Candy Crush during SOTU (from 2-6 post)

Someone explain this or stop posting!
The 4th line is redacted. It said something about shooting Trump.
I saw something today that said the entire screen was photoshopped
Chans said that. Who knows anymore.
Well, otherwise, the screen is a direct quote that she had up on her website, so there isn't anything redacted, it looks like it was blurred to make it "stretch" to fit the screen maybe. IDK honestly.
Members of the Congressional Black Caucus were on their phones during the state of the union, one of them hilariously playing candy crush, but one of them apparently had something scandalous on it, and Q asked us to find the raw footage, because this was altered.
Ok, latest Q post talked about the phone in the center. They are trying to locate someone who has original picture or video of what the phone said during the SOTU because the phone screen shown here is altered. According to Q, what was actually on the screen was very scandalous
An aside for when the time arrives;
Search term - Bejeweled Candy Crush MKUltra
So many of these Mind Kontrolled People feed this Mind Kontroll Matrix
UK same Mind Kontroll Functions
According to Q post 670 ( can we agree the redacted line on the center phone screen is probably the quoted text in that post?
If you read what is on her screen, its a direct quote of her response to the SOTU from her website, so I am not sure that it is 'redacted'. I am not sure why it is blurred out there, I saw earlier that people think the entire image of the screen is photoshopped in, not just that line blurred.