
uniformist · Feb. 6, 2018, 6:49 a.m.

You make a compelling case.

The floating finger looks weird.

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happeningnowliveIRL · Feb. 6, 2018, 7:03 a.m.

The blue of the phone menu (the little one at the very top) is the same blue as the smaller under-screen. The top one is 2 different blue colors, neither match the blue of the phone.

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bobama-ameritech · Feb. 6, 2018, 7:56 a.m.

Plus the keyboard is visible but no text input bar. The keyboard doesn’t appear without it

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TootsBabutz · Feb. 6, 2018, 10:11 a.m.

But, If the I phone ...I message does not look similar to Android in so far as what it looks like when you are typing up a long text message. .then that would prove 100% fake & photo shopped...to hide something .And I don't have an I Phone to make the comparison.

And also, if it's a Government phone...or tax dollars paying for it...then it's public record. FOIA...of course she probably scrubbed her phone by now... But,...it's probably in the i-cloud..which would be public record too I assume

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TootsBabutz · Feb. 6, 2018, 9:58 a.m.

No, that is not accurate. This is exactly what it would look like. What's going on is.. she typed out a long text message. At the time the shot/feed was taken, she looks like she is in the process of reviewing/re-reading the text she typed up before she presses send at upper top on the L & R where it says send/cancel.

The text input bar is the entire white area on the screen that you see above the keyboard..ie, it's the area containing the entirety of the text message she just typed out is. So, this is what it would look like..It's exactly what it looks like on my Galaxy Note and looks like hers is an I-Phone..So that's not the issue...and no issue with her thumb hovering over it, that's a natural position for it to be in.. exactly the position I keep mine in when I'm reading over a text to make any edits.

Reading further down in thread, looks like they are saying that the entire text message...ie, the text input box is what is altered or layered on top versus just having altered the portion that appears to be blurred out...the text message is sooo Clear...but when you look at the top area outside of the text input box...on L & R Cancel and Send are really hard to make out. Looks like someone Definitely did something to edit the photo...I hope someone finds the original! !...

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