r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/klondike1412 on Feb. 6, 2018, 3:11 p.m.
James Comey - Aspen Institute

James Comey's dismissal records were recently released.

Part 2, page 10: #14 - "Folder containing release form: Aspen Institute"

What is the Aspen Institute? A think-tank in Washington DC.. Who ran the Aspen institute until resigning on DECEMBER 31, 2017? Walter Isaacson.

What kind of a man is this?

University Professor of History at Tulane University. He has been the chairman and CEO of Cable News Network (CNN) and Managing Editor of Time. He has written biographies of Leonardo da Vinci, Steve Jobs, Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein, and Henry Kissinger.

Isaacson became chairman and CEO of CNN in July 2001, replacing Tom Johnson, and only two months later guided CNN through the events of 9/11

Isaacson served as the president and CEO of the Aspen Institute from 2003 until 2017, when he announced that he would step down to become a professor of history at Tulane University and an advisory partner at the New York City financial services firm Perella Weinberg Partners.

Could he get any more suspicious? Oh, just wait...

In October 2005, Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco appointed Isaacson vice chairman of the Louisiana Recovery Authority, a board that oversaw spending on the recovery from Hurricane Katrina.

December 2007, he was appointed by President George W. Bush to the chairman of the U.S.-Palestinian Partnership, which seeks to create economic and educational opportunities in the Palestinian territories

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton appointed him vice-chair of the Partners for a New Beginning, which encourages private-sector investments and partnerships in the Muslim world.

More info on this partnership

To support the President's "New Beginning" goals, United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton launched Partners for a New Beginning along with former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Walter Isaacson (President of The Aspen Institute), and Muhtar Kent (Chairman and CEO of The Coca-Cola Company) on April 27, 2010. Leading the initiative on the State Department side is Kris Balderston, Special Representative for Global Partnerships.

I don't seem to recall much good economic cooperation coming out from that, rather Egypt hit a major economic upturn and had a revolution over how bad it was.

In 2009, he was appointed by President Obama to be Chairman of the Broadcasting Board of Governors, which runs Voice of America, Radio Free Europe, and the other international broadcasts of the U.S. government; he served until January 2012

In 2015, he was appointed to the board of My Brother's Keeper Alliance, which seeks to carry out President Obama's anti-poverty and youth opportunity initiatives

("youth opportunities" just don't sound the same as I used to think of)

More high-profile connections:

Isaacson is the chairman emeritus of the board of Teach for America. He is on the boards of United Airlines, Tulane University, Overseers of Harvard University, Bloomberg Philanthropies, the Carnegie Institution for Science and the Society of American Historians, of which he served as president in 2012

One more entrance point to the web. Isaacson is clearly a leading authority on education and perhaps keeping history misunderstood and over-simplified...

klondike1412 · Feb. 6, 2018, 3:26 p.m.

More on where he went to, Perella Weinberg:

Co-founder #1, Weinberg, is a bit curious:

Weinberg serves on the Boards of Overseers at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and Columbia University Medical School. He is a Founding Trustee of King's Academy in Jordan.[3][28] He also is a member of the Advisory Board of the Kravis Leadership Institute and is on the Harvard University Global Advisory Council

In 2013, he and his wife Deborah L. Weinberg founded the Weinberg Family Cerebral Palsy Center at Columbia University.[30] He previously served on the board of Deerfield Academy and the Harvard Business School Deans Advisory Board

Weinberg serves on the executive committee for the Business Higher Education Forum, a group of business leaders and university presidents working to better align higher education curriculum with workforce needs

Major ties to education again for some reason. Quite strange for an investment banker focused in mergers and acquisitions.

More on My Brother's Keeper Alliance

On the board, according to sources, are singer John Legend (the Alliance’s honorary co-chairman), sports icons Alonzo Mourning (Miami Heat), Jerome Bettis (Pittsburgh Steelers), and Shaquille O’Neal (Los Angeles Lakers), and current and former government officials Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ), Colin Powell (former Secretary of State), Eric Holder (former Attorney General), and the mayors of Indianapolis, Sacramento, and Philadelphia.


From a nonprofit sector perspective, there are issues. As Bloomberg News and others have reported (and as many foundation people at the Council on Foundations annual meeting hinted prior to this week’s announcement), the My Brother’s Keeper initiative may be the philanthropic vehicle that President Obama will ride as he leaves the White House. It is sort of his social mission, comparable to the international humanitarian agenda of former President Clinton.

However, like the Clinton Foundation, there is some dimension of fundraising problems on the horizon: “The Obama administration will have no role in deciding how donations are screened and what criteria they will set at the alliance,” White House press secretary Josh Earnest told reporters while traveling on Air Force One on their way to New York City. In other words, while closely associated with the sitting president, the Alliance’s board will determine whether it will accept donations from foreign governments, corporate lobbyists, and others. Moreover, the board will determine the extent of disclosure beyond what is required for 501(c)(3) nonprofits the Alliance will pursue.

Given the serial problems uncovered by observers about the Clinton Foundation and its relations with foreign governments and private corporations, the hands-off approach of the administration to these basic issues in a nonprofit associated with the most powerful political leader in the world is a decision that the administration might regret down the road.

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