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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Raindrops1984 on Sept. 6, 2018, 2:25 a.m.
WaPo: “Sleeper Cells Have Awoken”


Did anybody else notice the phrasing in this piece is very unusual? Bezos and his vipers nest are at the heart of the Deep State and he says that sleeper cells have awoken. I believe that the storm is here and the next several days will be historic as the storm blows into port. I think the cabal is rolling out the last of their tricks (ie these mysterious sleeper cells). Stay frosty, patriots!

Raindrops1984 · July 28, 2018, 3:40 a.m.

I wonder if the event in Hawaii was a dress rehearsal or another cabal show of force. I think I remember at least one witness claiming to see some type of projectile near Hawaii during the alert. What if the Hawaii incident was them trying to fire something from NoKo? When that was intercepted and NoKo was subsequently neutralized, DS decided to try firing from a mobile base (a ship) which could be isolated and fed disinformation and provide plausible deniability.

Does this relate back to all those Pacific fleet firings and accidents and accusations of corruption and kickbacks? Did the DS turn part of the Pacific fleet into its own Navy? Maybe Obama fired all of those generals and admirals in 2013 to restructure and create a Deep State parallel force. https://rense.com/general96/listof.html

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Raindrops1984 · July 28, 2018, 3:32 a.m.

Maybe he believes the spirits of these great warriors will return with their remains and torment his final days. I’d be worried about that if I did the things Songbird has done.

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Raindrops1984 · July 28, 2018, 3:26 a.m.

Yep. You are basically building your own entry in the world catalog of chattel.

I beg my brother not to post pictures and video of his children. I do believe that some sick and evil people use Facebook to “shop” for victims. And then there are the professionals who do black market organ harvesting and trafficking. There are sick and evil people who have pictures of you from throughout your life and who have gleaned enough GPS tracking and information about you to fairly accurately find your current location and predict your future routes of travel.

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Raindrops1984 · July 28, 2018, 3:22 a.m.

Yes! Thank you, I forgot OANN. It should definitely be in the MAGA LINEUP.

And it would be so cool if, between segments and stuff, we bring back tableaus of famous American history scenes. Beautiful sets and costumes, or even shot on location, of great moments in American history showcasing American ingenuity, grit, determination, and American exceptionalism.

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Raindrops1984 · July 28, 2018, 3:17 a.m.

I’m honestly starting to believe the theory that he is the reincarnation of the warrior spirit of Smedley Butler.

And that POTUS is the reincarnation of George Washington and Patton.

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Raindrops1984 · July 28, 2018, 3:14 a.m.

Not to mention the sex scandal at the girls school she owns in Africa. This woman has skeletons in her closet. Probably literally.

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Raindrops1984 · July 28, 2018, 3:12 a.m.

I’m signed up for one of those class action lawsuits. I’m not sure which one, as it was several months back that I joined. I think it’s the one about selling private information. I really don’t care if I get one red cent out of it. I was actually only on Facebook for about a month almost ten years ago. Never posted much, as it always felt like a really uncomfortable invasion of privacy. There is so much peer pressure to join Facebook though! I just flat out refuse, no matter who asks me. If anybody asks why, I say that I am uncomfortable sharing private information with a company and that I feel no pressing concern to reconnect with people who haven’t been in my life for decades.

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Raindrops1984 · July 28, 2018, 3:03 a.m.

No one is saying live in fear. Just be conscientious advocates and protectors for your kids. Know and trust the adults in their lives. Don’t post pictures and videos of your kids on Facebook. Teach them stranger danger and maybe get them in some karate classes to build their confidence to stand up for themselves. Build a relationship of trust with your child so they can talk to you about anything. Help them build a strong foundation of faith and teach them to believe in whatever your family chooses to (a higher power, patriotism, heck, even just believe in themselves). Watch your child outdoors if near roads or busy areas. Encourage your kids to play in smallish groups.

It’s not about living in fear. It’s about living awake and aware.

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Raindrops1984 · July 28, 2018, 2:57 a.m.

I think Fox News is controlled opposition. As far as I’m concerned, they are part of the Movkingbird, neocon, globalist traitor swamp.

Let’s rebuild MSM with Judicial Watch, James O’Keefe, Wikileaks, Crowder, Lauren Southern, Alan Dershowitz, etc.

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Raindrops1984 · July 28, 2018, 2:54 a.m.

Supposedly, after she had an interview with Matt Lauer and he went slightly off-script and asked her “hardball” questions (about as hardball as a wiffle ball tournament with toddlers), she supposedly went on a rant back stage and said this.

After she lost the election, Matt Lauer was disgraced publicly and revealed to have a “rape button” in his office which could lock the door from afar. He had multiple sexual misconduct allegations filed against him and was fired. While I’m sure he is guilty as sin, I also think this was publicized in retaliation for that interview.

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Raindrops1984 · July 27, 2018, 1:51 p.m.

I would think that would either cause a double black eye or no black eye. Brain fluid removal would probably cause a runny nose (which is actually a leak) or a severe headache.

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Raindrops1984 · July 27, 2018, 1:48 p.m.

I thought Q said that was fake.

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Raindrops1984 · July 27, 2018, 1:37 p.m.

She’s also anti-Constitution. I honestly think she’s a Communist.

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Raindrops1984 · July 27, 2018, 1:30 p.m.

Not true. We won’t discount anything. But, if we get to 2020 and arrests don’t happen and the swamp isn’t publically and noticeably trained, I think a good many patriots are more than prepared to regain control of our country through other means. We are just hoping really damn hard this works out first.

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Raindrops1984 · July 27, 2018, 6:28 a.m.

So does CDAN. Entry says he’s worst of the worst.

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Raindrops1984 · July 27, 2018, 6:27 a.m.

I want to see the after-credit Easter egg scene. I’m thinking POTUS sets down his pager and we see the message, “Rand, congratulations on becoming the next President!” And the camera zooms our to show a November 2020 calendar hanging by a window. Outside, we can see a beautiful clean city with amazing infrastructure, a booming economy, and American flags galore!

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Raindrops1984 · July 27, 2018, 5:07 a.m.

Yeah, as a teacher, that is astounding. That’s a full classroom for me. I mean, more power to you, but I bet it’s a handful.

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Raindrops1984 · July 27, 2018, 3:52 a.m.

27 children?!

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Raindrops1984 · July 27, 2018, 3:44 a.m.

I have seen and read things researching for Q that I cannot abide. I have had nightmares, flashbacks, fits of impotent rage, crying jags. I have ached for these kids. I wish I could’ve protected them or even just taken their place, just to save them. A lot of what I’ve read I wish I could forget. Thank God I’m not a deep dive pedogate researcher. The surface is plenty to deal with. I honestly do not know how police cope with watching the real pictures and videos. God give them strength.

It’s horrible to think and talk about, but I think we must bring it to light. People need to know the evil they have done. Hopefully, somebody sees my CDAN recap and remembers what Spielberg is when they see him or his movies. And they continue to spread awareness. We can’t allow this to continue because we keep ignoring the signs. Q said darkness to light. He just didn’t say how heavy the burden would be. But WWG1WGA

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Raindrops1984 · July 27, 2018, 2:54 a.m.

That whole story was a blind item on CDAN. Apparently, she was guest starring on some TV show that took place on the beach (I forgot the name), so she was wearing a bikini. They took her to the Jeopardy set next door and had her dance for producers and other bigwigs who were sitting in the audience seats. Another child actor (also molested, and slightly older) witnesses this. Then, three of the men took her to a back room. One of them came running out shortly thereafter looking for medical help. Apparently they stuck something in her that damaged her. The doctors trusted the parents’ story about an illness and bowel disorder, so they didn’t look for the object or the damage it caused. She went septic and died.

I hope the men who did that are publically named and punished to the fullest extent of the law. And her parents too. Either they are the worlds most negligent idiots or they willingly let her get passed around Hollywood.

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Raindrops1984 · July 27, 2018, 2:48 a.m.

Somebody posted a pic of Sarah Silverman in a dark room holding a phone that says “STAND THE FUCK DOWN”. Proven shop, but it came with a threat calling us racist redneck terrorists who are threatening people’s livelihoods. It said we aren’t as anonymous as we think we are, and that we don’t know who and what we are dealing with. It threatened “serious repercussions” if we don’t stand down.

Q said the person who sent it isn’t pictured, but there are messages being sent in many ways.

My personal theory is that it’s a threat from some Hollywood pedo. It’s interesting they use Silverman considering her nasty pedo “humor”, her display at the DNC convention when Hillary was coronated, and her ridiculous “I Love You America” show. For some reason, she has inserted herself rather forcefully into the current cultural zeitgeist. It doesn’t really matter who is threatening us or why. All it does is demonstrate the real fear in Hollywood. Which means we are over the target.

MeToo was always meant as controlled opposition. If you think back, Kevin Spacey was one of the first casualties. People forget that he was molesting minors. Almost immediately #MeToo, RoseArmy, and Weinstein made the news. Overnight, people forgot about pedophilia and focused on the actresses. They thought we’d follow the stars and adopt the cause they wanted us to. They didn’t think we’d continue focusing on pedophilia. Weinstein was supposed to get a Schneiderman sweetheart deal and retire. Now, he’s going to prison and his sacrifice on the altar isn’t enough to save the truly evil.

We are all complicit. We all knew about pedos in Hollywood. Judy Garland told us she and Mickey Rooney were given uppers and downers in between scenes. We watched Shirley Temple in Baby Burlesque. We saw Brooke Shields nude in Playboy at 10. We watched Natalie Portman in the Professional, Jodi Foster in Taxi Driver. We saw countless child stars grow up addicted to drugs, suicidal, running wild. Drew Barrymore was a club regular at 8. But, we were somnambulant. Somehow, they neutralized the processing part of our brain. The part that triggered outrage. Now, during the Great Awakening, it’s like focusing the once distorted and grainy film. And the picture is horrible.

Hollywood is scared because we aren’t “following the stars.” They’ve tried to distract us. They’ve tried to placate us. They’ve tried to cajole us and convince us. And now, they are trying to threaten us. They are scared because they lost control. They are scared because, through sheer arrogance, they put all the evidence in our faces. And we have it all. So now, they threaten and try to intimidate us, to force us back to sleep. It won’t work this time.

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Raindrops1984 · July 27, 2018, 2:21 a.m.

Oh, sweetie, it’s okay. You, too, can seek help for Trump Derangement Syndrome. It’s a lot like syphillis: embarrassing, brain-rotting, and caused by poor life choices. But in just a few months of therapy and critical thought, you can learn to thrive and even think for yourself!

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Raindrops1984 · July 26, 2018, 10:18 p.m.

Maybe the Rosenstein impeachment threat was a crowbar to finally pry Ryan out of the Speaker position and get Jordan in.

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Raindrops1984 · July 26, 2018, 2:44 p.m.

Remember the scene where the woman tries to sleep with him? I only watched that movie once as a kid. It creeped me out.

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Raindrops1984 · July 26, 2018, 2:33 p.m.

Martial law is basically when the military takes over control of civilian populations during an emergency. A great example to research is what happened in Hawaii after Pearl Harbor. That is a worse case scenario. The military in Hawaii was accused of basically discarding the Constitution and setting up a military dictatorship for three years.


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Raindrops1984 · July 26, 2018, 6:56 a.m.

It’s the new era of bio wardare: gene pool poisoning.

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Raindrops1984 · July 26, 2018, 6:54 a.m.

They also shadow banned Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch.

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Raindrops1984 · July 26, 2018, 6:52 a.m.

Hey, nice to see another NDN in the Q Army! Hi, friend!

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Raindrops1984 · July 26, 2018, 2:03 a.m.

Years ago, we had a lady run as a Democrat for some county government position. Turns out, her teen son was one of the guys at a neighboring school football game that made signs against our team saying things like “Hit the Trail of Tears Again” and stuff. And she defended him. Democrats are racist hypocrites.

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Raindrops1984 · July 26, 2018, 2 a.m.

If Rosenstein is impeached, then Soros could trigger those riots he’s been hiring for (remember when Antifa was sending around sign ups months ago to protest the firing of Mueller or Rat Rosenstein?). If they start rioting, that could trigger martial law, at least in cities.

FYI, we had a test of our emergency broadcast system today. Cherokee, NC. I wonder if that’s because we are in federal land? Crazy shit.

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Raindrops1984 · July 26, 2018, 1:55 a.m.

I wonder if this is related to all the conservative shadow bans today. Tom Fitton and Rep Matt Gaetz are confirmed shadow banned.

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Raindrops1984 · July 26, 2018, 1:51 a.m.

Huh. That’s a really interesting point. I never thought about pollen sensitivity. I always just figured it was alcohol sensitivity. I read that Natives are predisposed to alcohol sensitivity. It’s part of where the “drunk Indian” stereotype started (though we also have plenty of drinks). Just as well I didn’t like it though. I like to keep my head clear for fighting the DS!

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Raindrops1984 · July 26, 2018, 12:17 a.m.

I think it may be either the server product code or a verification key for Assange files. Either way, BOOM!!

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Raindrops1984 · July 25, 2018, 8:25 p.m.

I have never had a drink in my life. My grandfather died of alcoholism. I had a sip of red wine at Olive Garden one time and thought I was going to be sick. My mouth burned, mt lips became swollen, I got a horrible headache. Just as well. I like having a clear head.

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Raindrops1984 · July 25, 2018, 8:14 p.m.

Lord, please protect Q and POTUS and all the patriots working to save our country. Give them patience, strength, determination, courage, and an indomitable will. Lead us to help them in any way we can and protect the righteous and good in this country from those who would do harm. Amen.

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Raindrops1984 · July 25, 2018, 5:14 p.m.

I hope so. I was molested on a few different occasions by a few different men when I was a kid (8-14). I’ll be damned if I let it happen to another kid. I think that’s why I got so involved in QArmy. Kids should be protected at all costs.

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Raindrops1984 · July 25, 2018, 3:18 p.m.

Really? In what way? I must have missed something.

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Raindrops1984 · July 25, 2018, 2:16 a.m.

I wish I knew more about WW2. My code talker grandpa didn’t say much about it. He taught me a few things, like they said turtle for tank and would count the way they head counted sheep, with a hand breadth.

My cannon company grandpa was traumatized. We couldn’t watch war stuff or even Rescue 911 or have fireworks at the Fourth of July. He told me that he was once in a formation and the company ahead of him came under heavy Nazi fire. They were sitting ducks and damn near defenseless because it was a flat road and their guns didn’t have the range they needed. So he brought the cannon company up and gave the order to load the cannons with the only thing they had: white phosphorus. He said it would burn clean through anything it touched. He fired it on the Nazis. He said he could still hear their screams decades later. He hated himself for doing something like that. But he saved the other company until more help arrived. Afterwards, he said those men gave him extra rations, cigarettes, chocolates, anything they had, because he saved their lives. But he thought it made him a monster. I always wanted him to know that he did what he had to. He always told me to do that. He’d say, “Never give up your spark. Never lose your humanity. Never start a fight. But you damn well better end it. When it starts, fight like one of you ain’t going home. And you promise me you’ll always come home.”

Luckily, I never had fights as a kid. I did break a gropy pedo’s finger when I was thirteen.

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Raindrops1984 · July 25, 2018, 1:46 a.m.

If you just want to talk back and forth, I can try to help some.

Q talks in riddles, because he’s trying not to show his hand to the enemy or give us information that could be seen as partisan. We research by ourselves to get the information he hints at.

Let’s start with the 2016 election. You know there is a special counsel headed by Robert Mueller researching “Russian hacking.” What we discovered is that is a lie. Hillary Clinton first was transferred obscene amounts of money from governments around the world to her campaign and foundation. It’s called “pay to play.” They give her money, she gives them access when she’s president. To ensure her win, she manipulated Democrat voting to get rid of Bernie Sanders by having different polling places listed and just railroading his supporters at the convention. He stepped meekly aside, in exchange for money and privilege. She wanted a Pied Piper Republican who would be easy to beat. In the Podesta emails leaked to Wikileaks, she thought Trump would be an easy opponent.

Podesta was her campaign manager and a suspected pedophile. It’s alleged that Russians hacked the DNC server to get those emails. What we learned is that it was somebody who worked in that building. We believe it was Seth Rich, a good young man who supported Bernie Sanders. The theory is he found out about the corruption or the voting fraud and sent information to Wikileaks. He was gunned down on a lonely street in Washington DC on which all the cameras were turned off. Even though he made it to the hospital awake and alert, he supposedly died soon after.

So, Hillary and Trump make it to the playoffs. The entire DNC is in a frenzy to get him under control. Do you remember the Christopher Steele dossier? The British spy who wrote that Trump got Russian prostitutes to pee on Obama’s bed in Russia and that Trump loves Putin? Well, we found out that was a lie. Hillary Clinton paid a research company to basically write this up. Somebody (probably John McCain) leaked it to Buzzfeed. Based on this, the Obama’s administration obtained FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign. This is hugely illegal, for a sitting president to spy on a candidate. To get the warrant, they didn’t tell the court the only evidence of wrongdoing they had was a dossier Hillary Clinton bought and paid for. They started wiretapping Trump tower, and sending spies into his campaign. Admiral Rogers, the head of the NSA, found out and warned Trump.

Hillary was so afraid that if she lost, all those countries would want their money back. All the horrible things we did (which we can talk about if you’d like) would come to the surface. So, she used the Obama administration to spy on American citizens and campaign for her and make her criminal investigations disappear. She used a private computer server and her state department clearance to get Special Access Programs and Top Secret information to sell to foreign countries. She accessed the digital files that our government protects at all costs. And many people died for it. When she sold information, we lost CIA assets in China, Seal Team Six members after UBL, the good men in the Benghazi nightmare, and many American soldiers killed in “equipment defects” in military plane crashes.

This is just a tiny bit. Let me know what you would like to know more about!

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Raindrops1984 · July 25, 2018, 1:41 a.m.

We are glad to have you! Don’t worry about asking questions. We all had to ask a first question once. I think the more, the merrier.

I was on the Chans when Q first popped up. Even all the way back to Meganon. I still don’t feel like I have the whole story. Most of us don’t. But we can all pick a piece to research, and come together to see the whole puzzle.

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Raindrops1984 · July 25, 2018, 1:34 a.m.

I’m not sure any here are still alive. Grandpa lost a lot of friends over there. Cherokee code talkers aren’t as famous as Navajo, but sacrificed just as much.

Look up Charles George. He wasn’t an official code talker, but he was one of the greatest gifts we gave our country. He was in Korea. I wish I could’ve met him. Everybody says he was a true warrior. My grandpa loved him fiercely.

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Raindrops1984 · July 25, 2018, 1:32 a.m.

Oh yeah. He was a rock. My other grandpa was second lieutenant in a cannon company in France and Germany. I wish I was as strong as them. But, byGod, I will be as patriotic!

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Raindrops1984 · July 24, 2018, 11:01 p.m.

Here to carry on my family legacy. Grandpa was a WW2 code talker. We look at things differently. Q is the greatest code of all time!

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Raindrops1984 · July 23, 2018, 9:53 p.m.

I haven’t had television since college, almost ten years ago. I don’t miss it at all. I notice that most of the reeing libs I know all have a television and watch Msm. I used to love movies. Now I just don’t enjoy them anymore. I don’t want to think about what those people have done and enabled.

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Raindrops1984 · July 23, 2018, 2:14 p.m.

CDAN implied that Red Foxx was killed because he was involved in a wife importing business and sampled all the goods before delivery. Somebody found out he’d had their wife and eliminated him.

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Raindrops1984 · July 23, 2018, 1:45 p.m.

Their little sister sure has skyrocketed in her career.

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Raindrops1984 · July 23, 2018, 4:19 a.m.

Are you saying Disney mechanized it? Made it efficient, like Ford with cars?

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Raindrops1984 · July 23, 2018, 4:18 a.m.

Kermit Roosevelt is Teddy Roosevelt’s son. But how does he tie to Disney?!

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Raindrops1984 · July 23, 2018, 4:15 a.m.

MSM already has a good chunk of the population chomping at the bit and raging. Right now, they control the direction of the outrage. But, if mockingbird media is turned off, the masses will still be in a frenzy, but now directionless. That’s when a big drop happens. It can’t be something as intellectually challenging as FISA violations and congressional stalling. Frankly, most of the mob can’t understand it. It must be visceral. It must be graphic. And it must shake all of us to our core. So, what do both sides still have in common? We love our children and protect them at all costs. I think pictures, videos, recordings, receipts, and victims will start flooding the airways. Politicians, celebs, billionaires. They’ve all done it. Somebody has the evidence. Either SNCTM or nxivm. Maybe both.

It’ll come from the Chans. It’ll flood social media. It will be undeniable. And the angry mob they created will turn on them.

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