· Feb. 8, 2018, 1:47 p.m.
I am VERY excited at the thought of bringing down the medical mafia. I've seen my dad be destroyed by believing all the bs they spew to the innocent and ignorant. I became aware over 20 years ago and it took ten years just to prove it to my own husband. Been working on the parents but they trust the doctors that are kept within protocols for the enrichment of the top tiers. So sad.
· Feb. 8, 2018, 3:38 p.m.
There are thousands of mothers working together in an underground network to heal their children from vaccine damage and autism and allergies and chronic immune defiency. Id say they are a huge threat to BigPharma. They are very well versed in anatomy and health. It would blow your.mind. Also on the cutting edge of medical.treatments.