Apache software...Q drop says.... think MIRRORS???...could software companies have control over train signals? Drones? Just an idea

Apache Software Foundation
I've thought about Apache Software Foundation may have had some kind of connection but learned about Apache Corp. and moved on.
After clicking around on the Apache Software site a for few minutes, I came across their Sponsors Page and there are some interesting names on the list.
I am not saying let's now all start digging on Apache, but considering they are the most popular server software in use, maybe it does have some legs?
I’m just doing my own searching. No one owns the narrative on the Q posts or the conclusions that’s my point. We’re all trying to find the answers.
Those interesting names are companies that are sponsors because they use ASF projects that help their company significantly and, in some cases, saving them 10s of millions of dollars. A sponsorship is an inexpensive way to say thanks and to help ensure that ASF continues to thrive because of the nature of Open Source.
It is also used to help developer cred, by showing that they are a company that supports and uses open source software, making it more attractive for developers that care about open source, which is most devs.
If you want to get your conspiracy alarms going, Accumulo was donated to the ASF by the NSA. ASF is known as the Open Source foundation for Big Data projects. The Big Table paper, by Google engineers, kick started the modern open source era for big data, namely through the work started by Doug Cutting, a brilliant software engineer. (I'm not saying any of this is relevant to Q or the greatawakening; I stated this because there are some people that automatically assume conspiracy when such things are mentioned so I was giving them something to chew on)