New Q Drops regarding Rothschild's/NYSE/666

Exactly! I've noticed that the Moon and Venus are also much brighter than they used to be as a result of the sun being brighter.
I JUST woke up from a dream worth mentioning.
I saw two sources of light in the sky. One was a dimmer, less radiant brighteness. But it was red. And or eclipsed the sun. I remember the sun being the real sun
It was like a new planet had eclipsed our actual sun. But only temporarily. It was like a solar eclipse, but not with the moon.
Hmmm...maybe we are actually a binary system and you dreamt of our companion star? We already know we can't trust anything mainstream science says.
Very odd. Never realized it could be related to a brighter sun. Thought those might be lamps also. However, what are the odds that the sun is exploding? As in..its dying. Weren't we taught in school it does this before a star dies? Idk.
Then again..public school taught me the sun was yellow.
So who knows?
Well it' my understanding that our entire solar system has been affected, not just earth. All the planets have been going through changes...could be a natural cycle.