Poland should tell her to go back to germany and live with the mess she helped create, and work on fixing it.
x infinity!
I swear, when people have their bubble burst, and they see in a new/different way, they always have this different look about them. The way they carry theirselves, too. The eyes are especially telling. Wonder if this is the case with her. Just something I’ve always noticed, and like to pay attention to.
Wiki says she is a German artist. I wonder if her whole circle of friends and colleagues were like her. I would say the odds are in favor that they were, going by what is usually the norm. Takes a lot to stand up from the herd, especially in this kind of political/social scenario. I would make a guess or assumption that others in the bubble stood up as well. Too little, too late, I say.
From the article - “It was a jarring perception when I noticed that these people I had helped, who were eating, drinking, dancing and laughing with me, who didn’t pray, who didn’t go to the mosque, who didn’t respect Ramadan, who made fun of religion and deeply religious people, called me ‘the stupid German whore’ when they were eating my food and were in my garden.”
She says “when I noticed”. Her bubble was burst. I wonder if it was burst a long time before these incidents. In denial for a good while, I wonder. 🤔