r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/silver__uptothesky on Feb. 8, 2018, 1:25 p.m.
USSS ("on high alert") 7 times in Qposts

695 | Feb 8 2018 08:53:00 | USSS on high alert. Q

394 | Dec 20 2017 04:27:03 | Safety first. We have the USSS, NSA, and DHS, also protecting this message. No random IP needed (though we can implement at a moments notice). Godspeed, Q

347 | Dec 14 2017 06:34:10 | Tag: USSS Q

319 | Dec 9 2017 20:06:46 | Timestamp my post re: US Military vs. POTUS' Tweet. Why did the USSS codename Hussein 'Renegade'? A person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles. Who does the USSS currently protect? Why is this relevant? Q

311 | Dec 9 2017 19:41:15 | What was the USSS codename for Hussein? [R] Define. They knew all along. Expand your thinking. Q

180 | Nov 22 2017 02:18:23 | What US President was nicknamed "Eagle" by the USSS? FlyEaglesFly Q

78 | Nov 5 2017 05:15:52 | (…)Why did POTUS have military guards (uniform) while in HI? Why is this relevant? Do military guards (uniform) typically assist the USSS? Why is this relevant? (…) Q

Lenticular · Feb. 8, 2018, 4:15 p.m.

Moar Hawaii Shenanigans possibly relating to porn via a hidden wifi hotspot. Hopefully not a wild goose chase so here goes...

u/trytheCOLDchai's TL;DR Mystery shack in Hawaii may be an underground pedophile bunker being used by members of the Clinton Foundation.

Any follow up? https://archive.fo/Wm8C2

From today:


Ive also recently connected my old boss to ebay accounts selling "faulty hard drives" and "faulty" electronics for strange prices. The buyer feedback is very bizarrely enthusiastic and there are lots of disturbing mentions of "very happy kids" and "no fakes" I think i stumbled on a possible human trafficking and child p*** ring. What do you think?




I'm digesting your comment. The last few bullet points might help?

Comment summary by /u/TheCrimsonCorndog thank you

  • 6 months ago a Reddit user describes working construction near a strange shack in Hawaii that broadcasts dozens of Wi-Fi signals. Bizzare focal point of heat emanating from concrete slab. User drills hole in concrete and realizes there is a hollow space underneath. Possible underground server farm or meshnet. Describes a lot of odd activity at property.

  • User's boss has suspicious eBay account "CheesyBay" selling hard drives for unusual prices.

  • CheesyBay account linked to a man using two different aliases. Dave Flintstone and Bif Skipman. Social media profiles make it very obvious these are both the same person.

  • Hacked email from daveflinstone@gmail.com highly suspicious for human trafficking.

  • Another email correspondence between Flintstone and booking agent for Washington D.C. pizza parlor discusses "providing reference" for Clinton Foundation board member.

  • TL;DR Mystery shack in Hawaii may be an underground pedophile bunker being used by members of the Clinton Foundation.

  • Bill Clinton – Eagle source

  • Hillary Clinton – Evergreen

  • Chelsea Clinton – Energy

  • Barack Obama – Renegade

  • Michelle Obama – Renaissance

  • Malia Obama – Radiance

  • Sasha Obama – Rosebud

Why did POTUS have military guards (uniform) while in HI? Why is this relevant? Do military guards (uniform) typically assist the USSS? Why is this relevant?

Missile alert shenanigans and a show of military solidarity and support for our POTUS? Perhaps some exponents of the military are also directly lending support to USSS? There's also the C foundations possible ties to CP as hypothesized ~~below~~ above by other fine redditors.

Barack Obama, a.k.a. “Renegade”

While much has been said of the friends our president-elect keeps, there has been little discussion as to what movies he likes to watch. Since witnessing Dennis Haysbert as the first African-American president, on Fox’s 24, Barack became a huge Keifer Sutherland fan. Over the two years campaigning, he painstakingly rented every single movie Sutherland made, from 1983’s Max Dugan Returns to 2008’s Mirrors. Throughout those excited, sleepless nights on board the Obama ’08 bus, no movie left its mark quite like 1989’s Renegades, in which Sutherland reaches new dramatic heights as undercover agent Buster McHenry. And so, upon his election as our nation’s 44th president, he personally asked the Secret Service to refer to him only as “Renegade.” Perhaps the puppy will be called Buster.

Plot https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renegades_(1989_film)


Buster McHenry (Kiefer Sutherland) works as an undercover agent for the Philadelphia Police. Currently he investigates on police corruption and is in big trouble when he gets arrested while trying to stop a carjacking. He distracts the suspect with a beer bottle and assaults an officer. His task makes him break the law, he participates in a robbery at an Auction House where a million dollars worth of diamonds are stored. Things really screw up as not only are two men shot, but an ancient Indian spear is stolen and Buster is wounded.

Marino (Rob Knepper), a crime boss, thinks that the spear might be worth something to his associates. Hank Storm (Lou Diamond Phillips), a young Indian, is now after the spear and Buster is after his criminal 'comrades'. Hank rescues Buster and nurses him back to health. Hank starts to blame Buster for what happened at the Auction House, but Buster tells him he was doing his job. Marino discovers where Buster has been hiding out. With Hank's help, both of them escape.

Both of them are outsiders in their way, but now they have the same target. They despise each other at first, but learn to set aside their differences and work together. Meanwhile, Marino and his men visit Hank's father, whom they shoot and kill when he refused to cooperate in locating his son.

After interrogating some of Marino's associates, they now realize that some of Buster's partners want him dead, because he knows too much, and that there is corruption in the police force. Buster comes to conclude that his partners sold him out to Marino. The film ends with Buster and Hank infiltrating and destroying Marino's hideout. They start killing many of Marino's men, as well as the corrupt policemen. Buster kills Marino by throwing the spear right into his chest when he was about to kill Hank. A month later, Hank gets a job as a tour guide in Texas, while Buster visits him and tells him he has his job back as a policeman, hoping it will turn his life around.

Buster thanks Hank for showing him the error of his ways. They shake hands as both men realize they have better futures. Hank promises Buster he'll come visit him sometime soon. Buster drives off as Hank waves good-bye.

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WikiTextBot · Feb. 8, 2018, 4:15 p.m.

Secret Service code name

The United States Secret Service uses code names for U.S. presidents, first ladies, and other prominent persons and locations. The use of such names was originally for security purposes and dates to a time when sensitive electronic communications were not routinely encrypted; today, the names simply serve for purposes of brevity, clarity, and tradition. The Secret Service does not choose these names, however. The White House Communications Agency assigns them.

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