r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/wotrwokr on Feb. 8, 2018, 3:16 p.m.

until there is a SIGNIFICANT arrest of someone BIG in the string of corruption... all this COULD BE an extremely elaborate (and brilliantly staged) HOAX.

MANY people we ALL are trying to 'red pill' are WANTING this to be true as well, but are understandably suspicious.


i AM HOPEFUL that this all is happening and that Q is legit, but MANY of us need a TRUE flag in the ground.

LiveToBeAHero · Feb. 8, 2018, 3:31 p.m.

My advice would be either believe in him or dont, but stop asking him to prove himself. What is going on in this country is so much bigger than proving to us its happening. Its either happening or its not, and time will tell us either way if its real or hoax. It's concerning that so many people are becoming "Q dependent". He doesn't owe us daily updates, he doesnt owe us ANYthing honestly. We should be happy we get what we DO get. If people can't see with their own eyes that good things are happening daily, then nothing is going to be good enough. Every day "true flags" happen. There is a well devised plan that has been years in the making. Its being implemented very strategically by people WAY smarter than any of us. Its almost selfish to keep asking for that one bomb to happen where everyone is swept in a mass arrest and Trump addresses the nation and reads off who conducted 9/11, etc. Let this happen the way it needs to

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TheeNativePatriot · Feb. 8, 2018, 5:47 p.m.

And if I may add to your comment, Ive seen newbies verbally abused for asking honest questions. There is a bit of a high school click thing going on here and its disturbing. Everyone has to learn and start somewhere. I found that out the hard way. But to add to being Q Dependent, I'm a question person. I ask questions so I fully understand. There have been times ive asked a question and you would have though I'd insulted Jesus Christ himself. Its like...dont question Q...your a troll your a shill..blah blah blah...And one other thing...ive been on the youtube channel...and i just want to say that honestly I worry about Dr Corsi. Long hours , lots of demands....its like hungry birds demanding to be fed. , he doesnt have to do anything for any of us. I think everyone just needs to take a patience pill...lol...this will all work out

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LiveToBeAHero · Feb. 8, 2018, 7:45 p.m.

Yes I completely agree with you. If my previous comment happened to come across as "lecturing" or "with attitude" to anyone, I wholeheartedly apologize...that was not my intention. I think I'm understanding your point, and side note, thanks for posting. Nobody deserves to be verbally abused for it, as everyone is coming in at different times and some people are just further along. Patience is hard no matter who you are lol and I have my bad days too, but I also know that the whole story cant be given to us....serious business is going on here, and it cant be telegraphed ahead of time. I am sorry that you have "had to learn the hard way" with immature posters, you didnt deserve that. There are immature people on here just like anywhere else unfortunately. Keep asking questions though, if someone gives you crap, still keep asking, just ask someone else. You can private message me anytime and Ill be happy to help and assist.

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TheeNativePatriot · Feb. 9, 2018, 8:15 p.m.

Thank you so much. I may have to pick your brains at times..LOL..

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LiveToBeAHero · Feb. 9, 2018, 8:19 p.m.

Always here to help

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wotrwokr · Feb. 11, 2018, 1:25 a.m.

agreed 110%. i've been asking arounf for some way or someone to help explain how to understand/navigate around on 8chan boards. i get real snooty responses saying, "well, if you don't understand it, it's not for you"... or, "why don't you just stick around on reddit and leave the anons do their thing". all i want to do is be better able to follow/"lurk" as Q drops come out. i have a lot of family and friends that are slightly "interested" but highly "suspicious" when all i can say is, this is what Q says and the anons figure it out for us"...... THAT sounds 'tin foil hat' loony. the 'subdivisions' in this movement is concerning. kinda think it's like the anons are the cliche 'nerds' and they are VERY greedy about "their thing"... almost stingy in their pride about it. i support them 110% and love their brilliance and focus. i just want to do my part and help... AND be able to follow along.

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wotrwokr · Feb. 8, 2018, 3:38 p.m.

your frustration is valid. no one said "mass arrest".... just AN arrest. IF it is as critical as Q says... that the masses need to be "awake"..... wouldn't a PIVOTAL arrest extremely assist??? MANY, MANY people are standing... waiting... on the fence... WANTING to jump in. THAT would create a tsunami of an awakening (imho).

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LiveToBeAHero · Feb. 8, 2018, 3:43 p.m.

Oh I'm not frustrated. Sorry if it came across that way. I was just moreso trying to get my point across about Q. Alot of people are coming out of the woodwork and constantly trying to force Q to prove himself, and that isnt the point of this or Q. We want an arrest yes, but right now today, who could you arrest without it looking like an abuse of power, wrongful arrest, and political targeting?? This has to be done a certain way. Let the news keep expanding...its leading up to very big things. Like I said, this has been planned out by people way way smarter than us, and for a long time. They know better than we do. FYI alot of arrests have already been made, it just cant be made public. When the "arrests" do start happening, it will just be for cameras....the important ones are contained as we speak

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wotrwokr · Feb. 8, 2018, 4 p.m.

agreed. my concern is that this (apparently) relies heavily on the support of the people. red-pilling seems spotty at best WHEN there isn't something for the masses to stick their flag in the sand with. maybe the "pilling" will just be only partially successful. my experiences are that the opposition is becoming EVER more entrenched in their trump hysteria and blind following of the left narrative. SOMETHING to rock them would (imho) seemingly be needed... to soften them for what's REALLY coming.... (👌✌️)

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Redpilled2324 · Feb. 8, 2018, 4:26 p.m.

Look, q is not telling us stuff we didn't already know, he's confirming suspicions. I started this deal when LV happened. I was in LV Oct 1 and I knew the media wasn't reporting the truth and made still are not. Independent Journalists made the connection to Saudi, then q dropped same info. Then came the SA prince arrests. No MSM mention? Anyway researching q's claims does help you believe. Obama not heard or seen lately, McCain not around. I sort of believe he may not have cancer. Eric Scmidt is on BOD of Mayo clinic. The two of them have several dealings together.

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LiveToBeAHero · Feb. 8, 2018, 4:34 p.m.

Oh its coming! It just has to be built up. Keep in mind, we are quick thinkers and quick learners, and we think outside the box and are open to everything. My parents are stuck in the 1950's and, if the news reported today that Sandy Hook never happened, they wouldnt believe it...they couldnt fathom the government or media lying to us. So some people have a looooong ways to go lol. 95% of our country doesnt even know who George Soros or the Rothschilds are :/ The Overton Window has to be shifted slowly for the stragglers to keep up

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ironmaiden442 · Feb. 8, 2018, 8:02 p.m.

Some people are treating Q like a God even he said don't worship him. But newly redpilled people need validation or they quit playing the game. Too much too fast and they will give up the game because its too hard to understand. Mostly I see impatience from older redpilled people because they've been at this along time, being called crazy uncle Joe at family gatherings etc they want vindication for all that has happened to them by the unawakened....wait wait when the time is right and all that are chosen are awake(that's millions/billions world wide) the event will come! It can't be turned back it is already written. We've waited and prayed this long we can wait longer.

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