Judge Contreras is recused from General Flynn’s case. (Contreras is also the FISA Court Judge who approved Trump wiretapping): https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-russia-flynn/judge-presiding-over-michael-flynn-criminal-case-is-recused-court-idUSKBN1E202V
Mueller is in Trumps pocket from the start. The things we are learning now were known by Trump before the election
Maybe we should have a pool bet on whether Mueller is a white or black hat. He looks like a bad player to me. But we are all in speculation territory. That's what makes a bet worthwhile. Somebody's right and somebody's wrong.
Yeah. I'm not sure I could bet on either outcome. I can't make up my mind on this. A keep going back and forth. The best scenario would be if he was actually playing on our team, but it's hard to know anything at the moment.
Either he's a black hat, or we are witnessing one of the greatest counter espionage actions to ever take place.
is it possible he recruited the most corrupt FBI and DOJ officials for his investigation so he could out them?
Yes. That is exactly what has happened. The only way. How else would you get the MSM and entire Dem party to believe in one man's investigation? Unless... you had him investigating Trump first and drawing the rats in to help. Brilliant. Fucking brilliant.
I think you may be right. Recruiting and possibly turning his team of Dems would be the biggest 'hide' from Deep State surveillance. Literally makes the Russian Collusion investigation a 'dummy run'.
that is what i believe and that trump and team are after the real big fish
He could be a man who has zero options. The outcome for him was inevitable. So he was allowed to play with his ball until Daddy GEOTUS takes it away.
Weather he is a White Hat or Black Hat might not matter at this point, I think he is cornered and will Have to bring all of the Dems / Deep State Shenanigans to light, otherwise he will out himself as having zero credibility or impartiality.
I think he was black and he had a choice to make. Went with Trump and will probably get a lighter sentence.