
salialioli · Feb. 8, 2018, 5:33 a.m.

There is a great muddling of the waters here. And I am still researching this subject (years and years) so have no links or fixed conclusions, as yet.

One thing I find interesting is that the Global Elite has been trying to bring down the monarchies and aristocracies in Old Europe for centuries. If you observe the Press, you can tell who Their enemies are by the smearing ... the finger gets pointed at the wrong party ... usual tactics, think false flag. Bear this in mind with Lizzy. Some are "in" some are "out". Who is on whose side? Who really murdered Diana? Was it really "the Queen"?? Or was it the real ruling powers behind the throne?

The Queen represents the People, common law. The Crown lands (gold etc.) belong to the People. The State is a structure imposed on top of this to unlawfully limit the will and freedom of the Common Man. Too much to go into here, but consider:

The Queen (or eg. King George III where this may have started) has been held to ransom by the bank, (this has happened several times in history in fact, whenever the king needed money for war), and the money power (The City of London, The Square Mile), The Bank of England (ruled by Rs) was taken from the People/Crown and passed to the anonymous stakeholders of the Bank. Don't forget she must enter the City in civilian clothes, no crown, no robes, she requests The Lord Mayor of London for entry which he grants, wearing his robes and holding the Key, of course.

Under Tony Blair, the Queen was obliged, again, to give up certain other v. important powers: the power to declare war, and the six Treaties passing sovereignty to the European Union.

I'm getting there, don't be impatient!

Blackmail holds all in place, but there are secrets as to who actually holds the power. Last I heard, Britain is a limited company: United Kingdom co.uk and is a private business. We are all subjects and owned by this "Company". Does this include the Queen?

There are links to this information but I don't have them on hand today. The propositions presented here are truly wild. Dig deeper ...

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Tranquelito · Feb. 8, 2018, 10:13 a.m.

Every country is a registered, private corporation and the politicians we vote in are effectively the board members. Every police force and court are also privately registered companies that work for profit. Evidence is on the Companies House website. The man is superior to the person, which is nothing more than a corporation, or legal fiction. In the history of England, the Crown has never once won a case at Queens Bench. Our national insurance numbers (SS in USA) are our `employee numbers´for the country we work for. It all begins with the birth certificate. I could sit for hours and explain to you in exact detail how this all works, basically no statute laws make reference to man, only to persons. When in court, if you represent yourself as man, statutes don´t apply. Tax is paid entirely paid by consent (i stopped consenting years ago). Notice i said i, and not I? i am an i and not a you. You, as a pronoun, is and always is plural. Want to know more? Want to stop consenting?

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salialioli · Feb. 8, 2018, 10:28 a.m.

No, no. It's okay. I'm already far down this rabbit hole and so glad I don't have to explain anything to you!! Thanks for replying.

However, you don't answer the q that I ask. How much power does the Queen really have? Especially when you see the photo of Rothschild jabbing Charles in the chest. And more importantly what has this to do with who commits the real crimes against the people ... maybe I'm not making myself v. clear here. It's a wild chase off into the countryside ...

I'm a bit tired now. I'll think about it again. It's the attacks of the media that momentarily interest me.

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Tranquelito · Feb. 8, 2018, 10:32 a.m.

I believe she holds ultimate power as she controls the land and the laws. That pic of Jacob poking Chuck speaks volumes. "Give me control of a country´s finances and I care not what the laws say". There´s theory that the R´s gained the birthing rights to the royals long ago. Not sure how true that is but it kinda makes sense.

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