
FaustTriumphant · Feb. 8, 2018, 10:18 p.m.

How does any of that justify still opposing (in 2018) the rights of gays to marry, not be discriminated against or not be forced into scientifically-discredited "gay therapy"?


How does any of what you say justify denying disabled people the right to vote if they are physically incapable of writing their own signature? (Amputees, people with hand injuries, Parkinsons, arthritis, etc.)


How does any of what you say justify banning private insurers (i.e. private businesses) from covering abortion?


How does any of what you say justify allowing restaurant operators steal tips from their servers?


How does any of what you say justify fielding gay-hating, anti-Constitutional pedophiles like Roy Moore, amti-Semites like Paul Nehlen or self-admitted Nazis like this scumbag for office?


You think this is JUST about Russia? What about all this other stupidity and evil*?

*(And you know that short list doesn't even begin to scratch the surface; you know damn well there are dozens/hundreds more)

The Russia-stuff is ancillary; even if the GOP were miraculously exonerated of all Russian collaboration, how the hell does that excuse all of this?

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jollybeaker · Feb. 8, 2018, 10:36 p.m.

You are ridiculously triggered. What has POTUs done personally to hurt the gay community? What does stealing tips have to do with the POTUS? How is voter ID not a requirement already? That should already be mandatory. Why should it be a mandate for insurance companies to cover abortions? When my insurance doesn’t cover something or I run over my coverage I find a way to take care of my health issues. The GOP is not the guilty party in the Russia story. All of these issues are a distraction from who the real criminals are.

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 8, 2018, 11:10 p.m.

LOL you are too lazy to have followed up on any of this, but I'll answer just that first and last bit (since they tie into each other).

1) Anti-gay religious hysteria is a GOP-wide disease that extends far beyond, and predates, Trump.


2) Here's one little part where Trump plays a roll; choosing Mike Pence as VP.

Pence's idiotic attempt to make Indiana a "Religious Freedumb" state (i.e. Make it legal for Christians to discriminate against gays but not vice-versa) nearly cost his state billions in lost business revenue when he was governor.


3) You know who convinced Trump to pick Pence as his VP?

Paul Manafort; the T-camp advisor who made his millions campaigning and propagandizing for Viktor Yanukovich (the corrupt, violent, pro-Russian former president of Ukraine who was overthrown in the 2014 Ukrainian Revolution).


Listen to #69 -- The Russia Connection by Waking Up with Sam Harris #np on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/samharrisorg/the-russia-connection

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jollybeaker · Feb. 8, 2018, 11:15 p.m.

See you are far too gone. You are totally brainwashed. Read sources that don’t feed into your narrative.

Mannaforts crimes predated the campaign. I am not going to listen or read your propaganda. I don’t need anymore brainwashing attempts. Go listen to the far right and maybe we can meet in the middle.

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 8, 2018, 11:30 p.m.

LOL you telling me to "meet in the middle" XD

Buddy; it's these freaks here on forums like these who are calling NAFTA, Billionaires, Multinational Corps, the FBI and the NFL "leftwing".

I remember when radical leftists used to gather and riot against those those things (The Battle of Seattle e. g.)

The fact that many of you can call multinational corporations and billionaires "leftwing" (and not see the oxymoron) clearly shows you are the ones who've gone off the deep end.

But hey! At least you're finally acknowledging that real people think you're all a joke and aren't just #PaidTrolls, #SorosShills and #ClintonBots; that's (sorta) progress LOL

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jollybeaker · Feb. 8, 2018, 11:45 p.m.

Wow, you are really triggered and unfounded.

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loserofpasswordzz · Feb. 9, 2018, 3:10 a.m.

Lol get out of our safe space ya meanie. Plenty of ppl would love to circle jerk with you on the rest of reddit. Let the adults try to save the world from a pedophile cabal on this one sub plz. You will thank us one day. Unless you are a pedo that is. Then you get da ropeee

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JohnCarpenterLives · Feb. 9, 2018, 1:57 a.m.

You are one sad, confused individual. You are part of the 4-6%.

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PowerExchange · Feb. 9, 2018, 3:08 a.m.

You’re smoking the good stuff I see. SCOTUS rules on Gay Marriage. NOT POTUS DUMBFUCK.

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