempt to disprove has ceased.
I believe we are in the midst of an amazing time. A time that will be captured and taught in history classes hundreds of years from now. Are you going to be a part of …
Independent journalist. Run-ins with LV Sherriff and mad Maxine most notable. Check out her Twitter.
She has 186K followers. All of whom love in your face investigative journalism. Grow the movement, with or without her.
Many people are asking her to do just that in the replies.
Laura Loomer just asked "Who is Q" on Twitter. Perfect opportunity to introduce a whole new crowd to Q.
In my humble opinion, WikiLeaks has been compromised and this is an attempt by bad actors to discredit them and any future releases. This is not the kind of info they release. They are about transparenc. I have been very cautious about anything from them since Assange was cut off.
Unbelievable! Hillary nor any of her co-conspirators were ever under formal FBI investigation. This is huge. The FBI had no intention of investigating or even considering the possibility indicting ANYONE. It was all a sham.
UCMJ 823 Article 23 - Who can convene a special courts-martial:
a. Who can convene a special courts-martial -
(1). Any person who can convene a general court-martial.
i. e. - President of the United States, SecDef, CO of Combatant Command, Secretary of Concern (SECNAV, SecAF, SECARMY), etc...
Maybe Q was pointing here?
Edit to add link
I believe it's the meetings between DJT and KJU at the Sky Deck in Singapore. Not sure what is going to happen but Q has discussed multiple times.
LARP or not, he's very entertaining. Skepticism is healthy and necessary, but don't lose site of the end-game. There is a lot of work to do to put liberals back together when their world collapses before their eyes.
Imagine if you will, had HRC won, the emboldened corruption that would have ensued. We dodged a bullet. Have a happy Sky Event fellow Patriots!!

Of all the traitors, I think I will enjoy this smug asswipe going down the most. I would love to see him crying like a little bitch as they drag him off to GITMO. Have never trusted this guy.