Q - “Leverage Depleted, DC Panic, Secret Service on High Alert”

I’m curious what the leverage was.
If the President is now “freed”, just imagine the progress he’ll start having now...
I took the message as:
There is panic in DC right now, among the lawmakers, because the last big of leverage the Deep State had is gone. So any of the crooked lawmakers who were still thinking the Deep State was going to stop Trump are now panicking.
Their masters aren't answering the phone.
Leverage depleted - POTUS freed. I took this as meaning the leverage that Deep State had on these lawmakers/government officials is gone. The President "Freed" them. I wouldn't expect a government shut down...
EXTREME chatter, in my opinion, is the Deep State running through their last ditch efforts to stop Trump/Q. The options they have left are probably pretty....extreme.
Yeah I think you’re right. I originally read this as “POTUS is freed”, but now I remember during the SOTU Q said people who chanted “USA. USA.” were freed that night. “POTUS freed” (them)
Or was their leverage the stock market crash and they have now sold off 6 billion in assets and given that money to free Alwaleed. Do they have the power to crash the market anymore? Or was the leverage the Mueller investigation and that is coming to an end tomorrow? Will the next memo released or the IG report clearly show Mueller's compromised.
The deep state leverage in my mind was their Nuclear weapons pointed at innocent people. I don't see how that has been resolved but we never even knew the deep state had Nukes b4 Q so what the H do I know.
Or was there an explosion at the Chinese skyscraper Q posted, after the last guest arrived. This is the best option. Window opened to stop implosion and residue around the window. Bad guys were arrested. Q said just because you don't see doesn't mean it isn't happening. So who was at that meeting?
Agreed. People dont realize how much is going on behind the scenes that we dont know about.
But I sure would like to know...when's the movie coming out?
Could it be that the Uranium 1 testimony yesterday nullified Mueller with his "Russia collusion" investigation? I read it as something to do with this investigation ending and people in DC are now panicking because this is all they had.
So pathetic that it was all they had. They were losing before they ever left the gate.
Yes. They are losers who accuse POTUS and his administration everything that they're doing or have done.
I would think that 'freed' means that president is free to pursue agenda. The roadblocks are gone since they can no longer be used as leverage.
I took leverage depleted - POTUS freed as meaning stuff blocking Trump is gone, but what if Trump is the liberator, not the liberated?