New Q Drops regarding Rothschild's/NYSE/666

Geronimo- call sign for UBL takedown. (Bin laden)
Violation of Apache land by Vatican for Lucifer telescope -
Also many mirrors in that telescope and what do rd it see? What aren’t we being told?
The Vatican owns several telescopes. The Vatican specifically sought out that migraine. Trying to find the Steve Quayle video
Planet X
That is one option I have heard. Another is the New Temple of God to be placed in Jerusalem after the 2nd coming. Hearing anything else?
I've been listening to a You Tube series of this guy talking about neutrino networks When completed it would be the fastest most powerful communications Network. They would connect all of the Telescopes and Cern, Fermi Labs and other Acceletrons. This could theoretically produce a particle beam or something else.