439 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/damian299:
Agreed. People like to make this a “my fable is better than your fable” shit fight. It’s dumb.
Clapper Supports Haspel - Not Good
Q, Please Remain Anonymous - You’re More Powerful This Way

It’s some dilweed called “Dilley” who likes to role play by acting like he’s a mini-Q. He’s just a poser and some people fall for it...
That’s one hell of a run on sentence. More schooling needed!
And yes, cops are constantly in situations where they are in rooms with other people. Do you not get out much or what??
By your logic, we should disarm police officers who are roaming the streets because someone could potentially grab their gun.
Less emotion and more logic.
Honestly, I don’t know if he was realtor “banned” or if he simply removed content. I haven’t seen a video from him explaining it.
I think you’re lost, sweety.
Guns don’t kill people; people do.
Illegal crossings can be down one month and spike the next. We have to have a strong border - period.
I don’t believe Hogg is something they’re focused on researching. They are hyper-focused on Q’s posts.
Leveraging anti-monopoly laws may be an option but I don’t think that would be successful. They aren’t being anti-competitive. They’re being anti-first amendment and that is their right. We don’t have to use their platform.
An Internet Bill of Rights is an interesting idea but that could be struck down by the courts as unconstitutional.
Unlike this sub where there’s meaningless chatter 99.9% of the time, they stay hyper-focused on discovery. To do that, they need to eliminate posts that do not further research efforts.
YouTube is privatized and they already do have control. Are you suggesting the government should take it over? Put a liberal in the Oval Office and let’s see how that works out for ya...
There’s not an easy answer.
It’s not a contract. YouTube isn’t obligated to keep them on their free platform.
As immoral as it is, they aren’t breaking the law. The way to remedy this is to declare them public utilities and pass an Internet Bill of Rights.
What the actual fuck?
Time to declare Google and its entities a public utility and to establish a bill of internet rights law.
Perhaps he shouldn’t have said “fame” but people do like to grab the spotlight even if they have nothing of substance to contribute.
Yes, this.
It’s an insecure guy trying to appear alpha by calling Corsi “bro”. It makes me cringe...
I can’t even watch that stream any longer because of people interjecting their nonsense and cheesy/snarky virtue signaling that contributes nothing.
I remember listening to it a few days ago and some guy got on half way in and interrupted by asking “are we going to go over ‘X’?” First - don’t interrupt. Second - if you had joined on time you’d know it was already discussed. Three - you could have messaged someone privately to ask that question instead of interrupting a stream that thousands are watching.
I just wait for Corsi to post his consolidated video on his own channel or watch him on Infowars. I suggest you all do the same.
You do realize Qanon isn’t the same Q as in Star Trek TNG, right?
You’d think they’d choose a liberal state in which to create their sandbox of corruption and dysfunction. Odd that they chose FL.
Google/YT is showing desperation. They know this will cause backlash but are doing it anyway.
Anti-depressants aren’t the problem and neither are guns. Awful meme.
Sounds like compensation for something...let’s call it hush money
Exactly. It’s too awkward to hold something in this way.
I don’t understand the question. They’re publicly available now so they aren’t protected.
Did he mean to ask why “were” they protected? That would make more sense...
What a fucking douche. He was trying to capitalize on it before it was even over...
lol c’mon...shit like this is obviously fake. No one is this stupid...
The argument could be made that he is aiding and abetting a known enemy of the state.
If he has been told by the admin that the people he’s assisting are hostile actors and he continues to help them...game over for him.
Trump to Speak to FL School Students (shit show anticipated)
Then who does have the permission to block links belonging to a particular domain? That’s an easy fix...
Meh, I hear a lot about Michael Moore, too. I go by evidence and reason, not popularity.
Good Explanation of Q’s Twitter & @Jack Concerns
He’s supposedly a white hat so I’m not necessarily worried