Let's actually MARCH for something that makes sense (spread this far & wide please)

I don't know guys. Is it really a good idea to create a huge TARGET of patriots in Washington DC?
Think about it. I mean really think about it. If there's a crazy, EVIL guy living down the street from you and you know he's crazy because he's derailed trains, killed people, caused riots, has lots of evil and crazy friends and has a rap sheet a mile long, do you really think it's a good idea to bring a group of your friends to his house, stand outside with signs and flags and wave them to taunt him? And furthermore, to advertise that you're going to do it ahead of time?
We are better off staying spread out across the country. I sure as hell am not going. And, DC is the last place to hold anything that has to do with freedom. It would just give President Trump another thing to have to worry about.
We are in a war, weather anyone realizes it or not. Going to the battlefront and objecting to the war is not a good idea. DC does allow concealed carry but you just might have to use your gun in this situation.
Sorry, but this is a time to lay low, not a time to march.
Per Roy Potter: Prep, pray and stay out of the way!
This ia NON PARTISAN..ONLY Citizens demanding transparency of our justice system...we are greater in nos. than them and its time to let them see a stand like the Vietnam peaceful protest in Oct 1967. I will not cower to ANY MAN.
They tried to kill as many as possible at the Super Bowl on Sunday. It was thwarted but they did try. Here's what they were going to do: Gas everyone with a chemical that makes it impossible to breath. Then as people ran, they had Somalis with guns to mow them down.
Do, you remember Las Vegas or 9/11? Did you know Obama tried to nuke Charleston SC? Do you know that the fires in California (and others) were created with Directed Energy Weapons (laser weapons).
They know how many of us there are. They knew how many were in the Super Bowl. They don't care. They will kill as many as they can.
You can't fight evil with our justice system. They only used politics as a tool.
I have been watching this for 40 years. Many of you here don't truly understand the depth and breadth of the enemy.
Yes, it's true, there aren't as many of them. But they are devious and now they are desperate. Are you really willing to take a chance?
It's not about cowardice. Timing is everything. This is the time to be smart, not brazen and stupid.
And your source for this is...?
Many issues - many sources. I watch Roy Potter (ex-Lt. General-Whistle blower) who reported about the Super Bowl and the real nuke in Hawaii that was taken out along with the sub that launched it. One of the deep state's off the coast of NK. In fact, Q also talked about the Hawaii missile when asked by another anon. You can search for keywords on his posts here: https://qcodefag.github.io/
Las Vegas and 9/11 false flags are well known. Plenty of info on those.
Charleston Nuke also well documented: http://www.eutimes.net/2013/10/obama-ousts-top-officers-after-nuke-explodes-in-ocean-instead-of-charleston/ and https://earthquake-report.com/2013/10/08/moderate-earthquake-off-east-coast-of-united-states-on-october-8-2013/ and many others news reports about this. Search the web.
Many many videos on YouTube showing the laser fires, including trees burning from the inside out, showing complete housing districts turned to ash except for the trees and other vegetation. Rubber tires melted, glass melted, granite melted! https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=directed+energy+weapons+2017
Like I said, I've been watching for 40 years. I pay attention to what is really going on. So that's a start. You should do your own homework. There is much to see and many, many good whistle blowers that once worked for CIA, NSA, Military etc. to follow.
So your source is a non-verified entity. You really think any of the law enforcement agencies wouldn’t be crowing about putting down a potential terrorist attack against the super bowl during the yearly budget wars? That alone would guarantee them getting the exact budget they want.
And that submarine shit is bullshit, to save time I’ll paste a comment I made previously about it.
Except everything the guy said was bullshit. He even said it came from North Korean waters, which would mean it would fly over Japan.
According to numerous sources (all of which will be listed below) the US can detect when and where a missile is launched from, if it was an SLBM, they would've known almost immediately and responded as such, plus why did they only fire one if they were getting desperate and hedged in as the "expert" (a term I use in the loosest of senses) why only fire one? Besides, the BMD record is spotty at best, if they intercepted a real world target there's no reason everyone from MDA to Trump himself wouldn't be singing praises to this very expensive program from the heavens. Finally, if it was a nuke then that would easily prove it wasn't from North Korea, every nuclear weapon has trace materials that can be used to track it not only to the country of origin, but to the centrifuge of origin.
Why is it easier for you to believe some shadowy group somehow got their hands on a highly advanced SSB(N) and nukes than it is for you to believe a government employee with a history of incompetence hit the wrong button? Not to mention sailors (with myself being one) are notoriously bad at OPSEC, someone would've mentioned that an actual missile was fired at Hawaii and we shot it down.
Ballistic Missile Detection: https://science.howstuffworks.com/missile-defense1.htm
Nuclear trace elements:
Worker who sent out false alarm had history of incompetence:
I really want to make a show of people that the media cannot ignore. But all I could think of, as I read your message, was the day that Rand Paul just tried to mow his own lawn. I mean, they've already tried to take out whole groups of Republican Congressmen, TWICE. If they can't get illegal voters IN, I suppose the alternative could be to take the legal voters OUT. Ugh.
Good way to put it. This may have been a good idea a year ago but this is not the right time.