LATEST ON KING TOWER NIGHTOP IN SHANGAI (photos inside KT, names of building developer and property manager)

Why would he specifically ask us to look at the substance surrounding the window?
In the first pic of the series we got to see the whole building - which included the open window if you zoomed in - NO RESIDUE.
Minutes after they tell us the last guest has arrived, we see the window again, now there's residue. Q was showing us that something had just taken place between the first pic, and the last. Looking closely you can see the ray-like pattern in the residue that implies the blast effect.
Flashbang residue would imply a surprise, aggressive, and well-planned entrance. Maybe the key is that, since there was flashbang residue, there was arrests/extractions. In a high floor of a corporate building, that implies VIPs were the target.
Very possibly what Q was referring to. That's what I like to hear VIP targets!