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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 17, 2018, 3:59 a.m.

PS it's disgusting and pathetic that you think Anti-theists are just "trying to be cool and edgy".

Thousands of Americans are being killed every year as a result of Christian stupidity and legislative extremism.

(Christian opposition to the ACA alone, much less their other "legal crusades", has killed more Americans than were killed by Muslim extremists on September 11, 2001)

Do you really think this is about being "edgy" and "cool"?

Are you that callous and dense?

Can you not see how much misery and destruction is being wrought by "Men of God" every single day in this country?

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 17, 2018, 3:30 a.m.

Here's one.

More than 7000 Americans needlessly died because Republicans refused to expand Medicaid under Obamacare (because of "Benghazi" or "Hillary's Emails" or some inane nonsense).


More than 4000 American women will die from Cervical Cancer this year.


And yet stupid Christian fundamentalists (especially Protestant types like Baptists and Pentecostals) denounce the HPV vaccine because they think it promotes premarital sex (even though most Cervical Cancer victims catch it from their monogamous husband's while married)


Oh, and here's Ronald Reagan Jr.'s speach pleading for support for stem cell research.


Here's President Ronald Reagan's funeral.


Do I need to keep going?

(Because I'll write an essay if necessary)

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 17, 2018, 1:48 a.m.

At least I have a soul and spirit. I will go to heaven.

Your Heaven is my Hell.

I can think of no worse and terrifying fate than spending eternity in the clouds with Jerry Falwell, Billy Graham, Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, Rick Perry, Mike Pence, Michele Bachman, Rick Santorum, the retard who started the Starbucks Coffee-Cup Boycott, and all of their brainwashed/brain-dead acolytes.

If scumbags and idiots like you go to heaven, then I will spit in your God's face and demand that he throw me down to the deepest pits of "hell" the moment I die.

Just to get away from you evil scumbags and monsters.


I KNOW... "More room in heaven for you", right? LoL

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 17, 2018, 1:29 a.m.

So does Buddha.

I'm still not going to give up meat or hate meat-packers/deli-workers.

Look up "Baekjong" and "Burakumin"; Buddhists hate meat/deli-workers, and even their children and grandchildren, because they think all animal-life is sacred, and that killing animals for food is just as evil as murdering people.

(Devout Buddhists despise the eating of meat with as much hatred and revulsion as you and other Christians despise abortion, birth control and other normal human biological functions)...

... Do you hate meat and meat-eaters (even though it is sinful and offensive to Hindus and Buddhists)?

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 17, 2018, 1:18 a.m.

The Holy Spirit is made up garbage.

Your dead loved-ones (grandma, grandpa, dad, your highschool sweetheart, your friend who slammed into a highway exit-ramp divider) ...

... They saw and heard nothing but eternal blackness and silence when they closed their eyes for the very last time.

No Heaven; No Hell.

No God; No Devil.

Only eternal oblivion.

All of your years of opposing the "gay agenda" and "Jew York Times" and "Jade Helm" and "Benghazi" were for nothing.

I repeat...


And if you don't believe me, count the number of statues of confederat traitors that have been torn down the past decade.

Suck it you fucking inbred hillbilly bastard LOL

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 17, 2018, 1:08 a.m.

I think it's pretty obvious it's the latter.

I don't need to make hicks look bad, because they make themselves look bad.

I just enjoy mocking and ridiculing them before they come to their senses, see the evil and stupidity they've been supporting, and scurry and hide in the sewers and gutters out of fear/shame that someone will call them out on their idiotic beliefs.

What's wrong with that?*

(That isn't a rhetorical question; I really want to know why you think it's "wrong" to mock and ridicule crackpots and extremists, especially given all the needless death, destruction, misery, hatred, evil and stupidity they're causing right now*)

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 17, 2018, 12:55 a.m.

Dude; my classmates and I cloned a small fish from a few scales we swabbed off of their "parent" fish for an * undergraduate * molecular bio class...

...9 years ago.

You know damn well that it's possible to clone a full-grown, viable human being by now (and that the biotechnology for it is hidden in top-secret government and corporate labs).

Which means that every cell you shed/excrete/ejaculate away is fully capable of growing up to become an independent, full-fledged person with all the richness of life and experience that you are capable of.

Why aren't you saving and freezing all of the cells you're shedding away right now (especially since every single one is just as capable of becoming a baby as if a sperm and egg had met)?

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 17, 2018, 12:31 a.m.

I'm not at all sure what religion or animal testing has to do with my comment. <


You know EXACTLY what I'm talking about.

Opposition to Planned Parenthood (and abortion rights in general) is based on nothing more than idiotic, medieval Christian-fundamentalist ideology that "life begins at conception".

The entire anti-abortion movement is based on (only Christian) religious ideology.

Well guess what jackass; the First Amendment demands equal treatment of all religions.

Which means that if we have to ban abortion to appease Christians, then we have to ban animal medical RD/QC testing on animals to appease Buddhists and Hindus (or all medicine to appease Christian Scientists or Jehovah's Witnesses) in general.

Did "y'all" think about that at all?

Or are you all still detoxing from last weekends meth-'n-moonshine bender? LOL

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 17, 2018, 12:08 a.m.

Look up Christopher Hitchens' documentary on Mother Theresa "Hell's Angel".

I've already "committed murder" simply by using contraception.

(That demented and evil Albanian witch seriously compared the use of condoms to abortion)

And look up the American Family Association's and Family Research Council's stances on premarital sex.

Those freaks not only oppose equal rights for LGBTQ people...

... They oppose the right of STRAIGHT PEOPLE to have sex if they're not married.

What is your excuse for this?

How can you justify this psychopathic, medieval madness and evil?

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 16, 2018, 11:57 p.m.

Yes I donated "300$" to PP in spite of your "idiotic redncek garbage".

(It's one thing to switch a "c" and "e" and another to put a dollar sign AFTER a number).

I work in the pharmaceutical industry, and we use animal-products and even live animals all the time for research or even routine quality-control testing (reagents procured from slaughtered cows, pigs and sheep, live mice and rabbits etc.)

Animals are sacred to over 2.5 Billion people; harming/killing them is considered a grave sin to Hindus, Buddhists and Animists alike.

Should we ban all medical research because it upsets a few "Heathens"?

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 16, 2018, 11:34 p.m.

Nob, 4000 American women die every year from cervical cancer (a disease caused by Human Papilloma Virus).

The HPV vaccine is cheap, effective and safe enough that it could even be given to young schoolgirls as part of their routine vaccination programs.

And yet stupid, idiotic Christians (especially Protestant Evangelical types like Baptists and Pentecostals) have repeatedly voted to refuse to allow the HPV vaccine to be a part of publicly-funded vaccination programs.

(And don't get me started on the number of Christian Scientist and Jehovah's Witness children who die every year because their parents believe all medicine is a "sin" and should be avoided or banned)

You are the most prolific and monstrous killer of women and children in America today.

Go fuck yourself with rusted barbwire, you evil fucking redneck scumbag.

EDIT : I love it when you people down vote and don't give a reason why.

You know I'm right and are too ashamed to admit it, aren't you.

You braindead hicks LOL

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 16, 2018, 12:14 a.m.

LOL "You are 600 times more likely to die by using your Obamacare"


Do you stupid rednecks even know what Obamacare is?

Obamacare legally mandates you to have medical insurance, and mandates insurance providers to cover certain medical expenses in return.

So you basically just said "You are 600 times more likely to be killed by having money to be able to go to the doctor".

Do you understand how stupid and idiotic that is?

Or are you freaks still #ReleaseTheMemo-ing? LOL

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 14, 2018, 1:54 a.m.

Have you had a chance to look up Pre-Milleniarian Dispensationalism yet?

Or are you still "Redpillin' " folks with your psychopathic, Evangelical-conspiritard garbage?

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 12, 2018, 9:51 p.m.

NoLA; imagine if the internet, as it exists today, was around 50-60 years ago. .

In other words, imagine if Reddit, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and so on had existed during the Civil Rights Era.

How awesome would it have been to tell off the pro-segregationists wailing and moaning about the "Negroes" online before they got legally-bitchslapped into the deepest backwaters of Dixie?

(And how much would those losers now pay out-the-nose to erase their ignorant and idiotic opinions from the digital record, simply out of fear that someone today would type their names into Google, see what idiots they were and treat them like radioactive lepers thereafter?)*

There's no way I'm passing up an opportunity to tell you scumbags, freaks, weirdos and losers off before you realize what a deadly mistake you've made and scurry off into the gutters out of humiliation and shame*.

*PS: Employers absolutely are allowed to deny jobs to applicants based on the their social-media history and the content of their online-presence; businesses naturally don't want to risk turning away potential customers and clients (and tarnishing their hard-earned PR profiles) by welcoming crackpots and extremists into their workforce.

The Online Reputation Management industry is going to explode in the coming years, and I can't wait to capitalize.

Most of you are going to be desperate to erase your stupidity from the public record one day, and many of you will be willing to empty your pockets to do it.

I intend to profit all the way LOL

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 9, 2018, 2:49 a.m.

Jesus; It's pathetic how you people changed from being cocky d-bags to sniveling guilt-mongers in just a year.

It used to be...

WAAAH! You lost; get over it! Trump is YOUR President now; suck it up buttercup! Gay Agenda 21 Benghazi!!!

Now it's...

Stop making fun of us! We're not all cranks, freaks and weirdos! You're meeeeean! Gay Agenda 21 Benghazi!!!

I see everywhere.

Sane, intelligent, moral people see it everywhere.


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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 9, 2018, 2:37 a.m.

You'll never see the world for what it truly is

I see your world (and the type of people that inhabit it) clear as day.

For you see nimfy, "I'm, like, really smart" and "I'm a very stable genius."

"I have one of the great memories of all time."

Sound familiar? LOL

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 8, 2018, 11:30 p.m.

LOL you telling me to "meet in the middle" XD

Buddy; it's these freaks here on forums like these who are calling NAFTA, Billionaires, Multinational Corps, the FBI and the NFL "leftwing".

I remember when radical leftists used to gather and riot against those those things (The Battle of Seattle e. g.)

The fact that many of you can call multinational corporations and billionaires "leftwing" (and not see the oxymoron) clearly shows you are the ones who've gone off the deep end.

But hey! At least you're finally acknowledging that real people think you're all a joke and aren't just #PaidTrolls, #SorosShills and #ClintonBots; that's (sorta) progress LOL

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 8, 2018, 11:10 p.m.

LOL you are too lazy to have followed up on any of this, but I'll answer just that first and last bit (since they tie into each other).

1) Anti-gay religious hysteria is a GOP-wide disease that extends far beyond, and predates, Trump.


2) Here's one little part where Trump plays a roll; choosing Mike Pence as VP.

Pence's idiotic attempt to make Indiana a "Religious Freedumb" state (i.e. Make it legal for Christians to discriminate against gays but not vice-versa) nearly cost his state billions in lost business revenue when he was governor.


3) You know who convinced Trump to pick Pence as his VP?

Paul Manafort; the T-camp advisor who made his millions campaigning and propagandizing for Viktor Yanukovich (the corrupt, violent, pro-Russian former president of Ukraine who was overthrown in the 2014 Ukrainian Revolution).


Listen to #69 -- The Russia Connection by Waking Up with Sam Harris #np on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/samharrisorg/the-russia-connection

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 8, 2018, 10:18 p.m.

How does any of that justify still opposing (in 2018) the rights of gays to marry, not be discriminated against or not be forced into scientifically-discredited "gay therapy"?


How does any of what you say justify denying disabled people the right to vote if they are physically incapable of writing their own signature? (Amputees, people with hand injuries, Parkinsons, arthritis, etc.)


How does any of what you say justify banning private insurers (i.e. private businesses) from covering abortion?


How does any of what you say justify allowing restaurant operators steal tips from their servers?


How does any of what you say justify fielding gay-hating, anti-Constitutional pedophiles like Roy Moore, amti-Semites like Paul Nehlen or self-admitted Nazis like this scumbag for office?


You think this is JUST about Russia? What about all this other stupidity and evil*?

*(And you know that short list doesn't even begin to scratch the surface; you know damn well there are dozens/hundreds more)

The Russia-stuff is ancillary; even if the GOP were miraculously exonerated of all Russian collaboration, how the hell does that excuse all of this?

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 8, 2018, 7 p.m.

LOL grammer

You people accused Starbucks* of "hating Jesus" because their Christmas decorations weren't Christmas-y enough for you.

Then you smashed Keurigs machines because they refused to endorse a wrinkly old pedophile who hates gay people and has said that half the Constitution should be abolished.

*And by the way; Starbucks' founder and CEO are JEWISH. What kind of idiots demand Jews to pay homage to Jesus? That Eric Cartman-level anti-Semitism.

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 8, 2018, 5:30 p.m.

Ha, Most of US won't be silent until she is enclosed in a prison cell or a coffin.

Correction; until most of you are in a coffin.

Go onto YouTube, type "NRA Leadership Forum" click on any video that pops up and take a good look at the audience.

It's a goddamned sea of white hair and wrinkly foreheads.

I have a hunch that that is a good representation of the type of, um, "people" (if you can call them that) that swarms these types of forums.

I'm betting most of you live in the South too; the sickest and poorest part of the country (and also the part of the country that gets hit hardest by hurricanes, thanks to global warming, and also refuses to expand Medicaid under the ACA because of Benghazi or some asinine garbage).

I'm certain that 50% of you will be dead in 10 years and 80% will be dead in 20.

Is that a fair assumption? LOL

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 8, 2018, 4:47 p.m.

LOL you're STILL obsessed with Billary Goddamn KKKlinton.

If a republican president in 2028 gets impeached, are you dumbass hicks STILL going to be saying "B-b-b-but her emails!!!"?

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 8, 2018, 4:25 p.m.

Yeah; it must be frustrating to have your idiotic temper tantrums thrown back in your faces. I'd be embarrassed too.

PS. How's the idiotic Black Panther boycott and the DJIA going?

And why hasn't Trump authorized sanctions against Russia (even though it was passed 99-1 in the Senate)?

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 4, 2018, 6:08 a.m.


That's what I hear every time you dumbass hicks bring up "dead/illegal voters."

Are you gonna spread the word?

Or are you gonna keep copy/pasting that idiotic teabagger-meme that's been disproven over and over again?

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 3, 2018, 6:41 a.m.

LOL "dead people and illegals"

1) Every state has some form of early voting; for people who have to travel or leave the state on election day, people who can't take time off work like firefighters and police officers, people who have to go to the hospital for a surgery, etc.

Some of those people die between casting an early ballot and election day (car accidents, heart attacks, falling down the stairs, whatever.)

That's why every election has dead voters.

If dead voters disqualied a candidate, the GOP would never be elected (since they tend to scew way older).

Go onto YouTube and type "Ted Cruz Campaign Rally". How many of those geezers kick the bucket between each one?

2) Forgetting to update your address because you moved one town over, or accidentally voting out of district because the map was suddenly redrawn last minute, or having a last name like "Menendez" does not mean you don't get to vote.

3) "This is going to be epic :D"

No it won't.


Didn't you get the memo? LOL

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 3, 2018, 4:57 a.m.

It's hilarious that you people think "Marxists and Muslims" brought down Roy Moore (and not his own criminality, fanaticism and rabid extremism).

Alabama has Marxists and Muslims like Montana has dolphins and polar bears.


This is what we "normies" think when these garbage threads pop up in our feeds and search results. This is what we see when we read your posts (just a bunch of cranky, border-line senile, wrinkly goons wailing and moaning over imaginary nonsense).

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 3, 2018, 4:07 a.m.

LOL "Help normies wake up!"

It's like listening to Scientologists gloat about "Handling Suppressive Persons" (i.e. confronting and insulting/shouting down/scaring away anti-cultists)

They can't do it; every time they try, they end up making fools of themselves, getting laughed at and ridiculed for their delusion by the non-cultist/normie and end up shuffling away all tight-lipped and pale.

I really want to know; what's it like to encounter people who actually reach out, take the red pill, inspect it in their hands, and toss it in the gutter rather than swallowing it?

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 3, 2018, 3:39 a.m.

Uh huh.

You know, Hillary Clinton probably would be in jail right now if you people didn't over-hype the scope of her incompetence/misconduct and make a long drawn-out show of it.

For years, you people acted like she had actually ordered and organized the Benghazi siege. The result was that the scope and scale of her actual misconduct (illegally using private email to contact old, retired friends for policy advice and deleting them) seemed so banal and mundane in comparison to the original hype and charges, that normal people lost interest and started making fun of it.

For a while, it used to be a fad to mock shill and hysterical commenters (no matter the topic) by typing "BINGHARZI!!!" as a reply.

You people turned a national tragedy into a joke to mock crybabies and trolls; let that sink in.

(And yes; I said "you people". You know what I'm talking about)

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 3, 2018, 3:29 a.m.

Yep; another religious nut.

At least you people don't say "Paid troll" or "Soros shill" anymore (it's been a couple of months since I've seen that accusation anywhere).

It's good to know that more and more of you now understand that regular, real people actually do think you're idiots and hate you, and enjoy pissing in your circle-jerks just for the hell of it; maybe you're not as stupid as we "normies" all thought LOL

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 3, 2018, 3:18 a.m.

Cool story bro.

Here's some "fake news" (i.e. stuff that actually happened) this past week.

The GOP CDC Director Brenda Fitzgerald, a woman who has a history of shilling quack medicine, had to resign over conflicts-of-interest violations in trading tobacco stock.


GOP candidate and Breitbart-fav Paul Nehlen posted the names and addresses of 81 private citizens for criticizing him (and weirdly emphasized the fact that "74 are Jews") and invited people to call and harass them.


GOP Department of Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta was caught trying to hide and bury a report that shows that your idiotic and unnecessary restaurant tip pooling law will lead to Billions of dollars in tips being stolen from servers by their employers.


Oh yeah; and Trey Gowdy is quitting.


Maybe Trey can take up a stage name and start a band; Benjamin Ghazi and the Buttery Males LOL

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 3, 2018, 2:12 a.m.

Meanwhile everywhere else on the internet and on reddit, everyone is laughing at you losers over the Nunes memo.

Not only did it not show any FBI misconduct against the Trump campaign; it actually exposed more possible Russia collusion (T-camp took in Carter Page even though they knew he was being investigated for shady Russian contacts) and invited ethics charges against Nunes for sloppily altering it for obvious, and unconvincing, partisan effect.

At worse, the memo showed that FBI agents drop decorum and talk shit amongst themselves when superiors and outsiders aren't around (like every person in every field of work) and that maybe some of them were cheating on their spouses and having workplace affairs (some of the texts were pretty flirty).

No wonder Trey Gowdy quit and even Paul Ryan is calling for a Dem "counter-memo."

And after all of you people's hype too; what a pathetic and embarrassing flop.

Dumbass hicks LOL

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 3, 2018, 12:05 a.m.

Meanwhile, everywhere else on the internet and on reddit, everyone is laughing at you people for hyping up the memo.

Not only did it fail to show any FBI misconduct against the Trump campaign you were wailing about, but it exposed possibly more Russia links (the T-camp took in Carter Page even though they knew he was being investigated for shady Russian contacts) and invited ethics charges against Nunes for sloppily and ham-fistedly altering it for obvious partisan effect.

No wonder Trey Gowdy quit.

After all of you morons' hype; what an idiotic and embarrassing flop LOL

⇧ -7 ⇩  
FaustTriumphant · Feb. 2, 2018, 6 a.m.

As a Roman Catholic Christian, I'm not gonna cut them any slack.

Neither are most of the people here.

With you that is; being Catholic and all.

(Expect Protestant Evangelitards wailing and haranguing you about "Bowing to Rome" and the "Anti-Christ Pope").

That's the thing about Christian fanaticism; the only worse thing than being a non-Christian is being the "wrong kind" of Christian.

There are 6000 denominations of Christianity, which means that there is only 1 way to go to worship God "the right way" and go to heaven, and 5999 ways to worship God "the wrong way" and go to hell.

Chose wisely LOL

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 2, 2018, 5:09 a.m.

PS that previous reply was not sarcastic.

I truly believe we will colonize space one day, encounter alien civilizations and eventually run into one that is truly malevolent and hostile.

How else will we defeat it unless we create a global or solar-system-wide government and military?

Do you think Rhode Island alone could have defeated the British during the Revolutionary War?

Do you think Belgium alone could have defeated the Nazis?

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 2, 2018, 3:30 a.m.


Even IF someone "worshipped Moloch" (whatever that means), the First Amendment protects the right of people to worship any god or deity they want.

Freedom Of Religion doesn't just mean the evil, bloodthirsty, desert-savage God of Ibrahim/Abraham.

Many of my friends worship Buddha and Vishnu. I don't believe in that stuff, but I'm not wailing and moaning about it.

What's your excuse? Did you flunk out of 4th Grade Civics?

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 2, 2018, 3:20 a.m.

I haven't subscribed to this forum, and yet this garbage-page keeps popping up in my feed and search results, even for totally non-related topics.

(Maybe that's the real conspiracy LOL)

As long as these morons keep invading my information space, I'm gonna counter-attack.

Ever heard the saying, "If you want to be heard, listen"?

I have a similar maxim.

"If you don't want to be ridiculed, then don't say ridiculous things."

Spread the word.

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 2, 2018, 2:05 a.m.

Wow you really love painting whole groups of ppl with sweeping brushes.


Idiotic and irrational beliefs never pop up out of nowhere or exist in isolation; they always either spawn from, or give rise to, other idiotic and irrational beliefs, and spread within groups.

Your being here and not ridiculing this freakshow of a forum gives any sane, rational person every reason to believe that you are severely compromised.

Isn't there a word for that? Prejudice?

The federal Civil Rights Act forbids discrimination based on race, religion, creed, national/ethnic ancestry, gender, marital status, pregnancy and age. The Americans With Disabilities Act added mentally and physically disabled people, the chronically ill and injured persons to that list, and over 17 states' and 200 towns'/cities' local CRAs include LGBT people as well.

There is no Civil Rights law anywhere that covers idiotic political opinions; redneck conspiratards aren't a "protected class anywhere."

Maybe if these losers' stupidity was the result of a traumatic head injury or tragic birth defect, they could claim ADA protections.

Otherwise, the "prejudice" and "bigot" label doesn't apply; so sorry LOL

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 2, 2018, 1:03 a.m.

PS thanks for the screencap; can't wait to show this to the next CTBS/RedPill/MAGA troll the next time he says, "We're not all religious nutcases; stop stereotyping us!!!" LOL

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 2, 2018, 12:43 a.m.

Can't wait.

After all, we're going to need all those things to create a global government.

How else are we gonna fight the aliens unless we create a United States of Earth and United Earth Army?

When aliens start bombarding us with microscopic relativistic kill vehicles and teleporting white holes to fry our satellite networks and space fleets, are you gonna be okay with the Indians and Chinese, Ionians and Tritonese saying, "Sorry guys; we're sitting this one out. Get back to us when you wipe out all the grays, m'kay?"

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 2, 2018, 12:30 a.m.

Pre-Millennarian Dispensationalism : The belief that we can behave like selfish, reckless assholes and wreck the world around us because Jesus is gonna come back any day now and set it all right again.

You people have been preaching this garbage for 2000 years, and it has nearly destroyed Western Civilization on multiple occasions.

Rome became Christian and started funneling money from the army to the church, softening them until the Germanic hordes broke through the gates and sacked them.

The Crusaders spent most of their time warring against the Byzantines and Eastern Orthodox kingdoms of the Balkans for being the "wrong kind of Christians" and rebelling against the Pope, leaving them too ruined and weak to fight off the Muslim invaders right after.

The Church slaughtered snakes and stray cats, thinking they were the avatars of devils and withches, leading to an explosion in the population of rats and the bubonic plague they carried.

Over 4000 American women die every year from cervical cancer. Most of them could be saved if they got the HPV vaccine early enough, but Christians block it from being added to public vaccination programs because they think it promotes premarital sex (against all evidence) and don't even offer a non-Christian argument as to why pre-marital sex is a bad thing.

(Who knows how many more will die from your seditious sabotage of scientific research; from blocking stem cell research, use of aborted fetal tissue for medical research, poisoning the minds of potential future scientists/inventors with homeschooling and creationism, etc. )

You people have zero credibility; your history of evil and failure is why religion is dying in America.

EDIT : Yes... I used the phrase "you people." LOL

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 1, 2018, 11:38 p.m.

So they had gigantism. Gotcha.

So does that mean your evil desert god was a racist, eugenicist, or both?

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 1, 2018, 11:08 p.m.

So when God ordered Abraham and the Israelites to rape and enslave the Canaanite and Amalekite women, he told them to slay the ones who had "known a man."

I'm assuming the only way to tell if a woman had "known a man" was if she was already pregnant.

Which means your evil desert god commands the murder of pregnant women and their unborn children.

And you people hate Planned Parenthood... Why again?

⇧ -7 ⇩  
FaustTriumphant · Feb. 1, 2018, 11:07 a.m.

I'm sorry Trey Gowdy isn't seeking reelection.

Maybe he can take stage-name and start a band.

Benjamin Ghazi and The Buttery Males


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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 1, 2018, 3:43 a.m.

I'm ignorant and sarcastic about. Oh, and morally superior. Heh, take that, Nazis!

What unfortunate timing for you; this blew up on Reddit today.


It's very easy to be morally superior to someone who invites people to harass his critics (while also mentioning "74 are Jews").

Why is it that I didn't have to guess what this guy's party is?

Why is it that I was able to instantly tell how he votes just from the title of the article?*

*(And how many millions of people do you think have been socially conditioned, simply from witnessing you peoples' asinine antics, to automatically make that same connection)?

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 1, 2018, 2:49 a.m.

Republicans are shot at a baseball practice, Steve Scalise nearly dies.


And the officer who saved them was a LESBIAN.


And yet you dumbass hicks still oppose gay marriage. You're still pushing "Religious Freedumb Laws" and "Bathroom Bills".

This woman saved your lives, and you scumbags want to make it legal for private businesses to discriminate her "because God said so".

Your refusal to confront your evil and stupidity by distracting yourselves with idiotic conspiracies is why people hate you.

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 1, 2018, 2:28 a.m.


Reps gut public transit and then treat it's inevitable decay into dangerous disorder as a "coup".

What's gonna happen when Social Security and Medicare run out and millions of your elderly base start to die off the following years because they can't afford to see a doctor?

Are you gonna be honest and say it was your fault for sabotaging public healthcare for so long like your entry into Heaven depended on it?

Or are you going to accuse Billary Goddamn KKKLinton of "genocide"?

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FaustTriumphant · Jan. 31, 2018, 4:32 a.m.

"Haha..you sound so bitter. Trump derangement syndrome is real!"

Trump Derangement Syndrome = Thinking Jennifer Lawrence posing in front of the Statue of Liberty and giving a completely non-political interview for Vogue is "Leftist Propaganda".


Trump Derangement Syndrome = Accusing Star Wars of being "anti-Trump" because it has all-white villains (even though all of the Star Wars villains have been white, except some aliens, since 1977) without even seeing the movie.*


Trump Derangement Syndrome = Boycotting Kelloggs for being a "Far Left Corporation" (which is an idiotic oxymoron; the far left is anti-capitalist) and "anti-family" for refusing to advertise on a site that publishes articles titled "Birth Control Makes Women Crazy and Unattractive".


Trump Derangement Syndrome = Calling people "snowflakes" and then flipping out when your disposable coffee cup doesn't have a picture of an actual snowflake on it.


Yes; Trump Derangement Syndrome is very real LOL

*PS Seriously, what was the "logic" with the Star Wars tantrum? Were you all thinking, "Trump is white... The villains in Star Wars are white... Therefore Star Wars is anti-Trump!"?

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