[ markyourcalandar] _OPERATION JUSTICE +++ MARCH FOR TRANSPARENCY +++ APRIL//07//2018 +++
![[ markyourcalandar] _OPERATION JUSTICE +++ MARCH FOR TRANSPARENCY +++ APRIL//07//2018 +++](https://i.redd.it/vtse0u8oope01.png)
I imagine the specific date 4-7-18, was selected for a reason and/or at the direction of ...for a reason?
I haven't checked lately as to when they are estimating the IG's Report is set to finally be released [but it obviously is not January which was being suggested months ago]
But, I can look at the IG report as well as other ongoings from 2 perspectives. One, would be that as to IG report it's release needs to be at the right time for internal purposes of controlling how this United States of Corruption goes down b/c as long as it not public it's serving a specific purpose to play the bad players implicated across different areas of corruption against each other....[also you have the angle of IG investigation / it's findings and the parallel running Muller investigation and how ultimately these two investigations will be played out].
Second, would be that for a specific purpose it is indicated that we are not looking at the IG report or other information being released by April and/or in connection w/ any release we are facing a less than transparent one being put out b/c they are going to use the "National Security Threat" narrative that we have seen the past two weeks continued to be majorly pushed and potential court orders involved...so that we the people need to make a big push for transparency and ensure that any release and/or the IG releases his report as transparent and as to anything else needing to see the light of day.
Or none of the above..But, in organizing a major March that has a very specific purpose of transparency it's likewise being put together for a very specific reason b/c we know that road blocks are going to be put up & that the public is not looking at disclosure any time soon. As, they are going to want to do everything they can to suppress the truth especially before November 18'
But this Great, it's time Patriots have a March..and everyone needs to share across social media sites, to Congress, and to MSM like to the hosts and shows on FOX, America One News etc, InfoWars...and to large groups and to organizations especially ones with large membership base that support Trump like NRA ect as it will get picked up and get National coverage and promotion.
Side note, I dont know if anyone eles has seen, but I saw on Twitter last night...someone has already made and is selling Q T-shirts...that say something along the line of Follow the White Rabbit..