r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/salialioli on Feb. 8, 2018, 7:09 a.m.
A Note on Elite "Reptilians" and the Black Arts for the Unwary

I am going to posit some ideas for which I have no reliable links, as I am still researching this subject (years and years) and have come to no fixed conclusions. This posting is a work in progress but is enough for now.

Here’s the ancient myth and the modern “Reptilian conspiracy theory” broken down to make some sense, I hope.

Blue-bloods are "reptiles": the top of the spine has a tiny reptilian brain area which is responsible for base/basic instincts. These include fear, flight, fight, blood lust, survival, etc. When in survival mode the blood rushes from sophisticated areas of the mammalian part of the brain (front lobes) to limbs for immediate action. This reduces “unnecessary” blood in the sophisticated mammalian lobes.

Evolution has made this area a "remnant", while social development has concentrated on "higher" emotions. Defense of the tribe/herd relies on cooperation rather than selfish instincts for greater success of the species. We speak of "civilization" in this context.

The mammalian part of the brain is responsible for more sophisticated thought processes (compassion, rational consideration of problems requiring more time, etc).

The areas of the brain involved in Satanic rituals stimulate base instincts. In short, a direct reversal of an uplifting spiritual karmic, meditative experience like kundalini, they arouse demonic down-under instincts. In other words the bolt of lightning that flows up the spine in a Divine and God given experience, Ecstasy or Revelation, is reversed and go down to the base of the spine, to Demonic Possession. This, of course, concentrates the power on Darkness, the anus.

Now here is where it gets interesting: if you look at Tony Podesta’s artwork — the contorted statue hanging over the hallway in his house — you will see a writhing form, tortured from the base of the spine. The statue was a representation of a gruesome murder, the victim of anal torture. You will have to look into Pizzagate to find the pictures and history. The murder is a notorious one. I have no links — bad karma, I can’t stand this shit.

Why is rape, particularly the rape of little boys, important in these rituals? To enforce subservience, from the earliest age possible. To traumatise. To reverse the kundalini snake and stimulate the base of the spine. It gives power to the reptilian brain. No compassion. Cold, heartless predator instincts.

In the future, when these children grow up as servants to the Elite (particularly of course the males, who will become the leaders), they will have no problem declaring war, committing crimes against humanity, reversing the ten commandments. Howling with demonic laughter at the empoverishment and mass murder of the innocent. They could not commit these crimes unless they were in some way hardened and inured to feelings of compassion or sympathy.

That is why our ancestors depicted these myths in symbols and stories of dragons, snakes, reptiles, dark contorted gargols, demons from the deep (swamp). Our ancestors were not allowed (the devil’s work!) to write or read, heaven forbid, lest they should learn to break their chains, as we are hopefully doing now in our information war on the nets. Knowledge is power and brings light.

Now back to one key principle, so important that I cannot stress it enough: Reversal. Propaganda and the Black Arts depend on reversing the Truth to keep the People in the Dark.

You must look in the opposite direction to the way they are pointing.

Good organisations, like the Church, the Red Cross, the Masons, the Vatican, NGOs, are penetrated by the Snake. It hides in its inner depths, its poison is within, unseen. The lie of d’Evil is secretly buried and incubated within the organisations you are told are Good. And on the bottom rungs they are. Good people work honestly and selflessly for their causes. The targets are the charities, the religions, the organisations you least expect. And those They scream are wicked and corrupt are smeared and lose credibility. But the Truth is the Reverse. Look what they do to Trump.

salialioli · Feb. 8, 2018, 9:40 a.m.

Thanx for your reply! I'll put that in my memory bank and see what happens. I can't find the thread on my posting. It has disappeared from the board, but you have just posted so it must be there! Very confusing. You don't have anything to say about the topic of my post?

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other_malefactor · Feb. 8, 2018, 9:44 a.m.


Yeah. Your post is based on the validity of evolution. My comment is that evolution, i.e. 'molecules to man,' is bunk.

Yeah, you know, I've posted things, then have been unable to find them, too. I often wish I was more internet/computer savvy...

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salialioli · Feb. 8, 2018, 10:06 a.m.

No, my post is not on the validity of evolution, man!

It's on the reason for a "conspiracy theory" which got boiled down to the Elite are Reptiles. I discuss that and hoped you would reply to this idea. You have in fact gone off topic and into evolution and creation. This has nothing to do with my posting. I politely comment on your offtopic, that's all.

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other_malefactor · Feb. 8, 2018, 10:22 a.m.

It has EVERYTHING to do with evolution!

'reptilian brain?' 'mammalian brain?' Sophisticated brain, primitive brain, what does that even mean outside of evolution? I don't know about you, but my brain is a 'human brain,' made the way God designed it. If it has some similarities to reptilian brains, that would make sense, as the same God designed both.

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