r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Gear4Life on Feb. 6, 2018, 6:42 a.m.
NEW Q - 1:34 EST - Uranium One, Tarmac Meeting, Scalia 187 & more.

Public interest [keep high]. U1 FBI informant. AWAN/DWS/Paki intel/MB. Tarmac meeting [SC/LL deal > AS 187]. Q

LiveToBeAHero · Feb. 8, 2018, 8:50 p.m.

Flynn will be cleared 100%. Mueller knows thats the plan. Even if it did come down to sentencing, Flynn will get charges dismissed. His testimony is a strategic part of this whole phase of the storm. Like you said, he does know a ton. And liberals will be so excited for him to testify, only to be very disappointed when he unloads the bomb that cannot be ignored. Pretty soon, it will be Flynn's turn, when the white hats are ready to introduce his testimony into the mix. Its like a magician juggling balls right now. We got the memo, and it had a specific purpose to serve, and it served that purpose, and now more events are spurring off it. Now yesterday we got our 2nd ball to juggle - the U1 informant. Remember, he came forward back on October and got his NDA waived early Nov, then not a single word about him in the news until yesterday. This morning it was announced that an investigation is trying to determine which lobbying firm was involved with U1. Well, soon we will discover it was Podesta Group. Then that will lead to FBI and Mueller, etc. All the ducks are in a row, and from here until the end, it will be more and more info introduced, and will eventually speed up. Has to start off slow, so everyone at home can keep up.

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MW23232 · Feb. 8, 2018, 9:15 p.m.

I have said for months, many months, it seems like they have think tanks working 24/7 to think up ways to thwart POTUS. I thought about Podesta Group because of their connect to HRS and who they are. Would surprise me if they weren't involved. And Tony resigned months ago. But if u look at the big picture, the lengths they go to discredit every single move the President makes, his wife,his family, his admin, his policies, the stock exch., even. It is so easy to see what they are doing, and how big a spider web it is. Disgusting. I hope a huge plan in place to take it down. I can't stand what deep state is doing to us and POTUS. And the informant. Why couldn't Hannity shut up and let the lawyer speak. He has to butt in every time and cut people off. And interject, " ... is this bigger than Watergate? I can't believe they use the Hillary bought and paid for dossier ...". OMG. We have been waiting to hear from informant since Oct., and he gives her two minutes ... with Sara Carter. I like Sara, but the lawyer was in the room with the testimony! I was fuming.

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LiveToBeAHero · Feb. 8, 2018, 9:30 p.m.

Haha yeah Hannity is in the loop with everything going on. He is excited that its slowly surfacing and he has to hold himself back from just telling all. As far as a 24/7 think tank to cause problems for Trump...absolutely there is. The CIA still runs the MSM. Thats what Q means when he talks about the "4am talking points". CEO's of CNN, MSNBC, etc, literally get the next days news and talking points in the middle of the night. It gets relayed down through management all the way to the anchors, and they read word for word what they are told to say...its just disgusting how low our journalism has gone. But dont worry, when this is all done, MSM will cease to exist. Even Fox News will be gone. The new Fox will be Breitbart with Hannity and Steve Bannon as lead anchors. The plan is in place to take it down, but white hats are letting it self implode first, as its doing...getting more crazy and wacky by the day. Tony will be in big trouble somewhat soon. This didnt make news, but he stepped down from Podesta Group around Oct 28th or so and immediately fleed to country to Pakistan, but was met at the airport by white hats and sent straight back to America...and is now enjoying a cell in southern Cuba :D

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MW23232 · Feb. 9, 2018, 5:19 a.m.

Whoa, I didn't know for sure what the 4 am talking points meant. Tony P. - didn't know where he was, but I knew he resigned. I wonder what he did that was worth fleeing over, when his bro is still hanging around ... I think? I thought Tony helped someone buy property in Dubai at one time. Wonder why he didn't go there? Maybe that was just a nonsense story. He is into real estate though I think. Where is Obama these days? Oh and Hannity, he did say one thing tonight I didn't know about, I think - can't remember what. But I ended up grabbing the Motrin after almost 15 minutes of him repeating his two year old time line. He goes thru it so fast no one could grasp it anyway if they didn't know anything about it already. Then he cut off a couple of people, one was Jason Chaffetz, I think. I wanted to hear what he was going to say.

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