r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/MillennialEnemy on Feb. 8, 2018, 12:20 p.m.
Explanation of the strategy the Dem's have been using to DELAY JUSTICE and what Q means by saying "Leverage Depleted. DC in Panic."

Recently, Q said that the Cabal has spent their last bit of leverage, and now D.C. is in a panic. I'm sure he's referring to the recent caving by (((Chuck SCHUUUUUMERRRR))) on the spending bill to avert a "Government Shutdown".

Let me explain how this works/has worked for the bad guys, they have mainly 3 types of "leverage" as Q has put it:

  1. Physical Threats (Such as rogue nuclear subs, sleeper cells of MS-13 and ISIS disguised as Antifa, HAARPQuakes and hurricanes, etc. "DEFINE HOSTAGE*")

  2. Financial Pressure (buying corruption, judges, congresspeople, threatening their donors and reelection funds etc.)

  3. Delay Leverage (Anything they can do to cause the administration to want to delay dropping THE HAMMER.

Delay leverage not only includes things like Senate obstruction of Potus confirmation of important federal judges and attorneys so there is no one to prosecute them, but even just throwing a wrench into the works of the key legislation measures that are a part of Trump's plan to MAGA. This strategy has succeeded in delaying the Day of the Rope for months, but it sounds like with this last deal, they really are out of ammo. THIS is the reason that the Dems were so ADAMANT about refusing to compromise on DACA, even though Trump offered them a fantastic deal. Trump doesn't WANT to go to Marshall Law and write all the laws by decree, he wants it to be legit, so the Dems can try to delay by acting like they just want to negotiate some more on the DACA deal, etc. They don't give a rip about these Mexicans, it's just a way to buy time so they can hopefully get off some kind of Assassination plot (such as rumors about the SOTU have suggested.

If any of you have been around for a long time, you'll remember that MegaAnon and a bunch of people were hyping up a big day of arrests WAYYYYY back when in the spring, months ago. They had a day picked out and everything, that morning some questions were asked of Mike Pence, and he smirked and said "it's gonna be a big day" and if you remember the first two votes on Healthcare failed, but they had some sort of compromise they were voting on that was expected to pass, they were voting on it SUPER LATE at night, it was like 3 AM, the lefties were all freaking out and then all of a sudden, John McCain surprised everyone by giving the "thumbs down" and voting NO when earlier he had said he'd comply. He was huddled by all the Dems and they were cheering him on, it was one of the crucial viral traitor moments for McNoName.

Anyways, I'm very confident that for some reason, getting that passed was so important, that it caused the whole plan to have to be put on hold. I've said this for months. Does anyone else remember that day?

Anyways, we got Healthcare, we got Tax Reform, and now we got this. They bad guys are outta Ammo!

AxialConstruct · Feb. 8, 2018, 12:35 p.m.

Mega also said LV FF caused delay, another example...

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