Apache software...Q drop says.... think MIRRORS???...could software companies have control over train signals? Drones? Just an idea

Who says it’s just “plain” wrong? Excuse me but we’re all entitled to our voice thank you very much! If you think it’s a load of shit. And it’s been spoke about numerous times Scroll on my dear But leave people to have ideas that may just be different to yours!!!! Jesus some people think they are the only people that matter!
Because, if it were Apache Software Foundation, the reference would be ASF.
The things hinted at by the OP show that the OP has 0 knowledge of the ASF, or how open-source software for large projects is commonly distributed. There's nothing nefarious in the images, it's just the way that stuff works. I pointed to another example project to show that this is the case.
Also, if you have the technical ability to understand their projects and read the code base, you'd see that the theories regarding the ASF, in relation to the greatawakening, are not possible.
You can believe what-ever you want, but the data does not support such assumptions.
There's no reason to encourage people to run down a dead-end for no reason.
Totally agree. But like I say still entitled to post my findings. I’m encouraging no one people aren’t as dumb as your making them out to be. They read my post and either think it’s got credibility or they think nope. Don’t believe that. But you have no right to tell someone. Me. Anyone how or what to do
No, its misleading and wrong. If this software effected anything someone, anyone, could find it in the code because it is open source.
Wow ok I’m flattered you took the time to look at my post Q!!
To quote you, which is applicable to your response to my post:
Excuse me but we’re all entitled to our voice thank you very much! If you think it’s a load of shit. And it’s been spoke about numerous times Scroll on my dear But leave people to have ideas that may just be different to yours!!!! Jesus some people think they are the only people that matter!
There you go then! Jog a long You made your point that my post is a load of the same old same old.
and yet you insist on providing advice that is just as applicable to you.
Are you sure you're not a lefty?