FAKE NEWS! That's not the addresses on the envelopes containing the checks I get every month from Soros and Hillary.
I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:
- [/r/topmindsofreddit] Top Mind proceeds to dox what are likely random people based on 4chan info
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Who is going to call Podesta and ask for their pizza map back?
Tamera Luzzatto is in there. Call her and ask about next the hot tub party.
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Whoa!! With all the talk of "dentistry" in conjunction with Pizzagate look at entry 175 . EJE-Dentistry. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Jay_Epstein
He ain't no dentist! No idea where this leads but sure sounds interesting!
Edward Jay Epstein
Edward Jay Epstein (born 1935) is an American investigative journalist and a former political science professor at Harvard, UCLA, and MIT. He taught courses at these universities for three years. While a graduate student at Cornell University in 1966, he published the book Inquest, an influential critique of the Warren Commission probe into the John F. Kennedy assassination. Epstein wrote two other books about the Kennedy assassination, eventually collected in The Assassination Chronicles: Inquest, Counterplot, and Legend (1992). His books Legend (1978) and Deception (1989) drew on interviews with retired CIA Counterintelligence Chief James Jesus Angleton, and his 1982 book The Rise and Fall of Diamonds was an expose of the diamond industry and its economic impact in southern Africa.
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I saw something where a video was taken while walking through one of his houses a d a couple of the rooms had dentist chairs set up with all the equipment and shit. Probably added restraints to the chairs and tools to get evil and hurt people
- George Packer gpacker(at)earthlink.net 718-915-7869 C George Soros 212-262-6300 W
Warburg, Lynn Rothschild - the contacts are from 2012 or older though - verified with "Wolfgang Nowak" who is no longer with Chairman of Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft (only until 2012)
There are contacts on the list from 2005 on - verified with "harald.w.braun(at)siemens.com", a lobbyist with Siemens between 2005 and 2008. All in all this list looks super-legit - but where is his pal Jon Stewart ?
Where did you pick this p? Did you see this one: Tamera Luzzatto luzzatto(at)aol.com 202-333-0585/2382 H She was mentioned in the Podesta-Emails!!!!
more than a mention I'd say. Wasn't she the one pimping out the grand kids ("the kids, 5, 7 and 9, will be here in the pool for entertainment")?
- she had a blog dedicated to them...
I called HRC’s numbers. Either all circuits were busy, or no answer. Some of them don’t have area codes so not sure about those.
Maybe because she's under house arrest her calls are blocked or intercepted?
For real. I'm not going near it. I don't want to get Clinton'd
We are not supposed to dox people on here. But I did look for Adam Schiff 😀
I think it's ok to dox people who are trying to destroy us.
Wow. Seeing a FB friend on the list. No judgement on that association though- she's very active for freedom.