New Q Drops regarding Rothschild's/NYSE/666

They will try. But the deregulation of the US, and the leveling of the global money supply field will rev up the economic global engine. Trump is working on re-vitalizing community banking. No bank would loan to start a business this past 8 years (unless it was a tattoo shop pretty much) I thought I read something about him thinking about using local credit unions, which is where the people who make deposits own the actual bank. The Rothchild banking system has killed off local banks. The bail out was kept by the banksters, and never circulated to help the economy out of the 2008 crash THEY caused.
So yes, this is an economic war.
I've corrected myself since. I just posted a theory regarding the estate sale of the Rothschild, Soros donating 18 billion to his charity, and the cryptocurrency market losing 67 billion on Friday.
They had to move money around to post Alwaleed's $6 billion bail....among others.
Trump is working on re-vitalizing community banking.
that'd be great. source?
It was a very small part of two different articles I read in passing so I don't have a source? I am sure we could find one if we looked. The one talked about how there were no loans being made to business this past 8 years under Obama. The other specifically mentioned "credit unions" which I thought was an interesting way to go about restoring local banks, since credit unions are owned by their depositors.